2 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 0.5 hrs on record
Posted: 7 Dec, 2014 @ 4:07am
Updated: 20 May, 2017 @ 12:57am

+ great gameplay
+ big active community
+ great choice of weapons
+ huge amount of mods
+ lots of community created maps, weapons, AI, soundtracks, etc.

- rare issues with graphic cards (especially for laptops)
- has replacement in form of newer CS games

What is there to introduce? This is a FPS game that most gamers know and the ones that don"t should. The laughable half an hour I have displayed here was just testing out the newly bought game. In reality I have played many many many hours with my friends. I played it in high school. I played it in college. I played it with friends after work. While the graphics may be old and this game replaced by its' younger sibblings it still holds out the test of time. While I am no longer able to get my friends together and play this , this game will always be a fond memory for me. And who knows maybe I will pick it up some day again. What I can do is recommend this game to anyone who has not played it or people who are thinking about pruchasing this digital copy. The basic concept of terrorists vs. counter-terrorists is really fun and with the modding community the amount of variation is almost limitless. So grab it if you can, it is very much worth it.
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