Nuclear Throne
After playing a few rounds of the game I thought I would try Rebel again, being as I hadnt played her in ages. She sucked. I found such little reason to play her, as her "Defence" passive did far too little damage to be of any use, even in the Desert, and summoning Bandits to fight for you is never worth the cost of health, as they are so weak they just die instantly. Maybe if they knew how to fight or dodge, it wouldnt be as bad, but they jsut soak up a couple hits and die.
< >
Visar 1-15 av 30 kommentarer
Zelinar 4 maj, 2014 @ 17:59 
Yeah, I feel like Rebel is just awful right now. Both of her abilities are just underwhelming.
glass 4 maj, 2014 @ 18:01 
Yeap,, I've never looped with rebel. :C

Just doesn't feel right, the hp lost to summon helpers seem too punishing.
ViralMeme 4 maj, 2014 @ 18:56 
I made a previous post suggesting Rebel's ability should be to spawn a sleeping "clone", that the player would revert to after death.

Jwaap just mentioned their next big focus is refining character abilities, so don't fret. Everyone knows Rebel sucks.
Personally, after giving it some thought, I think that her Active should spawn in a temporary, invicible Bandit. Now, that would be great if th Bandit was actually good, which it isnt, so it would just need some AI refining and a slight buff to its damage and I think it would be a great active. And for her passive, I think it would be great if the projectiles travelled faster, and did a bit more damage. About enough to one-hit a Bandit. Just my thoughts though.
Ulex 4 maj, 2014 @ 20:38 
Throne Butt + Second Stomach + Rhino Skin + Rabbit Paw = Powerfull sustainable Rebel, you can spawn a lot of bandits (I think Meow said that he managed to spawn 11 of them) and recover the heatlh very quicky.

And remember that every new spawned bandit heals the rest of them, and the fire rate with Throne Butt is pretty cool.

Strategy people!
Zelinar 4 maj, 2014 @ 20:57 
That's WAY too much stuff in order to make her spawns efficient enough, and that's without saying how weak her passive is.
If you have to get all of that stuff in order for her to be sustainable, it is not worth it. I could get those exact same mutations on Robot and he would be godly. And that is, of course, assuming that you are lucky enough to get those four exact Mutations in a single run. And, as Zelinar said, the passive is ♥♥♥♥ no matter what
Solid 4 maj, 2014 @ 23:05 
Ursprungligen skrivet av Ganil Ganilder:
Throne Butt + Second Stomach + Rhino Skin + Rabbit Paw = Powerfull sustainable Rebel, you can spawn a lot of bandits (I think Meow said that he managed to spawn 11 of them) and recover the heatlh very quicky.

And remember that every new spawned bandit heals the rest of them, and the fire rate with Throne Butt is pretty cool.

Strategy people!


Really, dear friend? I'm seeing a few issues with the "strategy" proposed here...
First off there is your collection of bandits who you will spawn. I'm sure they are great guys all around, but to say they are as dumb as a brick would be an insult to the brick. They will attack on their own on rare occasion, but most of their days are spent following you around like lost puppies and repeating your actions before their time expires. This is not really an rts; you can't have guys take point or do more than follow. Having 11 dudes (assuming you get to that high a number) is cool, but the risks you have to take (draining your own health and moving into danger to get more health/get your minions to take action) are rather high.
Then there is the basis for this entire strategy; the rng. Its not even an rng you want to trust either. Its the Rami rng; an rng that wants nothing more than for me to use shotgun fingers while exclusively dropping melee weapons for three straight levels. I'm not saying that you cannot get health out of it or that 11 dudes (the name of my new white weenie deck) is impossible, but to get it to work you'll have to gamble your character every level. You have to hope you get the needed mutations (not all weapon mutations every time) and then also get the health you need (in place of the ammo that you already have loads of form not firing your guns all the time). The coolness of it being pulled off on me, but the pain involved could be rather high.
I will admit that I like that people are using Rebel and getting the character to work, but the moment you start grasping at random elements it reminds me of someone trying to top deck their winning card.
Senast ändrad av Solid; 7 maj, 2014 @ 18:57
Ulex 4 maj, 2014 @ 23:53 
Ursprungligen skrivet av Solid:


Ursprungligen skrivet av KingKlay7:
If you have to get all of that stuff in order for her to be sustainable, it is not worth it. I could get those exact same mutations on Robot and he would be godly.

Yes, you are right there.

Ursprungligen skrivet av Solid:
I'm sure they are great guys all around, but to say they are as dumb as a brick would be an insult to the brick.

That is true, poor guys... but with Throne Butt they really have a high rate of fire.

Ursprungligen skrivet av Solid:
...but the moment you start grasping at random elements it reminds me of someone trying to top deck their winning card.

