Nuclear Throne
legacy of Static Challenge Links
The challenges have concluded. The final statement from Solid regarding the challenges can be found as the conclusion of the last challenge.

-Original Post-

Hello. As time has progressed and a few months have passed people have had some questions about past challenges. I don't really want to daisy chain the challenges together through a single link to the previous week repeating in every post; the past runs are important to reference from time to time. I am just creating a post in the forum that I can use as the basis for challenge links. If people want they can ask questions or have discussions in reference to this, but the main purpose is for a quick way to find previous challenge posts made by Solid.

The Challenge
Win: Wizard
Robot Challenge
Win: Wizard
Gold Challenge
Win: Qinji
Evil Wizard Challenge
Win: Wizard, Qinji, Meow
Awesome Glitch Challenge
Win: Meow
Passive Challenge
Win: Meow
Rami RNG Challenge
Win: Wizard
Suicide Pact Challenge
Win: Skooma
One Hand Challenge
Win: Qinji; New Runner: K.H.
Perfect J.W. Challenge
Win: Meow; New Runner: Ganil
Elminister Challenge
Win: Meow; New Runner: Kurtthehedgehog (Bob)
Stoopid Challenge
Win: Wizard; New Runner: Def
Classic RPG Challenge
Win: Wizard; New Runner: Aruru (2); Minor Wins: Def , Kurtthehedgehog (Bob) (2)
Crazy Hedgehog Challenge
Win: Aruru; Minor Wins: Aruru (1), Def, Forkkify, Qinji
Badass Qinji Challenge
Win: Forkkify; Minor Wins: Wizard, Aruru, Shaton, Kakujo, Kurtthehedgehog (Bob)
Kitty Thief Challenge
Win: Forkkify; Minor Wins: Def, Shaton, Kurtthehedgehog (Bob)
Bad Luck Challenge
Win: Forkkify; Minor Wins: Meow, Shaton (2)
Kozilek Savant Challenge
Win: Wizard; Minor Wins: Meow, Shaton, Elminister
Chillax Gieron Challenge
Win: Meow; Minor Wins: Meow (2), Cygnus
Ganil Artist Challenge
Win: Kakujo, Wizard, Meow, Jack, Rioku, Gieron
Broken Health Drops Challenge
Win: Meow; Minor Win: Meow (4)
Melee Challenge
Win: Wizard; Minor Win: Wizard (2), Ganil
Joonas Challenge
Win: Wizard
Hardcore Wizard Challenge
Win: Meow; Minor Win: Meow (3), Klilidiplomus, Cygnus, Elminister, Wizard
Forkkify Elements Challenge
Win: Ster; Minor Win: Ster, Klilidiplomus (2), Kurtthehedgehog (Bob)
Community Challenge
Win: Krinku; Minor Win: Krinku, Kurtthehedgehog (Bob), Klilidiplomus (3)
Full Circle Challenge
Win: Def; Minor Win: maxim.pakhomenko, Krinku (2)
Save the Sentry Challenge
Win: Klilidiplomus; Minor Win: Krinku, Wizard (2)
Dual Shaton Challenge
Win: Krinku; Minor Win: Krinku (5)
Gun God Challenge
Win: Krinku; Minor Win: Krinku (2)
Pietepiet Challenge
Win: Klilidiplomus; Minor Win: Krinku, Jack, Cygnus, Kurtthehedgehog (Bob)
Sniper Challenge
Win: Krinku; Minor Win: Krinku (2)
Ultra Challenge
Win: Klilidiplomus; Minor Win: Jack, Lazy Scoobyfoo, Collen N
Speed Challenge
Win: Krinku ; Minor Win: Krinku, Collen N, Cygnus
Jackpot Challenge
Win: Krinku; Minor Win: Klilidiplomus, Jack
WWSD Challenge
Win: Krinku; Minor Win: Klilidiplomus, Lazy Scoobyfoo
Rogue Challenge
Win: Krinku; Minor Win: One eyed Joe, Jack
RNG Choices Challenge
Win: Krinku; Minor Win: One eyed Joe, Klilidiplomus
Flawless Challenge
Win: Krinku; Minor Win: One eyed Joe, Kordnish
Wasteland Challenge
Win: LeonidasCraft
Dagelijks Challenge
Win:One eyed Joe; Minor Win: Klilidiplomus, Lazy Scoobyfoo
Postmortem Challenge
Win: Gieron; Minor Win: One eyed Joe, Krinku
The Distance Challenge
Win: One eyed Joe; Minor Win: Jack, Cygnus
Strong Arm Challenge
Win: One eyed Joe
Visual Clutter Challenge
Win: Kurtthehedgehog (Bob); Runner Up: One eyed Joe
Click Click Clack Challenge
Win: One eyed Joe
Drops Challenge
Win: Ster, Sqiddster
Mind of Metal
Win: One eyed Joe; Runner Up: Ster
The Full Gieron Challenge
Win: Ster; Runner Up: Candlelight
Magic Mouse Challenge
Win: Ster; Runner Up: Candlelight
Hateful Ledraps Challenge
Win: Krinku; 2nd: Ster; 3rd: One eyed Joe
GGL Challenge
Win: Candlelight; 2nd: McSwift; 3rd: HuntyMgee
Biggest Dog Challenge
Biggest Dog: Gieron
Super Mutant Challenge
Win: One eyed Joe (3)
Leo Rage Challenge
Win: McSwift; 2nd: One eyed Joe; 3rd: Candlelight
Fluury Futures Challenge
Win: One eyed Joe (2)
Community Disobedience Challenge
Win: EC-10; 2nd: Jack; Community in favor of loop direction.
