Nuclear Throne

Nuclear Throne

Solid 2015 年 7 月 3 日 下午 5:07
Balance Challenge
Hello. Last week an anomaly occurred; the hyper launcher did poorly. This is of particular note because the hyper launcher has been the single peek of explosive performance since it's inception. Even to this day it's unique mechanics easily put it among the top explosive weapons. However when matched against it's peers it struggled even without mutation restrictions. For the longest time the argument for explosive weapons has been risk versus reward; in theory they are the best weapons when slung by the best players. Except that the challenges include some of the best players and even they were apparently hindered by the existance of explosions. Obviously a single weapon is not representative of an entire type. The real question is if explosive weapons can stand as a whole or if some balance is in order.

The person who posts the furthest most single player recording of a Nuclear Throne run while doing weapon type runs before July 11th, 2015 will receive a game via steam (note the rules below).

Run Specific Rules:
  • Players must select Horror.
  • Players must start with a golden weapon.
  • Players may not pick up or trade for any additional weapons except for weapons of the same type as their starting weapon.
  • Players may not select the Blood Lust, Second Stomach, or Strong Spirit mutations.
  • Players must start with Crown of Risk and have it active for the entire run.
  • Victory is based on distance.

Save Edits: The guide on Steam for save edits is very helpful. Additionally there is a mod created by 24gz with the blessing of Vlambeer that will assist in save edits.
Seeds: The guide on Steam for seed edits might help. The Nuclear Throne Wiki might also be of value.[]
Recording Rules: The run must be done with update 80. After the run ends please leave the death screen up for at least 5 seconds so the distance can be confirmed; the distance of the run will be determined by the death screen assuming it appears accurate and will determine who wins. If the run is cut short the last visible load screen will determine the end of the run. The run must be done on a version of the game that all Nuclear Throne players have access to. The video must also be view able in the U.S. so that the run can be confirmed; strongly suggest Youtube or Twitch. The videos must be embedded in responses to this post or have a direct link to the video in the response to this post. Do not put any visual or time related edits, aka cuts, into the video during the duration of the run. Overlays may be accepted as long as most of the game and UI are visible; Solid will intercede if there are any questions. Audio edits and voice overs are fine. If you pause or go afk during the run just leave it in the video. If needed the run can be posted over multiple videos, but it must be apparent that it is the same run; no part of the run may be left out.
Player Win Rules: Players can post as many runs as they want as submissions as long as there is no obvious spam; players are also encouraged to post their best runs even if they do not win. If there is a tie I will give the win to the earliest unedited response to this post; it will be based on when the response is made through Steam and not when the video is made. If the post is edited after I have seen the video in an unedited post then it will still be accepted. Previous challenge winners can still win this challenge. Members of the Nuclear Throne Dev Team and people associated with the Dev Team can win the challenge. Whoever wins will have to accept their game through steam by using the friend system. This means Solid will friend the winner to pass over the gift, no you are not required to keep Solid on the friends list after the exchange. Winners may take their games and pass them on to other people. The player who does the best in the challenge will be offered a game from Solid's inventory or a game from Steam worth $10 or less in the US.
Additional Win Rules: The best run with each different weapon will be offered a game from Solid's inventory. The standard rules and dates still apply to all runs. The same runner can win multiple times.
Solid's Rules: If there are any concerns or complaints Solid will have the final say. The rules for the challenge are subject to modification within the first 24 hours.
Dates: The official end time for responses to this post will be at 11:59 pm on Friday, July 10th, 2015 (right before it becomes July 11th, 2015) based on the GMT time zone. However Solid is a stupid American and MAY accept runs that are posted shortly after the posted time. Solid should claim the victor and try to contact them around July 11th, 2015.

Krinku; L3:1_2
One eyed Joe; L1:1_3
Soma is Batman; L0:7_1
Krinku; L1:1_3
Soma is Batman; L1:4_1

Post additional questions, clarifications, and ideas in the comments.
最後修改者:Solid; 2015 年 7 月 10 日 下午 6:11
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目前顯示第 1-15 則留言,共 23
glass 2015 年 7 月 5 日 上午 12:10 
All thing being equal, they would be boring.
fluury 2015 年 7 月 5 日 上午 1:33 
引用自 glass
All thing being equal, they would be boring.

no u
Solid 2015 年 7 月 5 日 下午 4:55 
To be clear weapon type is defined by the wiki.
SecretPocketCat 2015 年 7 月 5 日 下午 11:55 
Protochest use and ultra weapons AOK? (Who'd use ultra weapons with Horror, I know, but just to be clear).

