Nuclear Throne
The Challenge.
Hello. In the past the challenges were not quite as perfessional as they would become. For those looking to repeat old challenges or see what is contained in the past I have posted this revised variation of the challenge based on current formats. The unmodified challenge is still maintained below the update.

Run Specific Rules:
  • Players may select any character.
  • Players can select any mutations.
  • Players must start with their default weapon.
  • Players cannot use or trade for any weapons other than their starting weapon.
  • Players may take any crowns.
  • Victory is based on distance.

-Unedited Post-

To everyone who is reading this I am sorry, but The Challenge is over. Wizard_Amul took the game apart with the starting revolver and nothing else. I will leave this post up so that everyone can see what was on the table and how it ended after only 10 hours. If people are up for challenges of this nature there are some other things on my mind (and more of a score attack set up so that people will have more than a few hours before someone takes apart the game); I am open to thoughts on the subject obviously.

-Original Post-

Hello. Recently there has been a discussion over the game as (happens on rare occasion) and something was said...

Цитата допису Rami:
You can use other characters with your strategy - we won't stop you - but those characters have skills that might not fit your style. We're pretty sure you can beat a loop in Nuclear Throne with just a pistol and without leveling past level 3 or 4. It might not be pleasant, but every system in the game supports it.

Personally I believe Rami is right, but I would like to see it done. I honestly don't think I have the skill to do it (though I will try), but I would still like to watch it happen. To this end I'm willing to give someone a game as a reward for doing it. The first person to record a Nuclear Throne run where they do an entire loop at least one time while only using the revolver and make it a response to this post will get one of the games attached to my steam account.

Official rules; The run must be done with update 25 or newer. The game cannot be modded aside from the use of recording software. The loop ends when you get to level 1_1 a second time. Any character can be used, any mutations can be picked, any crowns can be chosen. I will allow additional weapons to be picked up, but cannot be fired or used. I will allow robot players to eat weapons. I will also allow Roids users to fire both their revolvers. I will allow chicken to use her starting sword, but for the record I will not like it. Gold weapons (a side from Y.V. starting with his revolver) will not be allowed. Bonus points for airhorn spam. If someone completes the challenge they will get their choice between a few games on my account (yes, games other than nuclear throne will be the reward). The run must be done on a version of the game that ALL Nuclear Throne players have access to. The video must also be viewable in the U.S. so that I can confirm the run happened. To be clear there is no limit on gaining levels (as is indicated by the original quote).

Post additional questions and clarifications in the comments.
Автор останньої редакції: Solid; 10 квіт. 2015 о 17:16

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Показані коментарі 115 із 18
This is probably the most possible with either Crystal or Chicken with the right mutations/weapons (maybe Melting if you get really lucky). It's going to be a lot harder now that world 7 is live, but I'd be interested to see if anyone can get close.
Цитата допису Wizard_Amul:
This is probably the most possible with either Crystal or Chicken with the right mutations/weapons (maybe Melting if you get really lucky). It's going to be a lot harder now that world 7 is live, but I'd be interested to see if anyone can get close.

I agree and I might be willing to hand out something for reeeeeeally good runs that get close, but we'll talk it over in the comments and see what people come up with.
Well, I didn't take a video, but I just tried a couple of times and managed to get to 7-1 with Crystal with just the revolver. It's definitely possible with the right mutations--Recycle Gland and Scarier Face both help a lot (pretty much mandatory to pick up Recycle Gland for a run like this). Rhino Skin and Boiling Veins would also be great to have. Sadly, I didn't pick up Boiling Veins but it would have saved me from dying from an IDPD grenade (I started out in a small room but a bunch of IDPD outside had probably thrown one in and killed me a little bit after the level started). I didn't get to the Crown Vault and so didn't have any crowns (getting the Crown of Love would be good).

It's definitely possible and actually wasn't too horrible throughout (I got lucky with Lil' Hunter but none of the other bosses were that bad), but you do need some luck and quick thinking to get through world 7.
Цитата допису Wizard_Amul:
Well, I didn't take a video, but I just tried a couple of times and managed to get to 7-1 with Crystal with just the revolver. It's definitely possible with the right mutations--Recycle Gland and Scarier Face both help a lot (pretty much mandatory to pick up Recycle Gland for a run like this). Rhino Skin and Boiling Veins would also be great to have. Sadly, I didn't pick up Boiling Veins but it would have saved me from dying from an IDPD grenade (I started out in a small room but a bunch of IDPD outside had probably thrown one in and killed me a little bit after the level started). I didn't get to the Crown Vault and so didn't have any crowns (getting the Crown of Love would be good).

