Nuclear Throne
Suicide Pact Challenge
Hello. In the past the challenges were not quite as perfessional as they would become. For those looking to repeat old challenges or see what is contained in the past I have posted this revised variation of the challenge based on current formats. The unmodified challenge is still maintained below the update.

Run Specific Rules:
  • Players must select Rebel.
  • Players must use their active at least once per level.
  • Players cannot select Second Stomach, Blood Lust and Rabbit Paw.
  • Players must start with their default weapon.
  • Players the explicit farming of Freaks is not allowed.
  • Players cannot select Crown of Destiny.
  • Victory is based on number of kills.

-Unedited Post-

To everyone who is reading this I am sorry as usual. Previously it was determined that Elminister had won, but it was noticed that he had missed a Brick Dude spawn on 1_2; as such Skooma gets the win with his dying Saiyans. Honorable mention goes to Elminister for being honest and forward about everything, Wizard who was low on time, Arands who was quick to post and Ganil who was just happy to figure out what part of the gun makes the bang noises.

-Original Post-

Hello. As we all know Rebel is currently the best and most powerful character in the entire game. Many posts in the past have commented on how useful the brick dudes are, how the ability to reduce health on command to increase health drops is clearly over powered, and then there is the passive ability which is so good I don't need to comment on it. Even Wizard said during one of his streams that “Rebel is fine”. Obviously the only way to make Rebel reasonable is to reduce some health drops and compensate that with more brick dudes.

The person who posts the single player recording of a Nuclear Throne run with the most kills while using Rebel, spawning friends, and limiting mutations before June 14, 2014 will receive a game via steam (note the rules below).

Run Specific Rules: Players are only allowed to select the Rebel character. Players must produce at least 1 minion on every level where they start and end the level with more than 2 life. The game allows players to use their ability while being sucked into a portal; if a player uses the ability at the last moment the health should be reduced on the following level. (Basically if you have the health to spawn a minion during a level then you are required to do it at least once; even if the minion is produced as you are being sucked into the portal). Additionally crown vaults are exempt from the minion producing rules (you do not need to spawn a minion in vaults). Players are not allowed to select the Second Stomach, Blood Lust, or Rabbit Paw mutations. Players can choose any of the crowns except for the Crown of Destiny. Selecting the "no crown" option is allowed. Any weapons can be used, there is no limit to using Rebel's ability, starting with gold weapons is not allowed. Runs will be disqualified if players “farm” kills during levels (intentionally killing IDPD while avoiding exit portals or repeatedly killing freaks while not trying to progress). Use of the saiyan glitch is allowed unless the game is patched before the end of the challenge (I don't think it will be).

Recording Rules: The run must be done with update 30 (the current update). After the run ends please leave the death screen up for at least 5 seconds so the kill count can be confirmed; the number of kills will be determined by the death screen assuming it appears accurate (and thus will determine who wins). The game cannot be modded aside from the use of recording software. The run must be done on a version of the game that all Nuclear Throne players have access to. The video must also be viewable in the U.S. so that I can confirm the run happened (strongly suggest Youtube or Twitch). The videos must be imbedded in responses to this post or have a direct link to the video in the response to this post. Please do not put any visual or time related edits (aka cuts) into the video during the duration of the run (audio edits and voice overs are fine). If you pause or go afk during the run just leave it in the video.
Win Rules: If there is a tie I will give the win to the earliest post in response to this (it will be based on when the response is made in steam and not when the video is made). Previous challenge winners can still win this challenge. Members of the Nuclear Throne Dev Team and people associated with the Dev Team can enter the challenge. Whoever wins will have to accept their game through steam by using the friend system (yes, this means I will friend the winner to pass over the gift, no you are not required to keep me on the friends list after the exchange). The player who does the best in the challenge will be offered a game. (yes, games other than nuclear throne will be the reward although do not expect anything too new or expensive). Additionally if the “winning run” is done by someone who has won a challenge before then an additional game will be offered to the person with the best run who has not won a challenge yet.
Dates: The ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ time cut off time for responses to this post will be at 11:59 pm on Friday, June 13th, 2014 (right before it becomes June 14th, 2014) based on the GMT time zone (but because I am a stupid American I MAY accept runs that are posted after that time). I should get around to claiming the victor and trying to contact them around June 14th, 2014 (but that is entirely on the basis that my internet provider remembers to pay their electric bills again).

    Simple Rules Thanks to Meow (based on the full rules)
  1. Play as the best character in the game (Rebel).
  2. Pop out 1 guy per level IF YOU HAVE THE LIFE (otherwise carry on).
  3. Pick up any crown except Crown of Destiny ("no crown" can be selected).
  4. Starting with gold weapons is not allowed.
  5. No farming (repeat killing of IDPD and Freaks)
  6. You can kill all the green rats you want.
  7. Victory is based on the kill count on the death screen.
  8. The mutations, Second Stomach, Blood Lust and Rabbit Paw cannot be selected.
  9. ???
  10. Profit
Post additional questions, clarifications, and ideas in the comments.
Terakhir diedit oleh Solid; 25 Apr 2015 @ 5:53pm
< >
Menampilkan 1-15 dari 123 komentar
Ulex 7 Jun 2014 @ 11:14am 
Oh God... what are you up now?!
these challenges are really.... ruthless... the few times i reached the palace and died, my hands were paining... cant imagine how u guys physically survive all those loops.. good lord!
Solid 7 Jun 2014 @ 12:05pm 
Diposting pertama kali oleh Ganil Ganilder:
Oh God... what are you up now?!

