Nuclear Throne
Solid 21 Sep, 2015 @ 8:38am
Crown of Eagle Eyes Challenge
The issue with Eagle Eyes is that it is really a crown. Almost everyone did better without Eagle Eyes, but the main point I'd make is not that Eagle Eyes is straight bad; it is that at it's core Eagle Eyes is really a side-grade. However the mutations are intended to be almost entirely positive... which Eagle Eyes does not support. I think it is a nice addition to the game, but is simply in the wrong place. Horheristo and most of the other runners made Eagle Eyes look bad, but I think that just makes it more attractive as a crown. As a crown people who love it could always use it, people who want a different play style could enjoy it, and it would no longer be a side-grade mutation.

-Original Post-

Hello.  Rami and JW have a habit of remaining mute on issues within the game that they feel are disputed/not determined and elements that they have no mechanical rational for; the inclusion of Eagle Eyes wallows in both camps.  It is a mutation that has little mechanical reason to be picked and is disputed within the community.  Previously there was a challenge with unfavorable results for Eagle Eyes, however the scope was limited to a specific set of affected weapons.  In reality Eagle Eyes would best be fitted to a crown since it's effect is the definition of what crowns are intended to do; modify game play.  However a portion of the community appreciates the feel of the mutation over everything else.  Hopefully logic can win out at some point?

The person who posts the runs with the most kills during a single player recording of a Nuclear Throne run before September 26th, 2015 will receive a game via steam (note the rules below).  Additionally any person who posts a videos doing the challenge while getting over 1,500 total kills in the current update will be offered a game. 

Run Specific Rules: 
  • Players must select Eyes.
  • All runs must start with the default revolver.
  • All runners must do 2 runs; one run with Eagle Eyes and one without.
  • Use of the proto chest is prohibited until after getting into loop 2.
  • Players must start with Crown of Risk and have it active for the entire run.
  • Victory is based on total number of kills between both submitted runs.

Save Edits:  The guide on Steam for save edits is very helpful.  Additionally there is a mod created by 24gz with the blessing of Vlambeer that will assist in save edits.
Seeds:  The guide on Steam for seed edits might help.  The Nuclear Throne Wiki might also be of value.[] 
Wiki:  Weekly and monthly questions are on the wiki for the community.[]
Recording Rules:  The run must be done with update 91.  After the run ends please leave the death screen up for at least 5 seconds so the kills can be confirmed; the kills during run will be determined by the death screen assuming it appears accurate and will determine who wins.  If the run is cut short the last visible load screen will determine the kills of the run.  The run must be done on a version of the game that all Nuclear Throne players have access to.  The video must also be view able in the U.S. so that the run can be confirmed; strongly suggest Youtube or Twitch.  The videos must be embedded in responses to this post or have a direct link to the video in the response to this post.  Do not put any visual or time related edits, aka cuts, into the video during the duration of the run.  Overlays may be accepted as long as most of the game and UI are visible; Solid will intercede if there are any questions.  Audio edits and voice overs are fine.  If you pause or go afk during the run just leave it in the video.  If needed the run can be posted over multiple videos, but it must be apparent that it is the same run; no part of the run may be left out.
Player Win Rules:  Players can post as many runs as they want as submissions as long as there is no obvious spam; players are also encouraged to post their best runs even if they do not win.  If there is a tie I will give the win to the earliest unedited response to this post; it will be based on when the response is made through Steam and not when the video is made.  If the post is edited after I have seen the video in an unedited post then it will still be accepted.  Previous challenge winners can still win this challenge.  Members of the Nuclear Throne Dev Team and people associated with the Dev Team can win the challenge.  Whoever wins will have to accept their game through steam by using the friend system.  This means Solid will friend the winner to pass over the gift, no you are not required to keep Solid on the friends list after the exchange.  Winners may take their games and pass them on to other people.  The player who does the best in the challenge will be offered a game from Solid's inventory or a game from Steam worth $10 or less in the US. 
Additional Win Rules:  All runs other than the highest will be offered a game from Solid's inventory. The standard rules and dates still apply to all runs. The same runner can win multiple times.
Solid's Rules:  If there are any concerns or complaints Solid will have the final say.  The rules for the challenge are subject to modification within the first 24 hours.
Dates:  The official end time for responses to this post will be at 11:59 pm on Friday, September 25th, 2015 (right before it becomes September 26th, 2015 ) based on the GMT time zone.  However Solid is a stupid American and MAY accept runs that are posted shortly after the posted time.  Solid should claim the victor and try to contact them around September 26th, 2015.