Home Run Challenge
Win: EC-10; 2nd: One eyed Joe
Impossible 7 Challenge
Win: EC-10; Additional Wins: EC-10 (2), One eyed Joe, LGS Sleepypants (2), Kordnish
One Eyed Joe Challenge
Win: Krinku; Additional Wins: LGS Sleepypants, EC-10 (4), One Eyed Joe
Overkill Challenge
Win: EC-10; Additional Wins: EC-10 (3), One eyed Joe (2), LGS Sleepypants
Br0k3n Challenge
Win: One eyed Joe; Additional Wins: One eyed Joe (2), LGS Sleepypants, EC-10
Basically Unusable Challenge
Win: McSwift; Additional Wins: McSwift, One eyed Joe (2), HuntyMgee, RedFox
Stray Shots Challenge
Win: One eyed Joe; Additional Wins: Krinku (3), McSwift (2)
Epix Challenge
Win: One eyed Joe; Additional Wins: One eyed Joe, Krinku
Heroes Challenge
Win: Krinku; Additional Wins: Krinku (3), One eyed Joe (2)
Balance Challenge
Win: Krinku; Additional Wins: Krinku, Soma (2), One eyed Joe
Little Toys Challenge
Win: One eyed Joe; Additional Wins: One eyed Joe (3)
Everybody Wins Challenge
Win: One eyed Joe; Looped: Krinku, Horheristo, Boss, RiantDeliration, SecretPocketCat, Diplodocus, Qcore09
Back Pack Challenge
Win: One eyed Joe; Additional Wins: Horheristo, Boss
Fully Loaded Challenge
Win: Horheristo; Additional Wins: One eyed Joe (3)
Requested Challenge
Win: Horheristo; Additional Wins: AdamTB, One eyed Joe
Heavy Auto Challenge
Win: Horheristo; Additional Wins: Soma(2), Collen, RedFox, HuntyMgee
10K Challenge
Win: Horheristo; 1K Kills: Boss, Tommydestroyer, Calculoser, McSwift, Stef Verzelen, Squireofthedance
Swiftest Challenge
Win: Horheristo; 1.1K Kills: One eyed Joe
Blarg Blarg Challenge
Win: Horheristo; 800 Kills: One eyed Joe, Qcore09, Tommydestroyer, Boss
Survival Challenge
Standard Win: Horheristo; Stacking Win: Boss; 1.5K Kills: One eyed Joe, Tommydestroyer, SecretPocketCat, Spoon!, Qinji
Crown of Eagle Eyes Challenge
Win: Horheristo; 1.5K Kills: One eyed Joe, Qcore09, Spoon! , Diplodocus, Tommydestroyer
Skelly Challenge
Win: Horheristo; 700 Kills: One eyed Joe
Power Overwhelming Challenge
Win: Horheristo; 1,200 Kills: One eyed Joe, RiantDeliration, Boss
Weapon Master Challenge
Win: Horheristo; 1,000 Kills: One eyed Joe, RiantDeliration, Emperor J
Weapon Master Challenge
Win: One eyed Joe; 1,200 Kills: Horheristo, RiantDeliration, Emperor J, Boss, SecretPocketCat, Starbitstorm, Soma is Batman
Crown of Death Challenge
Win: One eyed Joe; 2,500 Kills: Spoon, SecretPocketCat
Wut Iz Update Challenge
Win: One eyed Joe; 1,000 Kills: RedFox, Spoon, SecretPocketCat, Arjandhaliwal, Starbitstorm
Party Challenge
Win: SecretPocketCat
Hardestmode Challenge
Win: One eyed Joe; 500 Kills: Spoon, Emperor J, Peexshul, Boss, SecretPocketCat
Equivalency Challenge
Win: Liquid; 1,000 Kills: One eyed Joe
Beep Boop Challenge
Win: One eyed Joe; 1,000 Kills: Spoon, Liquid, Cal
Breaker Challenge
Win: Horheristo; 1,000 Kills: One eyed Joe, TommyDestroyer, Emperor J, SecretPocketCat
Uncertain Futures Challenge
Win: One eyed Joe
Best/Worst Challenge
Win: One eyed Joe; Additional Wins: One eyed Joe, Boss (2), SecretPocketCat (2)

Most Top Challenge Wins: One eyed Joe (20)/Krinku (14)/Horheristo (12)//Wizard (9)/Meow (8)
Most Total Challenge Wins: One eyed Joe (57)/Krinku (38)/Meow (20)/Horheristo (15)
Longest Win Streak: Horheristo (11)/Krinku (6)/Meow (3)/Forkkify (3)/EC-10 (3)/One eyed Joe (3)
Most Sweeps: Krinku(3)/One Eyed Joe (3)/Meow (1)
Most Loops: Krinku (L8:5_3)
Hardest Challenge: Joonas Challenge
Number of Challenges Solid Owes People: Freeeeeeeedoooooooooooom!!!!!!
