Nuclear Throne
Solid 8. maj 2015 kl. 17:51
Impossible 7 Challenge
Assumptions were made; after a week of runs it turns out some weapons of questionable reputation might actually be viable. EC-10 came out on top with his L1:4_1 Sawed-Off Shotgun run[] as well as a strong showing with the SMG[] and Toxic Bow.[] One Eyed Joe started off the week just as strong, but got battered down until only his staunch Blood Hammer remained. Kordnish single handedly claimed the Flamethrower as his own and everyone else was smart enough to let him have it. Last, but most impressive of all was LGS Sleepypants who broke a loop with the Toxic Launcher; a feat no one else has achieved, seen, or even thought possible. Then in either an act of sheer brilliance or the craziest possible fluke ever he pulled it off again with the Sticky Launcher.

-Original Post-

Hello. Long ago JW came to the conclusion that it is acceptable to have bad weapons. I would disagree, but then again the concept of what is actually a bad weapon is a bit subjective on its own. There is no end to the list of weapons in Nuclear Throne which people want to see buffed or remade in their own image. In reality most of the weapons are fairly good and just need their drop level changed. The real test of a weapon is could someone loop with it. The revolver is often considered the 'base' weapon and there is no question if it can loop, however there is a list of eclectic weapons which seem unable to sustain.
SMG; this is the base line for a 'bad' weapon in Nuclear Throne. It trades a lot for the rate of fire which might pay off, has never been seen solo on a loop.
Blood Hammer; an unimpressive weapon turned interesting. It has some huge damage, but at the cost of the ability to reflect which might make it worse than Chicken's Sword. The question is if anyone in the community has the skill to wield it.
Toxic Bow; a bolt weapon worse than the disc gun? A weapon that takes it's time doing what little damage it does. Can anyone be bothered to wait for a win?
Sawed-Off Shotgun; melee through the medium of shells. I have never seen a normal shotgun loop, but when it comes to stunted potential this is the poster child. To those who claim this weapon is good; prove it.
Sticky Launcher; suicide on a timer. The one thing worse than using an already dangerous explosive weapon is allowing your would be victim a shot at revenge.
Toxic Launcher; it might be worse than the sticky launcher and that says something. Between your own toxin trying to kill and your targets trying to murder you back; I can't see a loop.
Flamethrower; a culmination of 'meh'. This is a trifecta of bad; low damage, no range, and relatively high ammo consumption of the rarest ammo.
The top run with each different weapons will win this week.

The person who posts the furthest most single player recording of a Nuclear Throne run while doing the impossible before May 16th, 2015 will receive a game via steam (note the rules below).

Run Specific Rules:
  • Players must select Y.V.
  • Players must start with one weapon and avoid the mutation associated with it;
    SMG (#16)/Eagle Eyes,
    Sawed-Off Shotgun (#61)/Impact Wrists,
    Toxic Bow (#31)/Hammer Head,
    Blood Hammer (#67)/Second Stomach,
    Sticky Launcher (#15)/Boiling Veins,
    Toxic Launcher (#72)/Rhino Skin,
    Flamethrower (#50)/Scarier Face.
  • Players may not pick up any additional weapons.
  • Runners must have a bare head for the entire run.
  • Victory is based on distance.

