Nuclear Throne
Solid Feb 20, 2015 @ 6:41pm
Drops Challenge
Without question Ster steped up and made this challenge his for the week using eyes; one of the best Eyes runs I've seen. Because of my mistake I credited Stuther Fitebringer when it should have gone to Sqiddster who did have the further run. I'm sure people will still debate it, but at this point mutations related to drops seem a bit strong yet.

-Original Post-

Hello. In the past there have been a lot of comparisons between similar themes, mechanics and systems within Nuclear Throne. The discussions I am talking about have included Fish/Plant, YV/Roids, Back Muscle/Rabbit Paw, and Racing Mind/Stress. The one comparison I feel needs to be noted is between mechanics that cause ammo/heal drops against the mechanics that grant resources instantly. In the past Lucky Shot and similar mutations have been in the shadows, however I would like to see if the recent updates have caused any changes. There will be two winners for this challenge.

The persons who post the best single player recordings of a Nuclear Throne run while using Eyes and YV before February 28th, 2015 will receive a game via steam (note the rules below).

Run Specific Rules:
  • Players may select Eyes or YV.
  • Players must start with the default weapon.
  • Players may only use bullet type weapons as defined by the wiki.
  • If a player has selected Eyes they must also select the Back Muscle, Rabbit Paw, and Second Stomach mutations; players who select YV must avoid these mutations.
  • If a player has selected YV they must also select the Lucky Shot, Recycle Gland, and Blood Lust mutations; players who select Eyes must avoid these mutations.
  • Players must select Bare Head when it is an option.
  • Victory is based on distance.

Recording Rules: The run must be done with update 63. After the run ends please leave the death screen up for at least 5 seconds so the distance can be confirmed; the distance of the run will be determined by the death screen assuming it appears accurate and will determine who wins. The run must be done on a version of the game that all Nuclear Throne players have access to. The video must also be view able in the U.S. so that the run can be confirmed; strongly suggest Youtube or Twitch. The videos must be embedded in responses to this post or have a direct link to the video in the response to this post. Do not put any visual or time related edits, aka cuts, into the video during the duration of the run. Audio edits and voice overs are fine. If you pause or go afk during the run just leave it in the video.
Win Rules: Players can post as many runs as they want as submissions as long as there is no obvious spam; players are also encouraged to post their best runs even if they do not win. If there is a tie I will give the win to the earliest unedited response to this post; it will be based on when the response is made through Steam and not when the video is made. If the post is edited after I have seen the video in an unedited post then it will still be accepted. Previous challenge winners can still win this challenge. Members of the Nuclear Throne Dev Team and people associated with the Dev Team can win the challenge. Whoever wins will have to accept their game through steam by using the friend system. This means Solid will friend the winner to pass over the gift, no you are not required to keep Solid on the friends list after the exchange. Winners may take their games and pass them on to other people. The player who does the best in the challenge will be offered a game of Solid's choice. Yes, games other than Nuclear Throne will be the reward although do not expect anything too new or expensive.
Additional Win Rules: The best YV and Eyes runs will be offered a game or emote of Solid's choice. The standard rules and dates still apply to all runs. The same person can win multiple times during the same challenge.
Dates: The official end time for responses to this post will be at 11:59 pm on Friday, February 27th, 2015 (right before it becomes February 28th, 2015) based on the GMT time zone. However Solid is a stupid American and MAY accept runs that are posted shortly after the posted time. Solid should claim the victor and try to contact them around February 28, 2015 However that is entirely on the basis that Time Warner Cable remembers to pay their electric bills again.

Top Eyes Run
Ster; L2:2_1
Top YV Run
Sqiddster; L1:3_2

Post additional questions, clarifications, and ideas in the comments.
Last edited by Solid; Feb 28, 2015 @ 10:47am
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Showing 1-15 of 26 comments
Solid Feb 21, 2015 @ 2:35pm 
Apparently the update came out early?
Mayonnaise Feb 21, 2015 @ 2:47pm 
Originally posted by Solid:
Apparently the update came out early?
Yup, also can i choose whatever crown i want to start with? Derp, forgot that bare head is selecting no crown at a crown vault :p
Last edited by Mayonnaise; Feb 21, 2015 @ 3:01pm
Solid Feb 21, 2015 @ 2:56pm 
Originally posted by Scoobyfoo Team#JWonderGun:
Originally posted by Solid:
Apparently the update came out early?
Yup, also can i choose whatever crown i want to start with?
Have to select Bare Head. I spent some time thinking about it; it will come up in the future.
Last edited by Solid; Feb 21, 2015 @ 3:39pm
Mayonnaise Feb 23, 2015 @ 9:19am 
Man, i seem to be having troubles with 7_1 lately :p
ReallyCoolStu Feb 23, 2015 @ 10:16am 

Really close encounter with a Dog around 10:55 :S
Mayonnaise Feb 23, 2015 @ 11:14am 
Originally posted by Stuther Fitebringer:

Really close encounter with a Dog around 10:55 :S
Ster Feb 23, 2015 @ 2:47pm 
Should be called the Ballmum challenge. So hard to kill her with only bullet weapons always hitting the eggs. I got really lucky on the first fight with her this run.

Eyes L2:2_1 --

Also you can end runs really stupidly by trying to gammaguts her
Last edited by Ster; Feb 23, 2015 @ 2:50pm
Solid Feb 23, 2015 @ 7:26pm 
Originally posted by Scoobyfoo Team#JWonderGun:
You called it.
Originally posted by Stuther Fitebringer:
Really close encounter with a Dog around 10:55 :S
Would have killed a lesser man. Also appears you had some ammo issues there sir even with Recycle Gland.
Originally posted by ster:
Should be called the Ballmum challenge. So hard to kill her with only bullet weapons always hitting the eggs. I got really lucky on the first fight with her this run.
You had no fear the first time you took her down.
Mayonnaise Feb 23, 2015 @ 7:33pm 
Originally posted by ster:
Eyes L2:2_1
Well, if i weren't planning on only playing YV before, i sure am now.
Daniel West Feb 23, 2015 @ 8:51pm 
Made it to L1 3-2 (YV)

I'm not even sure how I died, to be honest :P
Last edited by Daniel West; Feb 23, 2015 @ 8:52pm
Mayonnaise Feb 23, 2015 @ 8:56pm 
Originally posted by sqiddster:
Made it to L1 3-2 (YV)

I'm not even sure how I died, to be honest :P
It seems you touched like, the top pixel of that crystal that you pushed into the wall, doing 20 damage and murdering you.
Daniel West Feb 23, 2015 @ 9:06pm 
Oh, you're right! That's hilarious (and sad :( )
Solid Feb 24, 2015 @ 5:05am 
Originally posted by sqiddster:
Oh, you're right! That's hilarious (and sad :( )
Its the non-threatening mobs that get ya.
ReallyCoolStu Feb 24, 2015 @ 6:09am 
Originally posted by Solid:
Originally posted by Stuther Fitebringer:
Really close encounter with a Dog around 10:55 :S
Would have killed a lesser man. Also appears you had some ammo issues there sir even with Recycle Gland.

I'm a sucker for the Triple Machinegun =)
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Showing 1-15 of 26 comments
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Date Posted: Feb 20, 2015 @ 6:41pm
Posts: 26