This is also true. Damn people! I was just want to help her :(

With all this noticed, I really have to say that is not that hard to make the HP sustainable. I always try to spawn bandits and because of that my mindset on Rebel is the same as with Melting, I only have 2 HP be carefull!

Here is a small video showcasing Bloodlust + Rebel:
Solid 5 maj, 2014 @ 0:30 
Ursprungligen skrivet av Ganil Ganilder:
Ursprungligen skrivet av Solid:


Ursprungligen skrivet av KingKlay7:
If you have to get all of that stuff in order for her to be sustainable, it is not worth it. I could get those exact same mutations on Robot and he would be godly.

Yes, you are right there.

Ursprungligen skrivet av Solid:
I'm sure they are great guys all around, but to say they are as dumb as a brick would be an insult to the brick.

That is true, poor guys... but with Throne Butt they really have a high rate of fire.

Ursprungligen skrivet av Solid:
...but the moment you start grasping at random elements it reminds me of someone trying to top deck their winning card.

This is also true. Damn people! I was just want to help her :(

With all this noticed, I really have to say that is not that hard to make the HP sustainable. I always try to spawn bandits and because of that my mindset on Rebel is the same as with Melting, I only have 2 HP be carefull!

Here is a small video showcasing Bloodlust + Rebel:

This is awkward because you went though and agreed with a lot of our complaints about your strategy, but there is some chance you may win this debate based solely off how much fun that looked to do. The two things I would note; if we are honest the guys didn't really do much more than shoot at targets that were almost dead anyway (I will admit that would change against targets that can take some hits, but then you'd be in more danger as well), and you are pretty much playing an aggressive melting with the handy explosives replaced with brick dudes. I would also like to claim that in the past when I was playing I saw about 1/2 that much health drop which is kind of key. All that being said I respect your love for Rebel and will file it away as a character to mess around with (along with my favorite; robot), but not to take when I am being serious.
Senast ändrad av Solid; 5 maj, 2014 @ 0:31
Ulex 5 maj, 2014 @ 0:54 
Ursprungligen skrivet av Solid:
This is awkward because you went though and agreed with a lot of our complaints about your strategy, but there is some chance you may win this debate based solely off how much fun that looked to do.

I´m not trying to win anything :D I was just brainstorming.

I mostly agree with all of you, is just that she is not that useless, sure it´s dangerous and inefective but with some buff she can be an awesome character.

My guys are Y.V., Crystal and Robot, for the record.
Solid 5 maj, 2014 @ 0:59 
Ursprungligen skrivet av Ganil Ganilder:
Ursprungligen skrivet av Solid:
This is awkward because you went though and agreed with a lot of our complaints about your strategy, but there is some chance you may win this debate based solely off how much fun that looked to do.

I´m not trying to win anything :D I was just brainstorming.

I mostly agree with all of you, is just that she is not that useless, sure it´s dangerous and inefective but with some buff she can be an awesome character.

My guys are Y.V., Crystal and Robot, for the record.

This is awkward, but those are my exact choices as well; Robot (favorite), Crystal (best for progression), Y.V. (for MURDER).
glass 5 maj, 2014 @ 2:50 
Ursprungligen skrivet av Ganil Ganilder:

Here is a small video showcasing Bloodlust + Rebel:

Yea.. but then you know.. you could actually do the same thing without spawning clones and be at full hp.

That'll be a lot less fun, but more "safe".
damnyell 5 maj, 2014 @ 13:48 
Ursprungligen skrivet av glass:

Yea.. but then you know.. you could actually do the same thing without spawning clones and be at full hp.

That'll be a lot less fun, but more "safe".

well, this is the reason why we have different characters, to have different play styles, would be quite boring if all the characters would play it safe, wouldn't it?
melting, rebel, fish in particular are risky but fun characters, and I hope they add more like them!

fish, eyes, chicken, steroids, yv for me
Senast ändrad av damnyell; 5 maj, 2014 @ 13:51
Ursprungligen skrivet av kdanielku:
Ursprungligen skrivet av glass:

Yea.. but then you know.. you could actually do the same thing without spawning clones and be at full hp.

That'll be a lot less fun, but more "safe".

well, this is the reason why we have different characters, to have different play styles, would be quite boring if all the characters would play it safe, wouldn't it?
melting, rebel, fish in particular are risky but fun characters, and I hope they add more like them!

fish, eyes, chicken, steroids, yv for me
Yes, but part of the problem with Rebel is, unlike Melting who is a very high risk/high reward character, Rebel is high risk/ minimal reward just because her stupid Bandits are, as solid described, " to say they are as dumb as a brick would be an insult to the brick."
< >
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Datum skrivet: 4 maj, 2014 @ 17:51
Inlägg: 30