I blame you for this one Ganil.
Solid 7 Jun 2014 @ 12:06pm 
Diposting pertama kali oleh cobalt_drake:
these challenges are really.... ruthless... the few times i reached the palace and died, my hands were paining... cant imagine how u guys physically survive all those loops.. good lord!

I find the normal game to get pretty intense while looping; I assume the challenges put people with more skill than me in the same state.
I'm confused
Solid 7 Jun 2014 @ 1:14pm 
Diposting pertama kali oleh arands:
I'm confused

I'm waiting until the next update gets released before I post the challenge. I was asked to make a post for the challenge before the update gets posted, but I'm not going to release the new challenge until I have seen what is in the update (and if the challenge needs to be changed).
Mechapede 7 Jun 2014 @ 5:01pm 
Diposting pertama kali oleh Solid:
Diposting pertama kali oleh arands:
I'm confused

I'm waiting until the next update gets released before I post the challenge. I was asked to make a post for the challenge before the update gets posted, but I'm not going to release the new challenge until I have seen what is in the update (and if the challenge needs to be changed).

Does that mean we are not going to see any updates until the 17th, Solid?

I have no issues with that - and if I had, I do not think that would be important, anyways haha

But regardless, could you please confirm whether an update will hit by this week or not?

Ulex 7 Jun 2014 @ 5:21pm 
Diposting pertama kali oleh KctinhoLambuzado:
Diposting pertama kali oleh Solid:

I'm waiting until the next update gets released before I post the challenge. I was asked to make a post for the challenge before the update gets posted, but I'm not going to release the new challenge until I have seen what is in the update (and if the challenge needs to be changed).

Does that mean we are not going to see any updates until the 17th, Solid?

I have no issues with that - and if I had, I do not think that would be important, anyways haha

But regardless, could you please confirm whether an update will hit by this week or not?


You are really confused.
Solid 7 Jun 2014 @ 5:36pm 
Diposting pertama kali oleh KctinhoLambuzado:
Diposting pertama kali oleh Solid:

I'm waiting until the next update gets released before I post the challenge. I was asked to make a post for the challenge before the update gets posted, but I'm not going to release the new challenge until I have seen what is in the update (and if the challenge needs to be changed).

Does that mean we are not going to see any updates until the 17th, Solid?

I have no issues with that - and if I had, I do not think that would be important, anyways haha

But regardless, could you please confirm whether an update will hit by this week or not?


I am under the impression that there will be an update today, but that is up to Rami and J.W.
Mechapede 7 Jun 2014 @ 5:37pm 
Damn, nevermind - I could swear I saw the placeholder stating that the update would not hit until the 17th

My bad, nevermind.
Ulex 7 Jun 2014 @ 5:39pm 
Just checked Rami´s Twitter and he just got to LA one hour ago.
zqxinran 7 Jun 2014 @ 9:35pm 
You mean I must promise there is at least 1 minion alive before I was sucked into a portal? So if I killed all emenies in this level, but the minion was alive before I was sucked into a portal. But the minion was dead when I was sucked into a portal. Must I suicide myself again to make sure there is 1 minion?

And if I promised there is at least 1 minion when I was sucked into a portal, then I entered the next level, I must suicide myself again? (Because that minion won't come with me to next level!!!)

HOLT ♥♥♥♥! That's soooooo stupid!!!
Terakhir diedit oleh zqxinran; 7 Jun 2014 @ 9:41pm
Ulex 7 Jun 2014 @ 9:53pm 
Diposting pertama kali oleh Solid:
I blame you for this one Ganil.

What did I do?! :(

I don´t understand the rule about "end the level with more than 2 life". You mean that we can´t get to the next level with 1HP? If so, why is that? It´s 7 in the morning here and I haven´t sleep yet, I´m a little slow...
Terakhir diedit oleh Ulex; 7 Jun 2014 @ 9:53pm
end the level with more than 2 life
this is kinda...poop?
so if i leave the level with less than 2 hp, i need to restart the run?
Wizard_Amul 7 Jun 2014 @ 10:04pm 
So, I'm not sure if I completely understand the rules, but let me try to reword some of the rules a little and tell me if I got it right, Solid:

1. You must spawn 1 minion at the start of every level. Spawning minions other than that doesn't matter (there is no condition on having any minions alive when taking the portal to the next level).
2. You must have health > 2 (so, health = 2 is also not acceptable and only health >= 3 is acceptable) when you are being sucked into a portal.
3. The only condition that's important to determine the winner is number of kills.

By the way, not "farming" kills is going to be quite subjective, so I'm not sure if that's the best way to decide the winner. Why not just go with the usual "farthest level reached"? I'm just not sure I see an advantage with looking at the number of kills instead.
Terakhir diedit oleh Wizard_Amul; 7 Jun 2014 @ 10:07pm
< >
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Tanggal Diposting: 6 Jun 2014 @ 5:35pm
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