The Panaun Roadtrip Federation PAROFED
The Panaun Roadtrip Federation PAROFED
게임 중
2012년 7월 29일
United Kingdom (Great Britain) 
The Panaun Roadtrip Federation 정보

Get ready for the next trip!

We drive vehicles and stuff around Panau on the longest routes we can find, hilarity ensues, feel free to join our team of non-professional tour guides on a quest around this island of a thousand terrains!
All you need to do is to type in: "/f join roadtrip" into the chat.

TS Server:

Jman100's building sandbox (Host:

During an event, the server name will be in the announcement. Usually we use the above.

We are discussing a lot of things about the roadtrippers and the multiplayer e.g. new game modes, improved organization, etc. Check our discussions for the latest news and other stuff.


Our fellow Roadtrip member Urik has created a playlist of the best moments of our roadtrips, including his own work and other members of the faction.

another playlist by SubZer0 (more to be added later)

Urik's photo collection of the previous tests:

M1cr0man's photo collection of the 0.0.13 test

If you have a cool video/picture of the roadtrips we're doing, contact me (Subzer0) or another leader and we'll post them up at the front page.

If you like what you see and would like to be part of it, go ahead and join us in the next event. Information regarding a upcoming event, will be announced so everyone is informed. See you soon :D

Roadtrip youtube playlist
woet flipped
The Alliance - Steam Group
인기 토론글
최근 공지
Upcoming: Subzer0 Tribute Roadtrip
"In honor of Subzer0, there is an event being planned to be held in September, where we pay our respects to him by roadtripping. If you're interessed in joining the event, join the following group:"

댓글 210
Ruieurope - Europa_Teles_BTR 2019년 8월 18일 오후 4시 06분 
Crescentfresh 2018년 10월 12일 오후 9시 02분 
I wish I could have came. 15fps be damned. Love that guy. Rui, we WILL get events together, even a few times a year. We can rally the troops! REUNITE!
Ruieurope - Europa_Teles_BTR 2018년 8월 15일 오전 7시 55분 
Hello men of the PAROFED faction! I was in charge of doing the Subzer0 tribute event, and I just want to thank everyone that came in. It was a blast.

I also would like to say that I am preparing a new set of events where we can make jc2mp be at its former glory once again, by hosting limited time events in a single server in jc2mp. Getting HUNDREDS of players in a single server with lots of chaos!!

Hope I can count with the men of PAROFED,
we go forward
GangsterGarfield 2017년 11월 12일 오전 10시 23분 
Hello all, anyone who may end up reading this...

I'm just hearing about SubZero's passing today, as I saw Urik Kane publish a video tribute which came across my video subscriptions. I had not checked in with the JC-MP community in a little over a year, as it appears.

I somehow missed the invitiations to the event (to no fault but my own) and feel incredibly saddened I did not join for the event.

As many of you have stated, SubZero was a wonderful person who fostered a great sense of community and gave me some of my favorite memories in gaming (ever) through JC-MP. I'll always remember the road trips that were shared among us all.

Best wishes to him and his family, may he rest in peace.
Crescentfresh 2016년 11월 20일 오후 10시 55분 
Same Typogre.

Sub was one of the very few who I've only met online but know to be a friend. Always being a strong and welcoming leader, a positive and warm hearted friend, damn. Let's live out his memory in this group for those who had the privaledge to meet him. Keep in high spirits as he would have wanted. Thank you for being such a friend and bringing us all together. Thank you Sub, thanks Cross.
Typogre 2016년 10월 22일 오전 9시 06분 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. This is the first time that someone I kinda knew has died. He was so friendly and a great guy that made Preview 1 so much fun. I really do not know what to say. May he rest in peace.
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게임 중
1 채팅 중
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2012년 7월 29일
United Kingdom (Great Britain)