147 평점
Official Verdun Map Guide
WW1GameSeries 님과 2명의 기여자가 작성
The official guide to the maps in Verdun, with details.

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Fight around the infamous "Four de Paris" in the Argonne near Verdun.

Argonne Screenshot

Argonne Minimap
Sectors (Left to Right):
  1. Assault Headquarters
  2. Assault Communcation
  3. Assault Fallback Line
  4. Assault Supply Line
  5. Assault Jumpoff Line
  6. No Man's Land
  7. Fleury First Line
  8. Fleury Supply Line
  9. Fleury Second Line
  10. Fleury Communication Line
  11. Fleury Reserve Line
Playable Area: 20,000m²
Length: 250m
Ground Type: Dry Dirt
No. Trench Lines: 6
Average Trench-Trench Distance: 39m
Time Limit: 18 minutes
Initial Attack / Defence Time: 2:40 minutes
Game Modes: Frontlines, Rifle Deathmatch, Attrition, Squad Defence.
The hills overlooking the desolate plains in the mining region of Artois saw furious battles.

Artois Screenshot
Artois MapSectors (Left to Right):
  1. Hollow Road
  2. Meadows
  3. Reserve Line
  4. Slopes
  5. Redoubt Reserve
  6. Redoubt Crater
  7. Redoubt Front Lines
  8. No Man's Land
  9. Assault Trenches
  10. Communication Trenches
  11. Second Line
  12. Lone Tree
  13. Old Trench
  14. Straight Road
  15. Rear Zone
Playable Area: 55,000m²
Length: 531m
Ground Type: Muddy
No. Trench Lines: 8
Average Trench-Trench Distance: 90m
Time Limit: 25 minutes
Initial Attack / Defence Time: 03:20 minutes
Game Modes: Frontlines, Rifle Deathmatch, Attrition, Squad Defence
During the war several major battles took place in the heavily wooded farmlands of the Aisne sector.

Aisne Screenshot

Aisne Map
  1. Rear Zone
  2. Former German Frontline
  3. Former No Man's Land
  4. Former Frontline
  5. Farmland No Man's Land
  6. Farmlands
  7. German Outpost No Man's Land
  8. German Outpost
  9. Established No Man's Land
  10. Ditch Line
  11. Pine Forest
  12. Forward Headquarters
  13. Destroyed Tank Column
  14. Dug In Artillery
  15. Crop Field
  16. Creek Defences
Playable Area: 75,000m²
Length: 600m
Ground Type: Forest
No. Trench Lines: 8
Average Trench-Trench distance: 75m
Time Limit: 25 minutes
Initial Attack / Defence time: 3:20 minutes
Game Modes: Frontlines, Attrition, Squad Defence and Rifle Deathmatch.
A static front, and the site of several bloody attempts to force a breakthrough in 1915.

Champagne Screenshot

Champagne Map
Sectors (Left to Right):
  1. Forest HQ
  2. Woodlands
  3. Reserve Line
  4. Barbed Wire Belt
  5. The Beehive
  6. Battered Woodlands
  7. Front Line Trench
  8. Established No Man's Land
  9. Battle Trench
  10. Cemetery Hill
  11. Deep Trenches
  12. Arid Meadows
  13. Backup Trench
  14. Barbed Wire Meadows
  15. Hillside Compound
Playable Area: 54,000m²
Length: 550m
Ground Type: Dirt
No. Trench Lines: 8
Average Trench-Trench Distance: 70m
Time Limit: 25 minutes
Initial Attack / Defence Time: 3:20 minutes
Game Modes: Frontlines, Attrition, Squad Defence and Rifle Deathmatch.
The biggest fortress in the world at the time, Douaumont became a catalyst for the carnage around Verdun.

Douaumont Screenshot

Douaumont MapSectors (Left to Right):
  1. Ravin
  2. Depot
  3. Styx Trench
  4. Old Road
  5. Udine Trench
  6. Fosse
  7. Blockhouse
  8. Entrance
  9. Gorge
  10. Balcony
  11. Barracks
  12. Ramparts
  13. Gun Positions
  14. Glacis
  15. Counterscarpe
  16. Approaches
  17. Brandenburg Trench
Playable Area: 70,000m²
Length: 461m
Ground Type: Dirt
No. Trench Lines: 8
Average Trench-Trench Distance: 60m
Time Limit: 25 minutes
Initial Attack / Defence Time: 03:20 minutes
Game Modes: Frontlines, Rifle Deathmatch, Attrition, Squad Defence
The poorly drained Ypres salient was the site of many bloody battles fought in the mud.