Most times someone has won their own challenge: Wizard (1)
Most times someone has been the single winner of their own challenge: 0 - IT NEVER HAPPENED! SOLID WINS! Be quiet Horheristo.
Ultima modifica da Solid; 25 dic 2015, ore 19:53
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Visualizzazione di 1-15 commenti su 17
highest streak is 3 :D
Messaggio originale di meow:
highest streak is 3 :D
You have the highest single streak atm, but you are currently tied for number of wins.
Messaggio originale di Cygnus. 110 glasgows to go!:
wait... Kozilek Savant Challenge?!? dis Kozilek?
I mean, I can't really confirm what Kozilek I was talking to.
Understandable, but it's really too bad that I'm likely to be missing that one... I'm planning on going outta town in a couple days, probably won't be back for 2 weeks
Messaggio originale di Cygnus. 110 glasgows to go!:
Understandable, but it's really too bad that I'm likely to be missing that one... I'm planning on going outta town in a couple days, probably won't be back for 2 weeks
Thats a shame.
wizard again? no paul or joonas ? :p
Messaggio originale di meow:
wizard again? no paul or joonas ? :p
I told certain people that I'd give them challenges... I still have Wizard and another person to get through. Paul would like a challenge, but usually the challenges have something to do with the named person and I don't really have anything that suits him (though I really think I should find something). Justin and Joonas have not said anything and they are not known for too much outside of their craft (really good sounds and art) in the community so I don't know what they would line up with.
*Reminder that this page exists and suggestion that it be updated*
Assuming Solid is subscribed to it.
Messaggio originale di Cygnus. 149 Glasgows To Go!:
*Reminder that this page exists and suggestion that it be updated*
Assuming Solid is subscribed to it.
I'm subbed to nothin'... Yeah... I have plans to do the updates after the next challenge gets released or rather when I figure out what the next challenge is...
Messaggio originale di Solid:
Messaggio originale di Cygnus. 149 Glasgows To Go!:
*Reminder that this page exists and suggestion that it be updated*
Assuming Solid is subscribed to it.
I'm subbed to nothin'... Yeah... I have plans to do the updates after the next challenge gets released or rather when I figure out what the next challenge is...
I was more talking about how the community challenge winners aren't up and the Full Circle Challenge doesn't exist whatsoever on it.
Messaggio originale di Cygnus. 146 Glasgows To Go!:
Messaggio originale di Solid:
I'm subbed to nothin'... Yeah... I have plans to do the updates after the next challenge gets released or rather when I figure out what the next challenge is...
I was more talking about how the community challenge winners aren't up and the Full Circle Challenge doesn't exist whatsoever on it.
Sssssssssshhhhhhhhhhh everything has totally been up today for a while now... nothing to see here.
oooh more stats!
For those who have an interest I am going to leave some challenge drafts for future use.
Wasteland Kings Challenge
Run Specific Rules:
  • Players must select Fish, Crystal, Eyes, Melting, or Plant.
  • Players may only start with the revolver.
  • Weapons must be limited to weapons that were in Wasteland Kings and their golden counterparts as noted on the Required List.
  • Mutations from the Required List must be taken over mutations not on the list (if multiple mutations listed are offered there is no preference as to which one must be picked first).
  • Players cannot take weapons from large weapons chests.
  • When given the option players must select the “no crown” option.
  • Victory is based on distance.
Required List
  • Long Arms
  • Plutonium Hunger
  • Rhino Skin
  • Scarier Face
  • Euphoria
  • Rabbit Paw
  • Extra Feet
  • Lucky Shot
  • Gamma Guts
  • Back Muscle
  • Second Stomach
  • Blood Lust
  • Wasteland Prince (aka Throne Butt)
  • Fish
  • Crystal
  • Eyes
  • Melting
  • Plant
    Classic Weapons
  • Revolver
  • Machine Gun
  • Triple Machine Gun
  • Minigun
  • Sledge Hammer
  • Shovel
  • Shotgun
  • Double Shotgun
  • Auto Shotgun
  • Grenade Launcher
  • Bazooka
  • Sticky Grenade Launcher
  • Crossbow
  • Auto Crossbow
  • Super Crossbow
Ultima modifica da Solid; 8 feb 2015, ore 5:03
I was not aware there are stats here Oo interesting
Can i make a gif for them to ? :D
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Data di pubblicazione: 17 lug 2014, ore 5:52
Messaggi: 17