Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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Safe n' Stable Landing Gear Connections
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23 FEB 2015 a las 14:44
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Safe n' Stable Landing Gear Connections

Sick of your little ships (using landing gears) exploding and falling off your big ship or even while sitting on your station?

Get this, follow the instructions in the script header.

Tested on Dedicated Server up to 155.5 m/s - 500,000m from center of world for 20 minutes without issue.
21 comentarios
Amalek 18 ABR 2016 a las 21:55 
I am trying this mod out as I have carriers that get ripped to shreds when I try to fly with docked ships. The instructions where not very clear but I think I have it working. I cant see any actions taking place besides my timer block going off every second, but so far I have had not ships break free. I will continue to test and report back.
Marziopan 21 AGO 2015 a las 11:11 
does it still works? cause when i get the landing gears locked on a surface they doesn't cycle on/off anymore...
Soloquendi 26 ABR 2015 a las 12:18 
Probably. I appreciate the mod. It seems to work fine. The game though needs that rewrite drastically. We're using a very high end dedicated server and it doesn't seem to make much difference.

Thanks for the reply.
InfiniteDice  [autor] 25 ABR 2015 a las 8:27 
WillOfStone - Likely a de-sync issue with the server.
Soloquendi 25 ABR 2015 a las 3:27 
Landed a small ship on a large ship I was building. Working fine. Turned off progam block, unlocked and took off, noticed one landing gear missing. Turned around but didn't see it on the large ship, must have gone somewhere. Got to my base and Wham! Apparently the game thought the gear was still locked to the large ship and tried to reunite it with the small ship. Unfortunately, that space was occupied by my base so both it and the new ship were almost totally destroyed. Not sure if this was caused by the script or the original game bug, but be sure to keep a watch on the gear. If one is missing, don't move for a minute.
merendel 8 ABR 2015 a las 10:56 
If folks are haveing trouble undocking try a timer thats set to 1 MasterTimer toggle, 2 LandingGearGroup on, 3 LandingGearGroup Autolock toggle, 4 LandingGearGroup unlock. set it on the hotbar to trigger now. you may still get 1 landing gear that is stuck on the first try but you can either hit P to trigger the gear the normal way or just doubletap the new timer and it should finish undocking. Reason for the sticky gears is you cant unlock while a gear is powered down and the first timer wont always power it up in time to recieve the unlock command.
Tamster 23 MAR 2015 a las 10:02 
looking for a quick way to undock too :) other way is stopping the timer block, turn off landing gear and take off
Kham 23 MAR 2015 a las 3:39 
Great little script. Just one question, does anybody have a quick way to turn them off and undock? We've tried setting up another timer block to just trigger once turning off the master timer, activating both landing gears, setting their autolock off, unlocking, then turning them off. But for some reason that approach always leaves one of them locked. Going through them all individually is a bit time consuming.
IsThatAGrenade? 8 MAR 2015 a las 19:45 
Amazing man i will tell everyone about this script. You are going to save us from so much frustration and time wasted rebuilding what would have fallen victim of the landing gears!
Kam Solastor 7 MAR 2015 a las 11:37 
Aha, figured out how to load this. @Shaggy and others - add a programmable block to your small ship (or large ship, I suppose too), and then open it, click edit, and there's a button at the bottom in the edit screen labled 'workshop' (bottom right). You can then open up scripts downloaded from the workshop, just like how blueprints can be loaded up from the workshop. Then select this mods script from the list, open it, and follow the instructions contained therein.