It's definitely possible and actually wasn't too horrible throughout (I got lucky with Lil' Hunter but none of the other bosses were that bad), but you do need some luck and quick thinking to get through world 7.

If its that easy then I feel bad for the people in odd time zones who will not have as much time to try to get the challenge. If this gets popular and I toss up another challenge I may have to put up an end date so people can do multiple submissions where they are judged on additional things.
It's not as difficult as it sounds if you're pretty good with Crystal and have already beaten world 7 once (so you know what to expect when you get there)--I consider myself to be pretty good, though, and I did have a pretty lucky run with a string of good mutations. Crystal's shield ability helps a lot throughout the whole run, but it's still pretty difficult to actually get through all of world 7.
Цитата допису Wizard_Amul:
It's not as difficult as it sounds if you're pretty good with Crystal and have already beaten world 7 once (so you know what to expect when you get there)--I consider myself to be pretty good, though, and I did have a pretty lucky run with a string of good mutations. Crystal's shield ability helps a lot throughout the whole run, but it's still pretty difficult to actually get through all of world 7.

If this becomes a thing we can get more serious, but the goal is to show if Rami is right and set a standard.
How exactly will the prize be rewarded? You say a game attached to your account, so that implies Steam Family Sharing between remote users, which would require them giving their account information to you, which would be super not cool. If you mean you're buying a game as a reward, that's way better.
Цитата допису Cthalpa:
How exactly will the prize be rewarded? You say a game attached to your account, so that implies Steam Family Sharing between remote users, which would require them giving their account information to you, which would be super not cool. If you mean you're buying a game as a reward, that's way better.

I'm under the impression that I can give someone any of the games on my account if I friend them or if they give me an email. If that does not work for some reason then I'll buy something (I already have a game I'd pick), but this has worked in the past. At the very least they can make a temp email.
Автор останньої редакції: Solid; 5 трав. 2014 о 19:40
I've just done it! I somehow managed it without getting Recycle Gland and luckily had no insanely difficult level 7 starts. I got a decent way into 1-1 with just the revolver, too, but died to a Shielder. I apologize for pausing the game for a couple of minutes, but I just kept the clip intact and put in an annotation to skip ahead--anyways, here's the video:
Автор останньої редакції: Wizard_Amul; 5 трав. 2014 о 23:15
Цитата допису Wizard_Amul:
I've just done it! I somehow managed it without getting Recycle Gland and luckily had no insanely difficult level 7 starts. I got a decent way into 1-1 with just the revolver, too, but died to a Shielder. I apologize for pausing the game for a couple of minutes, but I just kept the clip intact and put in an annotation to skip ahead--anyways, here's the video:

Wow, that was a really good run. You are way better than I am at this game. I'm impressed that you pulled it back after 2_1 nearly ended you early. I think there may be some discussions about ammo drops in the future. At some point I'll want to as some questions about the dpi of your mouse and such, but at the moment...

Question is do you want to be friends on steam or do you want to post a temp email or do you want to risk a third option I have?
Автор останньої редакції: Solid; 5 трав. 2014 о 23:24
Well, I guess that was that. Amazing run.
I would still try it myself, just for fun!
Цитата допису Rami:
Well, I guess that was that. Amazing run.

Rami, you called it and Wizard_Amul proved it. He would be here to to say his piece, but he has been playing another game quite a bit reciently (really hope he returns).

Цитата допису kdanielku:
I would still try it myself, just for fun!

The Challenge was set up entirely to prove the definition of Rami's quote, but the quote is somewhat out of context. The conversation (massive walls of text) it was a part of was in direct relation to Robot. If some people are up for it I'd be willing to set up another challenge for the use of certain characters (either Rbbot only or non-Crystal/Chicken runs) with a few more rules attached (make it so the thing will last a few days rather a matter of hours).
Автор останньої редакції: Solid; 6 трав. 2014 о 13:21
It was an interesting challenge and I'm glad to show that it could be done.

I only read a little bit of the other thread, but Robot is one of my main characters that I enjoy using and I don't think he needs to be changed (I like to eat weapons quickly and move on, so I found a way to play with him that works well for me)--also, I'm up for another challenge if you want to come up with one. Thanks again for the game, Solid.
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Опубліковано: 5 трав. 2014 о 12:29
Дописів: 18