Nuclear Throne
Best/Worst Challenge
Long ago I saw a game that was very good and teetered on the brink of greatness. A community that was exceptional both of it's own merits, but especially when compared with similar groups. I saw creators who cared not only for their creation and fans, but for ideals; the antithesis of much of the gaming industry. I saw Nuclear Throne as a bastion amongst a sea of properties propped up by greed, fanaticism, and desperation. I'm not going to claim that Nuclear Throne and everything related to it has been perfect. Sweeping everything under the rug does no one any favors and there have certainly been a few rough patches. However on the whole everyone on the dev team, in the community, playing the game; everyone seems to have come out better for it.

My singular purpose here was to support the game's development as best I could. I used the challenges to test the game as it progressed and inadvertently some people had fun along the way. Still need to look that word up. Some called me a sadist, philanthropist, sarcastic idiot, leader, but in reality I simply had the desire to improve something worth my time; a game and it's community. Though I'm sure that some would participate in the challenges endlessly, and I thank those people, the real purpose for them has ended with the release of the game. A game, that in my opinion, fulfills all that was generally promised at the start of Early Access and then some (bugs a side). For a few the challenges were a distraction, for some a stepping stone, for others they were engrossing, but whatever the case I hope they were of value to you. Unlike the others in the community I don't exactly have future plans; no specific games to transition to. As personal issues have become more pressing I have had less and less time; something a few have taken note of. In any case those who need to contact me have ways and those who wish to may friend me at their leisure. Regardless of what people have done or felt; I hope our time together was worth it for all of us.

-Original Post-

Hello. On May 5th, 2014 I released a 'challenge' to the community. There were a lot of discussions, claims, and theories, but there was no confirmation of anything. The community and devs knew things were out of balance, but agreement was a bit slim at that time. I saw a good game on the brink of greatness and did my part to facilitate some testing. During my time I met some really cool people, had the fun times, and exchanged some colorful ideas. Those who need to contact me can friend me and as things come up I may still be around. As things come to an end it only seems fitting that the last challenge should involve something that has never had nay agreement within the community; what the best and worst weapons are.

The person who posts the run with the most kills during a single player recording of a Nuclear Throne before December 26th, 2015 will receive a game via steam (note the rules below).  Additionally any person who posts a video doing the challenge that is the best for their category will be offered a game worth $10 or less on Steam.  Anyone who posts a video of Nuclear Throne crashing will recieve a game from Solid's inventory.

Run Specific Rules: 
  • Player may select any character.
  • Players may start with one of the Best/Worst Weapons and keep it for the entire run.
  • Players cannot use any additional weapons.
  • Players must start with a crown and die with a crown active.
  • Victory is based on number of kills.

Save Edits:  The guide on Steam for save edits is very helpful.  Additionally there is a mod created by 24gz with the blessing of Vlambeer that will assist in save edits.
Seeds:  The guide on Steam for seed edits might help.  The Nuclear Throne Wiki might also be of value.[] 
Wiki: Weekly and monthly questions are on the wiki for the community.[]
Recording Rules:  The run must be done with update 96 - 97.  After the run ends please leave the death screen up for at least 5 seconds so the kills can be confirmed; the kills during run will be determined by the death screen assuming it appears accurate and will determine who wins.  If the run is cut short the last visible load screen will determine the kills of the run.  The run must be done on a version of the game that all Nuclear Throne players have access to.  The video must also be view able in the U.S. so that the run can be confirmed; strongly suggest Youtube or Twitch.  The videos must be embedded in responses to this post or have a direct link to the video in the response to this post.  Do not put any visual or time related edits, aka cuts, into the video during the duration of the run.  Overlays may be accepted as long as most of the game and UI are visible; Solid will intercede if there are any questions.  Audio edits and voice overs are fine.  If you pause or go afk during the run just leave it in the video.  If needed the run can be posted over multiple videos, but it must be apparent that it is the same run; no part of the run may be left out.
Player Win Rules:  Players can post as many runs as they want as submissions as long as there is no obvious spam; players are also encouraged to post their best runs even if they do not win.  If there is a tie I will give the win to the earliest unedited response to this post; it will be based on when the response is made through Steam and not when the video is made.  If the post is edited after I have seen the video in an unedited post then it will still be accepted.  Previous challenge winners can still win this challenge.  Members of the Nuclear Throne Dev Team and people associated with the Dev Team can win the challenge.  Whoever wins will have to accept their game through steam by using the friend system.  This means Solid will friend the winner to pass over the gift, no you are not required to keep Solid on the friends list after the exchange.  Winners may take their games and pass them on to other people.  The player who does the best in the challenge will be offered a game from Solid's inventory or a game from Steam that can be bought in the US. 
Additional Win Rules:  All runs other than the highest who take a category will be offered a game from Solid's inventory or a game worth $10 or less from steam. The standard rules and dates still apply to all runs. The same runner can win multiple times.
Solid's Rules:  If there are any concerns or complaints Solid will have the final say.  The rules for the challenge are subject to modification within the first 24 hours.
Dates:  The official end time for responses to this post will be at 11:59 pm on Friday,  December 25th, 2015 (right before it becomes December 26th, 2015) based on the GMT time zone.  However Solid is a stupid American and MAY accept runs that are posted shortly after the posted time.  Solid should claim the victor and try to contact them around December 26th, 2015.

