Sid Meier's Civilization V

Sid Meier's Civilization V

58 ratings
Super Civs - Marvel Pack
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90.074 MB
Oct 27, 2015 @ 4:54pm
Oct 11, 2016 @ 3:27pm
9 Change Notes ( view )

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Super Civs - Marvel Pack

In 1 collection by luei333
Super Civs
48 items
Adds 16 playable Superhero- and Supervillain-based Civs from the Marvel universe. Requires BNW and G&K.

Included Civilizations: (click them to go to their individual Workshop page)
Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Miss Marvel, Black Panther, Wolverine, Spider-Man, Jean Grey
Doctor Doom, Magneto, Loki, Emma Frost, Red Skull, Deadpool, Venom, Elektra

Check out these other mods in the Super Civs family (none of these are included in any other mod or mod pack):
Miss Marvel Replacer: Captain Marvel
Spider-Man Replacer: Spider-Gwen
Religions Pack

Version History: (Stay subscribed to this mod to automatically download any future Civs that get added to the pack!)
v4 - Added 4 new civs: Spider-Man, Jean Grey, Venom, Elektra! Added leader replacements for Spider-Man and Miss Marvel. Added a standalone Religions mod, and updated some existing civs' religious preferences.
v3 - Added 2 new civs: Wolverine and Deadpool! 3 civs now have war and peace music: Captain America, Iron Man, Thor! Small bug fixes and changes to included mods. Some changes to balance of many civs. See individual pages. Added support for a number of popular mods. Keep in mind, I've never played with any of them, so let me know if there are any bugs related to them, or if certain leader behaviors are inappropriate. Also let me know what other mods you'd like support for.
v2 - Added 2 new civs: Black Panther and Red Skull! Various changes to included mods. See individual pages. Removed the dependency on BNW and G+K. Fair warning, most of these still need one or both of them, but I don't have the time or will to test any of that, so use at your own risk/discretion.
v1 - The very first release! Yay!

If you want a more refined selection of Civs, take a look at the more specific Civ packs:
Super Civs - Marvel Heroes Pack
Super Civs - Marvel Villains Pack

This mod is just one of many mods based on superheroes and villains from both the Marvel and DC universes. Check out my other Civ packs:
Super Civs - Complete Pack
Super Civs - DC Pack

The Enhanced User Interface mod (or any mod that overwrites UnitPanel.lua) will not work properly with my Elektra, Zatanna, or Catwoman civs, or very likely with any packs that include those civs either!
Support provided for: Civ 4 Traits; JFD's User Settings, Civilopedia, CiD, Cultural Diversity, ExCE, Mercenaries, and RtP; R.E.D.; Map Labels
All of my mods should be perfectly compatible with other mods. Let me know if there are any conflicts.

Credits are in the individual Civilization pages, and in the Civilopedia pages.

Huge thanks to:
DC Comics Database
Civilization Fanatics (and countless members who provided tutorial materials and informational materials)
Civilization Wiki
And thanks to you for playing my mod!
I am human? Sep 1, 2023 @ 10:05am 
@jack.son_c it's so you can use the dlc things with the mod. they're on sale i think rn go get them
TheNaniteJester Jan 1, 2023 @ 2:07pm 
its not worth it
TheNaniteJester Jan 1, 2023 @ 2:07pm 
both together are 60 dollars
TheNaniteJester Jan 1, 2023 @ 2:07pm 
why does this require dlc
evan1985 Oct 24, 2020 @ 11:22am 
great scientists appear in all my cities every turn plus when i adopt a policy is there a fix for this?
theswabby Apr 26, 2020 @ 5:54pm 
I cant get any symbiotes to spawn? What exactly do they replace or require?
luei333  [author] Nov 26, 2016 @ 2:44pm 
@dream, both.
foX Nov 26, 2016 @ 6:25am 
both g&k and bnw required or either one??
Severus Oct 10, 2016 @ 3:22am 
Nice :D
magneto860 Jun 20, 2016 @ 6:45am 
No problem. Thank you for your hard work. It's really fun to play superheroes on civ. :)