When I was reading the rules, I was thinking how much fun it's gonna be, until I got to the crown of risk bit. I predict some serious ammo problems besides other things.
Solid 2015 年 7 月 6 日 上午 12:41 
引用自 SecretPocketCat
Protochest use and ultra weapons AOK? (Who'd use ultra weapons with Horror, I know, but just to be clear).

When I was reading the rules, I was thinking how much fun it's gonna be, until I got to the crown of risk bit. I predict some serious ammo problems besides other things.
As long as the weapon type matches the proto-chest is in play. Ultra weapons are also allowed, however I'm not sure how viable they will be given the required character and the difficulty getting to the stage of being able to use them. Based on my testing I believe a loop is possible, but it will be very difficult to sustain. The thing I am not certain of is how detrimental the Horror changes will be.
Gieron 2015 年 7 月 6 日 上午 4:18 
Question of the Week is now on the front page. As it's directly tied to the challenge and is asked by no other than lord Salid (means it's important... i guess) i encourage you guys to vote. It's an obvious and shameless method to advertise the challenges on the wiki, which i am fully aware off and would appose if i wasn't mentally terrorized by Salid's telepathic powers.... plz send help
最後修改者:Gieron; 2015 年 7 月 6 日 上午 7:19
Solid 2015 年 7 月 6 日 上午 7:29 
引用自 Gieron
Question of the Week is now on the front page. As it's directly tied to the challenge and is asked by no other than lord Salid (means it's important... i guess) i encourage you guys to vote. It's an obvious and shameless method to advertise the challenges on the wiki, which i am fully aware off and would appose if i wasn't mentally terrorized by Salid's telepathic powers.... plz send help
I'm on mobile and there is no poll, sir. Additionally we all know I am far too stupid to create a poll on the wiki so SOMEONE created the set up of their own accord. Still looking into who is behind this; currently have a team of 4 plucky kids and their pet on the case.
Gieron 2015 年 7 月 6 日 上午 8:20 
引用自 Solid
引用自 Gieron
Question of the Week is now on the front page. As it's directly tied to the challenge and is asked by no other than lord Salid (means it's important... i guess) i encourage you guys to vote. It's an obvious and shameless method to advertise the challenges on the wiki, which i am fully aware off and would appose if i wasn't mentally terrorized by Salid's telepathic powers.... plz send help
I'm on mobile and there is no poll, sir. Additionally we all know I am far too stupid to create a poll on the wiki so SOMEONE created the set up of their own accord. Still looking into who is behind this; currently have a team of 4 plucky kids and their pet on the case.
Burn your mobile and buy a better one, or get a bigger pair of 3d glasses.

I had witneses that seen the mentioned SUSPECT. One is on the bottom of the lake in concrete boots. One sails somehere on a blue paper boat, seeking for justice.
最後修改者:Gieron; 2015 年 7 月 6 日 上午 8:21
stereobub 2015 年 7 月 6 日 下午 1:23 
Alright, made it to the Throne with Bolts. I'm gonna upload the video tomorrow though.
Seraph 2015 年 7 月 6 日 下午 2:13 
Quick question, would stuff like the Energy Sword count in the melee category, the energy category, or both?
Solid 2015 年 7 月 6 日 下午 2:29 
引用自 Soma is Batman
Quick question, would stuff like the Energy Sword count in the melee category, the energy category, or both?
Energy melee weapons count as melee only. Pop weapons count as bullet only.
One eyed Joe O_x 2015 年 7 月 6 日 下午 2:48 
Looks like bolt weapons are the most popular among contenders:bow:
Dang Big Bandits showed up in very inopportune moment.
Seraph 2015 年 7 月 6 日 下午 4:15 
引用自 Solid
Energy melee weapons count as melee only. Pop weapons count as bullet only.
Thanks for the info. With that, I present my melee run!
Solid 2015 年 7 月 6 日 下午 4:38
引用自 Diplodocus
Alright, made it to the Throne with Bolts. I'm gonna upload the video tomorrow though.
引用自 One eyed Joe O_x
Looks like bolt weapons are the most popular among contenders:bow:
Dang Big Bandits showed up in very inopportune moment.
Is everyone doing a bolt mind meld... or have we all accepted that bolts are pretty much the best weapons in the game?
引用自 Soma is Batman
引用自 Solid
Energy melee weapons count as melee only. Pop weapons count as bullet only.
Thanks for the info. With that, I present my melee run!
Welcome to the challenges sir; rather nice top run you have there.
最後修改者:Solid; 2015 年 7 月 6 日 下午 4:40
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目前顯示第 1-15 則留言,共 23
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張貼日期: 2015 年 7 月 3 日 下午 5:07
回覆: 23