Nuclear Throne
Solid 7 Nov, 2014 @ 5:34pm
Pietepiet Challenge
During the final hours Klilidiplomus laid down a run to take the win with 3982 kills. Following him was the previous sure winner; Krinku with a long selection of kills under his name.[] Kurt managed an early run which held out while Jack and Cygnus were just happy their runs were not sniped. I'd like to note Stuther Fitebringer who got taken out at the very end, but did a really good job for a first run at the challenges.

-Original Post-

Hello. For those who don't know Paul Veer (Pietepiet) is the single person behind the visuals within Nuclear Throne. He has single handedly created all of the mobs, assets, portions of levels, characters, interface and some of the artwork outside of the game. He is a very talented artist who maintains his own website and has been involved in artistic challenges.[] Its time for a week of carefully inspecting Paul's work; hopefully someone can make it past Big Dog. Credit goes to the community for this challenge which has been suggested by everyone. Groups based on characters.

The person who posts the furthest most single player recording of a Nuclear Throne run while dealing with specific limitations before November 15th, 2014 will receive a game via steam (note the rules below).

Run Specific Rules:
  • Players must start with Fish, Crystal, Melting, Plant or Eyes.
  • Players must start with the default revolver.
  • Players must select mutations that feature their character in the portrait over all other mutations.
  • Players may pick up and use any weapon type.
  • Players must use Control + H to remove their HUD before leaving 1_1.
  • Players can only view their HUD while in a vault and must disable it before they leave the vault.
  • No crown requirement.
  • Victory is based on kills.

Recording Rules: The run must be done with update 50. After the run ends please leave the death screen up for at least 5 seconds so the end level can be confirmed; the distance of the run will be determined by the death screen assuming it appears accurate and will determine who wins. The run must be done on a version of the game that all Nuclear Throne players have access to. The video must also be viewable in the U.S. so that the run can be confirmed; strongly suggest Youtube or Twitch. The videos must be imbedded in responses to this post or have a direct link to the video in the response to this post. Do not put any visual or time related edits, aka cuts, into the video during the duration of the run. Audio edits and voice overs are fine. If you pause or go afk during the run just leave it in the video.
Win Rules: Players can post as many runs as they want as submissions as long as there is no obvious spam; players are also encouraged to post their best runs even if they do not win. If there is a tie I will give the win to the earliest unedited post in response to this; it will be based on when the response is made in steam and not when the video is made. If the post is edited after I have seen the video in an unedited post then it will still be accepted. Previous challenge winners can still win this challenge. Members of the Nuclear Throne Dev Team and people associated with the Dev Team can win the challenge. Whoever wins will have to accept their game through steam by using the friend system. This means Solid will friend the winner to pass over the gift, no you are not required to keep Solid on the friends list after the exchange. The player who does the best in the challenge will be offered a game of Solid's choice. Yes, games other than nuclear throne will be the reward although do not expect anything too new or expensive. Additionally the winner of the challenge will be contacted by Gieron (who runs the wiki); he will ask winners to use his official custom thumbnail (created by Ganil) so they can be featured on the front of the Wiki.
Additional Win Rules: The top run for each category, other than “normal”, will be offered a very minor game or emote of Solid's choice. The standard rules and dates still apply to all runs. The same person can win multiple times.
Dates: The official end time for responses to this post will be at 11:59 pm on Friday, November 14th, 2014 (right before it becomes November 15th, 2014) based on the GMT time zone. However Solid is a stupid American and MAY accept runs that are posted shortly after the posted time. Solid should claim the victor and try to contact them around November 15th, 2014 However that is entirely on the basis that Time Warner Cable remembers to pay their electric bills again.

Jack; Kills: 934
Kurt; Kills: 1232
Krinku; Kills: 3164
Klilidiplomus; Kills: 3982
Cygnus; Kills: 443

Post additional questions, clarifications, and ideas in the comments.
Last edited by Solid; 14 Nov, 2014 @ 5:24pm
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Showing 1-15 of 42 comments
fluury 8 Nov, 2014 @ 10:30am 
Do we have to fight the newly made boss in the sewers? :^)
Solid 9 Nov, 2014 @ 6:32pm 
Originally posted by Fluury:
Do we have to fight the newly made boss in the sewers? :^)
It may come up as an issue...
♥~Jack~♥ 9 Nov, 2014 @ 7:22pm 
I'm not even going to attempt a run as Crystal. I think this challenge will mostly highlight the "balance" of mutation in terms of their effect and which character is featured. It'll end up as Krinku being like Arnold in "The Running Man" - adapting to each challenge and coming out on top each time.
♥~Jack~♥ 9 Nov, 2014 @ 7:32pm 
I assume that if a mutation with your character's portrait isn't available then you can pick anything?
♥~Jack~♥ 9 Nov, 2014 @ 8:31pm 
After playing this challenge for an hour I have a greater respect for the correlation of mutation art and character. Daaang.
♥~Jack~♥ 9 Nov, 2014 @ 9:07pm 
Paul Bunion Challenge a-go-go! I'll bet my life on the fact that it won't be the best Melting run, but for insult and injury I always drink heavily while playing. EDIT: Yikes, it's so hard to know if you're adhering to the rules without the HUD.
Last edited by ♥~Jack~♥; 9 Nov, 2014 @ 9:35pm
Solid 10 Nov, 2014 @ 3:25am 
Originally posted by Jack:
Paul Bunion Challenge a-go-go! I'll bet my life on the fact that it won't be the best Melting run, but for insult and injury I always drink heavily while playing. EDIT: Yikes, it's so hard to know if you're adhering to the rules without the HUD.
I like how you had trouble killing the last guy on 1_2 on your first attempt.
Originally posted by Jack:
I assume that if a mutation with your character's portrait isn't available then you can pick anything?
That is correct.
Pietepiet  [developer] 10 Nov, 2014 @ 4:00am 
Haha, cool challenge! I like the focus on art by disabling the HUD. Good luck, everyone!!
Robo 10 Nov, 2014 @ 7:47am 
How long have we been able to disable the HUD? I've been waiting for that feature. I'll try to get a run in before the Krinku takeover ... :shovelknight:
Last edited by Robo; 10 Nov, 2014 @ 7:47am
Solid 10 Nov, 2014 @ 8:04am 
Originally posted by Pietepiet:
Haha, cool challenge! I like the focus on art by disabling the HUD. Good luck, everyone!!
I've been looking for a way to show off your art in the game; sorry its taken so long Paul.
Originally posted by Stuther Fitebringer:
Never thought anyone would take the quadmachine gun and much less in a challenge; very well done.
Originally posted by KurtTheHedgehog:
How long have we been able to disable the HUD? I've been waiting for that feature. I'll try to get a run in before the Krinku takeover ... :shovelknight:
The HUD was disabled in a challenge a long time ago; it certainly adds a new level of challenge to things.
ReallyCoolStu 10 Nov, 2014 @ 8:41am 
Originally posted by Solid:
Originally posted by Stuther Fitebringer:
Never thought anyone would take the quadmachine gun and much less in a challenge; very well done.

I'm kind of unhappy that right after I switched to the Gatling Slugger, Recycle Gland was given to me. =(
Robo 10 Nov, 2014 @ 9:25am 
L2:0_1 w/ Crystal. Traditionally, I die doing something dumb.
Endocrine 10 Nov, 2014 @ 9:56am 
L0:5_3 w/ Crystal. Not nearly close to looping, but I thought I'll share my tiny efforts with you anyways
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Showing 1-15 of 42 comments
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Date Posted: 7 Nov, 2014 @ 5:34pm
Posts: 42