Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

282 人が評価
Mutation: Common Survival
Game Content: Scripts
Game Modes: Mutations
449.255 KB
2013年10月2日 13時43分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Mutation: Common Survival

Do you love shooting zombies but hate all the strategy involved?

"Do I shoot the boomer over there or should I aim my shotgun a bit to the left and shoot the hunter?"

No longer! With Common Survival, all you have to do is aim at a zombie's head and click! It's that simple!

Oh, and by the way, once you've killed those first 30 zombies, the next group is 45. Then 60. Then 75. Eventually, you're fighting the floor - and the floor is made of zombies!
66 件のコメント
Doc903 2024年10月24日 21時21分 
Do you have a Realism version?
FinnsDemise 2024年9月21日 22時40分 
For some reason using this mutation just turns the game into a normal round of survival. Im guessing its broken in some way.
Cosmic 2024年4月29日 21時46分 
after 20 min game crashed lol
Nacho Cronopio 2024年3月31日 15時16分 
ShadowRip 2024年1月15日 9時06分 
Brother, how insane when you reach 20min+ the hordes don't stop coming out.
Doc903 2023年11月26日 11時00分 
Would you be able to make something similar, but for the Holdout gamemode?
Marvelesspider5 2023年11月19日 21時02分 
i got to 3645 per wave and it was like 45 of me and my friends just slashing all the zombies in a small room
Mentally Ill 2023年8月3日 21時23分 
I got to 915 per wave and the last five minutes was spent of me sitting next to a flower pot and holding down mouse one to swing my katana.
BuddyManZ 2023年1月5日 20時35分 
um whats the console command for this
Burger 2022年8月13日 10時38分 
its a mutation