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JSRS SOUNDMOD - RHS USAF Mod Pack Sound Support
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Data Type: Mod
Mod Type: Sound
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54.012 KB
25 ott 2017, ore 10:09
13 feb 2022, ore 17:47
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JSRS SOUNDMOD - RHS USAF Mod Pack Sound Support

JSRS Studios presents:

A sound mod for RHS USAF Mod. My personal creation of a new audiovisual direction. With more than a few thousand new sound effects JSRS SOUNDMOD provides a powerful and new sound experience, from all weapons, vehicles, effects, maps and what not!

My JSRS compat files for other mods:

RHS Sound Supports for AFRF, GREF and SAF:

Specialist Military Arms Sound Support:
SMA Support Sounds

CUP Weapons Sound Support:
CUP Weapons Support Sounds

CUP Vehicles Sound Support:
CUP Weapons Support Sounds

For those having problems with mod dependency: Whenever you load a saved game or want to edit a mission that was saved with an older version of JSRS and you end up with messages like "Missing Addon JSRS_SOUNDMOD_GLOCK17" or similar, now you can use this:
JSRS Soundmod Dependency Fixes

This is a CFG Bundle of JSRS Patches that were used in the past that are not available any longer. Download it, use it as a mod, load your mission/edited mission and save them again and the dependency is gone.

Here is a short Sound Example for JSRS Soundmod[]?

Making sounds in high quality that is requested these days, you have to invest money into libraries and equipment. This money is not given by companies or customers, it's a self-made investment. Any sort of support or donation is required to keep this product running with recent updates and further developments. So feel free to support this project on Patreon[] and be sure that your support is very welcome and appreciated! This money goes directly back into JSRS by getting new sound libraries, better quality material, hardware and equipment, and beer of course! :)

Copyright © 2019 by LordJarhead.
JSRS Soundmod and JSRS Soundmod Beta (this modification) by Dennis Kahl (LordJarhead) are licensed under ARMA PUBLIC LICENSE NO DERIVATIVES (APL-ND)
Read More under and beta

This work is copyrighted. This modification may not be distributed, edited, reproduced or used commercially. This modification is for private use only. If recordings and recordings of this modification are published, the mod must be mentioned and listed by name. This modification may not be re-uploaded by third parties to the Steam Workshop. All reuploads, whether individual components or the complete modification, in the Steam Workshop are explicitly prohibited and violate the Steam Subscription Agreement Section 6D! Reuploads will get deleted by DMCA warning and lead to penalties of uploaders!
Discussioni più popolari Visualizza tutte (4)
7 apr 2022, ore 10:30
Gun sounds missing/broken
Red Scorpion
24 mar 2019, ore 17:43
Gun Sounds "Broken" in Multiplayer?
F. Raven
10 set 2020, ore 7:21
Issues with RHS
125 commenti
S1gmamaka41kk 30 ott 2024, ore 3:59 
Why is the reload sound the same in all RHS mods as it was in the original?
La Pedrá Planetaria 30 lug 2024, ore 7:35 
Kokujo 22 mar 2023, ore 7:42 
humvee turret does't work with jsrs
HMG .50cal too
elpedrochicoraulalfonsotejada 4 giu 2022, ore 7:24 
The M4/M16 has a sliding sound at the end of the reload that shouldnt be there
GassyButt 15 feb 2022, ore 15:21 
Thank you for updating LordJarhead!
EliotXII 14 feb 2022, ore 8:13 
the sound of the M16 and the M4 should be different, as I remember everyone who has used both says that the M4 has a flash and a bigger bang than the M16
Gayne Eager 1 nov 2021, ore 15:37 
it doesnt even change the sound for me someone help
maksimshep 5 giu 2021, ore 4:20 
BRO please update your mod. We need it like air.
minhduc-dev 19 apr 2021, ore 17:22 
I love you
Big Hog Bob 21 feb 2021, ore 15:23 
Update inbound? The M3 MAAWS sounds like a wet fart lol!