Save Edits: The guide on Steam for save edits is very helpful. Additionally there is a mod created by 24gz with the blessing of Vlambeer that will assist in save edits.
Recording Rules: The run must be done with update 72. After the run ends please leave the death screen up for at least 5 seconds so the distance can be confirmed; the distance of the run will be determined by the death screen assuming it appears accurate and will determine who wins. If the run is cut short the last visible load screen will determine the end of the run. The run must be done on a version of the game that all Nuclear Throne players have access to. The video must also be view able in the U.S. so that the run can be confirmed; strongly suggest Youtube or Twitch. The videos must be embedded in responses to this post or have a direct link to the video in the response to this post. Do not put any visual or time related edits, aka cuts, into the video during the duration of the run. Overlays may be accepted as long as most of the game and UI are visible; Solid will intercede if there are any questions. Audio edits and voice overs are fine. If you pause or go afk during the run just leave it in the video. If needed the run can be posted over multiple videos, but it must be apparent that it is the same run; no part of the run may be left out.
Player Win Rules: Players can post as many runs as they want as submissions as long as there is no obvious spam; players are also encouraged to post their best runs even if they do not win. If there is a tie I will give the win to the earliest unedited response to this post; it will be based on when the response is made through Steam and not when the video is made. If the post is edited after I have seen the video in an unedited post then it will still be accepted. Previous challenge winners can still win this challenge. Members of the Nuclear Throne Dev Team and people associated with the Dev Team can win the challenge. Whoever wins will have to accept their game through steam by using the friend system. This means Solid will friend the winner to pass over the gift, no you are not required to keep Solid on the friends list after the exchange. Winners may take their games and pass them on to other people. The player who does the best in the challenge will be offered a game from Solid's inventory or a game from Steam worth $10 or less in the US.
Additional Win Rules: The best run with each different weapon will be offered a game from Solid's inventory. The standard rules and dates still apply to all runs. The same runner can win multiple times.
Solid's Rules: If there are any concerns or complaints Solid will have the final say. The rules for the challenge are subject to modification within the first 24 hours.
Dates: The official end time for responses to this post will be at 11:59 pm on Friday, May 15th, 2015 (right before it becomes May 16th, 2015) based on the GMT time zone. However Solid is a stupid American and MAY accept runs that are posted shortly after the posted time. Solid should claim the victor and try to contact them around May 16th, 2015.

SMG (#16)/Eagle Eyes
EC-10; L1:3_2
Sawed-Off Shotgun (#61)/Impact Wrists
EC-10; L1:4_1
Toxic Bow (#31)/Hammer Head
EC-10; L0:7_3
Blood Hammer (#67)/Second Stomach
One Eyed Joe; L1:3_3
Sticky Launcher (#15)/Boiling Veins
LGS Sleepypants; L1:0_1
Toxic Launcher (#72)/Rhino Skin
LGS Sleepypants; L1:0_1
Flamethrower (#50)/Scarier Face
Kordnish; L0:7_2

Post additional questions, clarifications, and ideas in the comments.
Sidst redigeret af Solid; 15. maj 2015 kl. 17:15
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Viser 1-15 af 67 kommentarer
EC-10 9. maj 2015 kl. 0:39 
Screwdriver and Uzi?
Mouse 9. maj 2015 kl. 19:25 
I totally didn't just coerce the details from Solid... or anything like that.... why would I do that?
Particular persons?
Please dont do this
Solid 10. maj 2015 kl. 14:13 
Oprindeligt skrevet af EC-10:
Screwdriver and Uzi?
Both are very good choices for somewhat bad weapons.
Oprindeligt skrevet af Mouse:
I totally didn't just coerce the details from Solid... or anything like that.... why would I do that?
Mouse did you ever wonder how deep my trolling goes?
Oprindeligt skrevet af Big snake boss (F2PMentor):
Particular persons?
Please dont do this
I don't actually know what your complaint here is.
Dá couve, time 10. maj 2015 kl. 14:56 
Whats the point in mutation restrictions if you yourself said you've never seen anybody loop with said weapons even without restrictions?
Cygnus 10. maj 2015 kl. 14:58 
Wow, the blood hammer is such a "bad" weapon.
This was my first run, my second got within one level.
(video may still be processing)

