Sudoku Quest
Destruire 4. juni 2016 kl. 11:41
Part of the board is covered
On the 4th level, it is the one shaped different so the board is bigger. Well it says level 4 at the top and covers up 3 of the boxes, and the bottem is cut off too. Is there going to be fix for that?
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Viser 1-14 af 14 kommentarer
BananaKing  [udvikler] 4. juni 2016 kl. 11:55 
Oprindeligt skrevet af Destruire:
On the 4th level, it is the one shaped different so the board is bigger. Well it says level 4 at the top and covers up 3 of the boxes, and the bottem is cut off too. Is there going to be fix for that?
Use right mouse button to scroll the board. Press and hold right mouse button over any part of the board and move the mouse to scroll the board.
Destruire 4. juni 2016 kl. 12:04 
Ahh. Thank you so much
Big_Easy 10. juni 2016 kl. 16:21 
thank you! i kept getting stuck in the same spot (4th lvl)
aperock 25. juni 2016 kl. 15:49 
Thank you!
dzonatanas 28. juni 2016 kl. 12:30 
It is not only lvl 4th but other levels with bigger board. If I change resolution to smaller, then covered board thing is fixed. I would suggest to fix this, because it is easier to solve sudoku when you see whole board.
Sidst redigeret af dzonatanas; 28. juni 2016 kl. 12:31
BananaKing  [udvikler] 28. juni 2016 kl. 12:43 
Oprindeligt skrevet af dzonatanas:
It is not only lvl 4th but other levels with bigger board. If I change resolution to smaller, then covered board thing is fixed. I would suggest to fix this, because it is easier to solve sudoku when you see whole board.
It is not a bug. Please see the first reply on this thread. You can scroll the board with right mouse button.
dzonatanas 28. juni 2016 kl. 13:14 
Oprindeligt skrevet af BananaKing:
Oprindeligt skrevet af dzonatanas:
It is not only lvl 4th but other levels with bigger board. If I change resolution to smaller, then covered board thing is fixed. I would suggest to fix this, because it is easier to solve sudoku when you see whole board.
It is not a bug. Please see the first reply on this thread. You can scroll the board with right mouse button.
I have read that comment, but still it would be nice to have possibility to see whole board without scrolling.
shak59 29. juni 2016 kl. 5:15 
Oprindeligt skrevet af BananaKing:
Oprindeligt skrevet af Destruire:
On the 4th level, it is the one shaped different so the board is bigger. Well it says level 4 at the top and covers up 3 of the boxes, and the bottem is cut off too. Is there going to be fix for that?
Use right mouse button to scroll the board. Press and hold right mouse button over any part of the board and move the mouse to scroll the board.

Please add this to the tutorial!!! I just solved it without moving the board because I didn't know :(
Immy 17. juli 2016 kl. 21:06 
.......WHY would they make it so you can't see the whole board on purpose?
BananaKing  [udvikler] 18. juli 2016 kl. 3:16 
Oprindeligt skrevet af Pafferton:
.......WHY would they make it so you can't see the whole board on purpose?
There can be boards with up to 7 grids. Placing them all in visible area would make cells really small.
casinoman2000 18. juli 2016 kl. 11:15 
When playing overlapping boards; I've found it easiest to do one board at a time. Right-click and drag to move the boards. By doing this, the "covered up" portions serve as additional borders.
Sidst redigeret af casinoman2000; 18. juli 2016 kl. 11:16
Chazz the Elder 18. juli 2016 kl. 12:02 
^^ This. But I also would have greatly preferred to find out about the ability to move boards in the tutorial, rather than hunting through the forum for that information.
ev 21. juli 2016 kl. 12:40 
Oprindeligt skrevet af Chazz the Elder:
[...] I also would have greatly preferred to find out about the ability to move boards in the tutorial, rather than hunting through the forum for that information.
So much this!!! I lost life points before I figured out something must be wrong. Went to the "How to play" section - nothing in there. Quit game, came here :(
ninglor03 10. dec. 2016 kl. 15:36 
Wow! Thank you sooo much for telling me!
Would be great if this was in the tut aswell. But thanks anyway. I guess I shall give it another shot then :)
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