Top  Run
Horheristo; Kills: 1576 + 2597 = 4173

Eagle Eyes
No Eagle Eyes
One eyed Joe

Post additional questions,
clarifications, and ideas in the comments.
Last edited by Solid; 26 Sep, 2015 @ 2:22am
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Showing 1-15 of 33 comments
RedFox 21 Sep, 2015 @ 9:43am 
To be fair, I only love eagle eyes because I love steroids, and without eagle eyes the already-inaccurate weapon types can become frustrating or disastrous. I'll still give this a shot though.
Solid 21 Sep, 2015 @ 9:46am 
Originally posted by RedFox:
To be fair, I only love eagle eyes because I love steroids, and without eagle eyes the already-inaccurate weapon types can become frustrating or disastrous. I'll still give this a shot though.
I've seen people claim EE is better than SS pre-nerf.
RedFox 21 Sep, 2015 @ 9:56am 
Originally posted by Solid:
Originally posted by RedFox:
To be fair, I only love eagle eyes because I love steroids, and without eagle eyes the already-inaccurate weapon types can become frustrating or disastrous. I'll still give this a shot though.
I've seen people claim EE is better than SS pre-nerf.
Oh wow. I didn't think anyone was that extreme about it. I prioritize it over SS but that's due to preference, not power.
Mr. Bones 21 Sep, 2015 @ 9:58am 
Originally posted by RedFox:
To be fair, I only love eagle eyes because I love steroids, and without eagle eyes the already-inaccurate weapon types can become frustrating or disastrous. I'll still give this a shot though.
Ever shot an SMG while playing steriods? Gives the sawed shotgun a run for it's money.
Solid 21 Sep, 2015 @ 10:13am 
Originally posted by Black Knight:
Originally posted by RedFox:
To be fair, I only love eagle eyes because I love steroids, and without eagle eyes the already-inaccurate weapon types can become frustrating or disastrous. I'll still give this a shot though.
Ever shot an SMG while playing steriods? Gives the sawed shotgun a run for it's money.
The thing is that while EE does 'fix' Roids we are talking about a mutation that is associated with a single character and applies to a minority of weapons. As a crown that might be acceptable, but it is taking up a mutation slot and is detrimental to a fair number of weapons.
Last edited by Solid; 21 Sep, 2015 @ 10:18am
Mr. Bones 21 Sep, 2015 @ 10:17am 
Originally posted by Solid:
Originally posted by Black Knight:
Ever shot an SMG while playing steriods? Gives the sawed shotgun a run for it's money.
The thing is that while EE does 'fix' Roids we are talking about a mutation that is associated with a single character and applies to a minority of weapons. As a crown that might be acceptable, but it is taking up a mutation slot and is detrimental to a fair numer of weapons.
You talkin' 'bout 'da DOUBLE DOUBLE MINIGUN!
One eyed Joe O_x 21 Sep, 2015 @ 10:48am 
Oh boy I'm in a mood to throw today.
Without EE
With EE
Pink 21 Sep, 2015 @ 11:05am 
So basically 2 standard Eyes runs? Did I miss something about the challenge?


Btw, I feel that Eyes passive is way too weak, he should have better accuracy with the 20 different eyes of him.
Last edited by Pink; 21 Sep, 2015 @ 11:06am
Solid 21 Sep, 2015 @ 11:30am 
Originally posted by horheristo:
So basically 2 standard Eyes runs? Did I miss something about the challenge?


Btw, I feel that Eyes passive is way too weak, he should have better accuracy with the 20 different eyes of him.
I want to reduce the complications for why Eagle Eyes does well/poorly so it is fairly straight forward this week. Getting conflicting reports on the crown; something about it being a run ender and the best thing ever. In theory if JW is making progress every week should be just a tad harder... right?
Pink 21 Sep, 2015 @ 11:32am 
As I mentioned in another thread, EE just feels like another garbage-tier mutation that was made in order to nerf the meta game. But hell, I don't mind a standard challenge :)
Boss Cipher% 22 Sep, 2015 @ 9:07am 
Me when doing this challenge in a nutshell:
fluury 22 Sep, 2015 @ 9:50am 
Im the trash man

I eat garbage

guess what I will eat

Eagle eyes
Solid 22 Sep, 2015 @ 10:00am 
Originally posted by One eyed Joe O_x:
Oh boy I'm in a mood to throw today.
Without EE
With EE
That sword drop... I guess I get to eat my words about energy not being on par with bolts.
Originally posted by Fluury #JWPLSFIXYVSKIPPLS:
Im the trash man

I eat garbage

guess what I will eat

Eagle eyes
But peoples tell me that Eagle Eyes is good.
One eyed Joe O_x 22 Sep, 2015 @ 10:01am
Slightly better run with EE.
Don't mind the silly music please...
Last edited by One eyed Joe O_x; 22 Sep, 2015 @ 10:07am
fluury 22 Sep, 2015 @ 10:03am 
Originally posted by Solid:
Originally posted by One eyed Joe O_x:
Oh boy I'm in a mood to throw today.
Without EE
With EE
That sword drop... I guess I get to eat my words about energy not being on par with bolts.
Originally posted by Fluury #JWPLSFIXYVSKIPPLS:
Im the trash man

I eat garbage

guess what I will eat

Eagle eyes
But peoples tell me that Eagle Eyes is good.

These people are :

A. not many hours into the game
B. Have never looped
C.Are doing the classic "WHEN ALL THE PLANETS ARE IN A LINE AND NEPTUNE HIMSELF COUNTS TO THREE ITS GOOD" which is true, it is sometimes good but mostly a downgrade stuff.
or D., my favorite

"I don't get so far but I always take it!"
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Showing 1-15 of 33 comments
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Date Posted: 21 Sep, 2015 @ 8:38am
Posts: 33