Oprindeligt skrevet af HUSKIE:
Whats the point in mutation restrictions if you yourself said you've never seen anybody loop with said weapons even without restrictions?
I would like to point out that I've looped using the stickybomb launcher sans boiling veins before.
Sidst redigeret af Cygnus; 10. maj 2015 kl. 15:00
EC-10 10. maj 2015 kl. 15:13 
Got toxic bow got to throne. Unfortunately the clouds pushed me back and he ended up running me into the wall. I'm a huge toxic bow fan I'm super psyched about this challenge.
Yowaiko 10. maj 2015 kl. 15:53 
400th dying on the frozen city with the SMG. I keep trying to love it, but every time I do it lets me down a little bit more.
evil celery gnome 10. maj 2015 kl. 16:38 
Died on 7-2, Sawed-Off Shotgun.
Couldn't record it doe
Sidst redigeret af evil celery gnome; 10. maj 2015 kl. 16:40
Solid 10. maj 2015 kl. 16:46 
Oprindeligt skrevet af HUSKIE:
Whats the point in mutation restrictions if you yourself said you've never seen anybody loop with said weapons even without restrictions?
The real issue is that certain weapons become somewhat normal once certain mutations are introduced. If you have Eagle Eyes with the SMG it effectively becomes a normal machine gun. Additionally the weaknesses of many of the other weapons can be compensated for via mutations; Impact Wrists give you range with the Sawed-Off Shotgun and Boiling Veins takes away a lot of the threat of the Sticky Launcher. This is a question of if these weapons can stand on their own within reason.
Oprindeligt skrevet af (503) Cygnus
Wow, the blood hammer is such a "bad" weapon.
This was my first run, my second got within one level.
(video may still be processing)
Look, this is my short list of weapons that I have not seen loop that seem difficult to loop. Leo made a challenge before with the Blood Hammer and no one would touch the weapon so I want to see it in action.
Oprindeligt skrevet af EC-10:
Got toxic bow got to throne. Unfortunately the clouds pushed me back and he ended up running me into the wall. I'm a huge toxic bow fan I'm super psyched about this challenge.
I am so mixed on the toxic bow; it is a really cool idea that seems to have a chance, but I have seriously tried to loop with it and I could never kill the Throne. The damage just seems to come so slowly.
Oprindeligt skrevet af Cal:
400th dying on the frozen city with the SMG. I keep trying to love it, but every time I do it lets me down a little bit more.
This is actually where this challenge started; I've been playing with the SMG and with Eagle Eyes for a few days. There is no question it is good with Eagle Eyes, but as a stand alone weapon it is so hard to make progress.
Oprindeligt skrevet af Squirtle910:
Died on 7-2, Sawed-Off Shotgun.
Couldn't record it doe
That is really impressive.
Sidst redigeret af Solid; 10. maj 2015 kl. 16:47
Gieron 10. maj 2015 kl. 17:06 
Oprindeligt skrevet af EC-10:
Got toxic bow got to throne. Unfortunately the clouds pushed me back and he ended up running me into the wall. I'm a huge toxic bow fan I'm super psyched about this challenge.
I'm super curious how much time did it take to get to the Throne with it. I'm even more curious if it can be done faster with a Toxic Launcher if you or anyone else is up for the challenge 330 votes as the worst Explosive Weapon
Sidst redigeret af Gieron; 10. maj 2015 kl. 17:12
♥~Jack~♥ 10. maj 2015 kl. 17:22 
Awww I was actually in the process of creating a save editor and someone beat me to it.
evil celery gnome 10. maj 2015 kl. 20:14 
Oprindeligt skrevet af Solid:
Oprindeligt skrevet af Squirtle910:
Died on 7-2, Sawed-Off Shotgun.
Couldn't record it doe
That is really impressive.
Not really, it was pretty easy, until Doge happened

Edit: Made it to 7-3, let the Throne spam
Sidst redigeret af evil celery gnome; 10. maj 2015 kl. 21:37
EC-10 11. maj 2015 kl. 1:12 
This challenge is super fun. Some weapons are definitely easier than others. So far I've gotten.

L0 7-1 SMG (#16)/Eagle Eyes,
L1 4-1 Sawed-Off Shotgun (#61)/Impact Wrists,
L0 7-3 Toxic Bow (#31)/Hammer Head,
L0 7-3 Blood Hammer (#67)/Second Stomach,
Sticky Launcher (#15)/Boiling Veins,
Toxic Launcher (#72)/Rhino Skin,
Flamethrower (#50)/Scarier Face.

Ill have to edit all these out of my twitch broadcasts.
Sidst redigeret af EC-10; 11. maj 2015 kl. 10:32
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Dato opslået: 8. maj 2015 kl. 17:51
Indlæg: 67