Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

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KLA's 'Sons of Mars' - historical ROMAN SKINPACK Patch 15 / Emperor Edition
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20. des. 2013 kl. 18.56
8. okt. 2018 kl. 10.30
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KLA's 'Sons of Mars' - historical ROMAN SKINPACK Patch 15 / Emperor Edition

My newest work - KLA 's 'Sons of Mars' Roman Skinpack is a comprehensive reskin of Roman units.
I have worked a long time. I did most of all units more historic and far more diverse than the base game. You will find here lots of new helmets and armor. It's a good mod for supporters of diversity.
I have worked on the basis of historical sources. This mod changes the appearance of Roman units: from the days of the Republic, after the reforms of Marius and the early Empire.
I would add that this is the first mod that gives a greater variety of colors tunics than 3 variants. Republican units have up to 6-7 different colored tunics. Marian and Imperial units are more uniformed.
It is also the first mod that gives the Imperial Roman legionaries and pretorians shield inside the same color as the outside. There is no longer bare boards as in the base game.
Below is a detailed presentation of units and changes.
I will go to-date complete, improve and increase the number of units.



Units from this period in my mod are characterized by diversity.
There wasn't uniformity, which occurred in the first century BC
Therefore, units wear colorful tunics and colorful shields. I inspired by master Peter Connolly, who painted the Polybian Romans in various color clothes.
I changed many elements to a more historical, such as changing armor Hastati by adding them "circles" and delete the muscular armor designed for the elite.
I also added more armor and helmets. It is interesting that Equites have olive wreaths on their helmets.



Here we have uniformity. However, the unit of the period in the base game are virtually identical.
I introduced here diversity.
Standard legionaries wear helmets Montefortino and Coolus.
Veterans who fought in Gaul wear Celtic helmets, which later evolves the Imperial Gallic helmet. Here I've added my own helmets.
Units of the first cohort, the elite wear helmets in the Hellenistic style.
Thus, each unit seemingly identical in the basic version of Rome 2, in my mod did different from each other. Even so faithfully I kept to historical sources.

Veteran legionaries (Evocati)
First cohort


Imperial Romans are most types of units.
I used colors that distinguish the individual forces, for example - red for standard legionaries, blue for veterans, purple for Praetorians, and green for the Auxilia (completely new patterns).
Also helped me works of Peter Connolly.
Units in the basic game were very similar to each other. Infantry wore only 3 types of helmets (Coolus, Italic and Gallic). I have given them much more variants.
Armor in the CA's version is only lorica hamata (chain mail) and lorica segmentata (segmented armor). I have given a lot of options squamosals armor (lorica squamata).
Imperial cavalry got red trousers.
I decided to experiment a bit, so armored legionaries wear conical helmets from Syria. There is a historical source confirming such this element.
Imperial Roman legionaries and pretorians got shields inside the same color as the outside.

Legionary cohort
Evocati (veteran legionaries)
Eagle Cohort
Armored legionaries
Praetorian Guard
Auxilia infantry
Legionary cavalry
Praetorian cavalry
Auxilia cavalry

In the new year will be the release of a new version 'Sons of Mars'! There will be: mercenaries nad Italians.

99 kommentarer
GenAntilles 11. mars 2021 kl. 4.02 
Awesome mod, have been trying to find a mod that has Auxilia with green shields and if I just use the Evocati with the navy it'll match historical Roman navy. You aren't able to keep working on this are you? Would love to have Skirmisher Auxilia with Roman armor but with the green auxilia color... and especially the roman navy being blue.
able 18. okt. 2020 kl. 19.00 
I wish it would work, but launcher doing that stupid blue cloud instead of green checkmark.. won't update been sitting waiting for it but nope. I really want to use this so ill recommend it anyways ig
KLAssurbanipal  [skaper] 12. mai 2018 kl. 17.13 
Thank you. :)
rompebaquetas69 20. aug. 2017 kl. 17.17 
excelente!!! lo probare ahora mismo!
「1OO」 22. jan. 2016 kl. 17.22 
Downloaded this mod because of the previous comment, thanks for the details
KLAssurbanipal  [skaper] 15. okt. 2015 kl. 16.45 
23th November - official release date of Hellenistic Generals Mod (Rome 2)!
Sam 15. sep. 2015 kl. 12.47 
Thanks, reinstalling the game solved the problem. Unclicking or even unsubscribing the mod didn't help unfortunately.
KLAssurbanipal  [skaper] 15. sep. 2015 kl. 7.11 
Hi, probably you unclicked mod in mod manager. please unclick it and run the game.
Sam 7. sep. 2015 kl. 8.47 
I used your mod, and it looked great. But I have a problem as I've unsubscribed again because I liked the uniform pattern of late game units such as the armoured legionaries. However, even after unsubscribing your mod your changes are still there. I'm going to deinstall / reinstall the game, hoping that this will solve the problem, but do you have any idea what to do if this fails? It's just highly embarrasing to me. Thanks for your help.
KLAssurbanipal  [skaper] 20. mai 2015 kl. 14.19 
They are Veteran Legionaries (early Roman Empire).