Best/Worst Weapons
Screwdriver/Golden Screwdriver (27)
SecretPocketCat; Kills: 1227

Pop Gun (69)
Boss; Kills: 1480

Flare Gun (52)
Boss; Kills: 1863

Laser Cannon (55)
One eyed Joe; Kills: 3392

Toxic Bow (31)
SecretPocketCat; Kills: 1744

Double Shotgun (8)
One eyed Joe; Kills: 1763

Post additional questions, clarifications, and ideas in the comments.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Solid; 12.5.2019 klo 17.32
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Näytetään 1-15 / 58 kommentista
Milk 20.12.2015 klo 18.33 
Would the gold screwdriver be considered cheating?
Solid 20.12.2015 klo 18.43 
Tacobandit lähetti viestin:
Would the gold screwdriver be considered cheating?
Eh... I'd allow it.
So wait,each category is each weapon?

So double shotgun is its own category and such?

Same with toxic bow?
(also,why is this called BEST/WORST weapons challenge,derp,all of these weps suck imo)
Milk 20.12.2015 klo 22.02 
Boss% lähetti viestin:
So wait,each category is each weapon?

So double shotgun is its own category and such?

Same with toxic bow?
(also,why is this called BEST/WORST weapons challenge,derp,all of these weps suck imo)
Laser Cannon is bretty gud.
Tacobandit lähetti viestin:
Boss% lähetti viestin:
So wait,each category is each weapon?

So double shotgun is its own category and such?

Same with toxic bow?
(also,why is this called BEST/WORST weapons challenge,derp,all of these weps suck imo)
Laser Cannon is bretty gud.

Never was a fan of it,but still,rest of the weapons are preety bad mid-late game.
Solid 21.12.2015 klo 4.00 
Boss% lähetti viestin:
Tacobandit lähetti viestin:
Laser Cannon is bretty gud.

Never was a fan of it,but still,rest of the weapons are preety bad mid-late game.
Some of the people who are somewhat new to the game/forums listed off their favorite and least favorite weapons as of late (as is noted in the link). These are apparently the new worst weapons for each type in the game.
Solid lähetti viestin:
Boss% lähetti viestin:

Never was a fan of it,but still,rest of the weapons are preety bad mid-late game.
Some of the people who are somewhat new to the game/forums listed off their favorite and least favorite weapons as of late (as is noted in the link). These are apparently the new worst weapons for each type in the game.

Apparently,most people haven't found out about the devestator ;)
Solid 21.12.2015 klo 4.02 
Boss% lähetti viestin:
Solid lähetti viestin:
Some of the people who are somewhat new to the game/forums listed off their favorite and least favorite weapons as of late (as is noted in the link). These are apparently the new worst weapons for each type in the game.

Apparently,most people haven't found out about the devestator ;)
Yeah... this would not be my list or the list of most people from the past, but the game has changed and new opinions have come up.
Can't believe it's been a whole year already... Now Mr. Solid here owns about 95% of my Steam library. Maybe now when challenges came to their end my soul finally will be free from that highly addictive masterpiece.
One eyed Joe O_x lähetti viestin:
Can't believe it's been a whole year already... Now Mr. Solid here owns about 95% of my Steam library. Maybe now when challenges came to their end my soul finally will be free from that highly addictive masterpiece.

After many years of research a new drug AZT is used for the treatment of AIDS. After a long period of growth the US stockmarket drops 22.6% in one day on October 19th and throughout the rest of the world major falls are recorded by the end of October with Hong Kong dropping by 45.8%. In the UK 2 major transport disasters happen when A cross-channel ferry capsizes and an underground fire in Kings Cross Tube Station. England also suffers one of the worst storms in history when Hurricane force winds hit much of the South of England

Qinji 21.12.2015 klo 5.04 
so, the challenges are finally ending?
Qinji lähetti viestin:
so, the challenges are finally ending?

Yes,this is the last one.
/b 21.12.2015 klo 6.54 
Oh,i was wondering,how is a shotgun considered BETTER then a DOUBLE shotgun for crying out loud?

How is a simple revolver considered BETTER then a POP GUN...

These so called new "opinions" are just...
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Boss Cipher%; 21.12.2015 klo 6.58
i litterly did like a few tries and then this came up and i had to post it

ain't anything spectacular,but ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ i have never had such horrible rng in nuclear throne EVER(mostly on junkyard,crystal caves and a big on spawn of frozen city)

Conclusion: Screwdriver bae
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Näytetään 1-15 / 58 kommentista
Sivua kohden: 1530 50

Lähetetty: 20.12.2015 klo 18.31
Viestejä: 58