Flanders Screenshot

Sectors (Left to Right):
  1. Canal Side HQ
  2. Artillery Battery
  3. Fallback Line
  4. Duckboard Highway
  5. Fortified Position
  6. Tank Graveyard
  7. Frontline Breastworks
  8. No Man's Land
  9. Frontline Outposts
  10. Communication Line
  11. Ditch Defences
  12. Hooghout Woods
  13. Reserve Line
  14. Marshes
  15. Artillery Line
Playable Area: 130,000m²
Length: 827m
Ground Type: Very muddy
No. Trench Lines: 8
Average Trench-Trench Distance: 100m
Time Limit: 35 minutes
Initial Attack / Defence Time: 4:00 minutes
Gamemodes: Frontlines, Rifle Deathmatch, Attrition, Squad Defence
The rolling hills of Picardie were the stage for several bloody offensives.

Picardie Screenshot

Sectors (Left to Right):
  1. German Artillery Position
  2. German Forest
  3. German Third Line
  4. German Destroyed Woods
  5. German Deep Second Line
  6. Quarry
  7. German First Line
  8. No Mans Land
  9. French Jumpoff Line
  10. French Supply Line
  11. French Roadside Ditch
  12. French Field Defences
  13. French Fallback Line
  14. French Trenches
  15. French Artillery
Playable Area: 105,000m²
Length: 800m
Ground Type: Grassy
No. Trench Lines: 6
Average Trench-Trench Distance: 115m
Time Limit: 35 minutes
Initial Attack / Defence Time: 4:00 minutes
Game Modes: Frontlines, Rifle Deathmatch, Attrition, Squad Defence
A dense trench network centred around a huge mine crater.

Vauquois Screenshot

Playable Area: 8,100m²
Ground Type: Dry Dirt
Game Modes: Rifle Deathmatch, Attrition
A stable sector for a long time, but now the summits of the Vosges are bitterly contested.

Vosges Screenshot

Vosges Map
Sectors (Left to Right):
  1. New Fallback Position
  2. Meadow
  3. Hilltop Front Line Trench
  4. No Man's Land
  5. Summit Front Line
  6. Artillery Position
  7. Summit Headquarters
Playable Area: 40,000m²
Length: 289m
Ground Type: Grassy
No. Trench Lines: 4
Average Trench-Trench Distance: 90m
Time Limit: 25 minutes
Initial Attack / Defend Time: 3:00 minutes
Game Modes: Frontlines, Rifle Deathmatch, Attrition, Squad Defence

St. Mihiel
Located within close vicinity of the German border in 1914, this wooded area was targeted in September of 1914 by German attacks in an attempt to cut off the city of Verdun from supplies and support to the south. They advanced as far as the city of St. Mihiel on the Meuse river. Several attempts were made by the French to reclaim the salient, most notably in 1915. In late 1918, it would be the site of the first major American offensive, which finally retook the ground.

Sectors (Left to Right):
  1. Meadows
  2. Forest
  3. Second Line Headquarters
  4. Hillside
  5. Frontline
  6. No Man's Land
  7. Frontline Trench
  8. Battered Woodlands
  9. Rear Line Headquarters
  10. Barbed Wire Belt
  11. Reserves
Playable Area: 30,000m²
Length: 254m
Ground Type: Dirt
No. Trench Lines: 4
Average Trench-Trench Distance: 71m
Time Limit: 25 minutes
Initial Attack / Defence Time: 3:20 minutes
Game Modes: Frontlines, Rifle Deathmatch, Attrition, Squad Defence
댓글 45
[WN]anderbro01 2022년 2월 22일 오전 4시 57분 
Lets put this comment here. Have a nice day.
iVET-Ansolini 2019년 11월 10일 오후 7시 03분 
can we get some new maps???
Blazy013  [작성자] 2019년 6월 3일 오전 4시 05분 
@Beef Squisher - map time limits have been updated.
Beef Squisher 2018년 9월 23일 오전 5시 02분 
What's up with these time limits? Fairly sure none of the maps have a 45:15 time limit on frontlines, Artois' is 25 minutes, for example, and I'm pretty sure Vosges' is less.
Bishop 2018년 8월 3일 오전 4시 33분 
@McAintLovinIt: There's only plans for 1 new map.
Bishop 2018년 4월 8일 오전 10시 11분 
@McAintLovinIt: Somme is Picardie. Verdun would be Fort Douaumont and Marne is closest to Aisne.
Winters 2018년 2월 5일 오전 6시 25분 
i never had this error until the merge.
Winters 2018년 2월 5일 오전 6시 25분 
Why is the sky purple and looks strange.
CYBERTRONIK 2017년 7월 10일 오전 7시 32분 
Very Very Cool and realismus
Teflon Don 2017년 2월 9일 오후 4시 56분 
@Putin4Life , these are indeed real locations. The Devs meticulously studied pictures and maps, among other things, to recreate the battlefield. There's an article about what they did specifically somewhere, it's quite impressive.