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Evasive Trajectory
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4. Nov. 2015 um 7:01
4. Nov. 2015 um 7:02
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Evasive Trajectory

In 2 Kollektionen von thundervine
Gunpoint Game Physics
7 Inhalte
Conway's Heyday
10 Inhalte
Ready for a real challenge? Avoid getting killed while jumping over guards who are facing your direction. Not only is this quite possible (even without upgrades!), there's also a science (or math) behind it.

This level is an experiment on the game’s physics, in the same style as E2506101’s custom level “Personal Ballistics Range”. Here we’ll try to answer the question, “Is there a projectile path that will allow you to evade a guard who is shooting at you?”

The hints below are the result of this test. But try to solve it by yourself first.

General Guidelines:
Once you enter a guard's field of view, it takes him a few moments to load his gun and aim at you. Take advantage of this delay by following two rules:
1. Keep the peak of your trajectory away from his field of view. You can do this either by aiming it behind him, or behind a wall. This will ensure that you are at optimal acceleration as you fly in front of him.
2. Take the shortest path within the guard's field of view. In practice, this means don't aim too high, as this means that majority of your path will be within sight of the guard. Don't aim too horizontally either, for the same reason.

Additionally, you can fine tune your aim by increasing/decreasing your equipment upgrades.

Hints per section: to be added later...

Oh, and please rate! :)
9 Kommentare
thundervine  [Autor] 31. Aug. 2018 um 19:13 
I know I said that I've made my last map. But I'm currently working on a new set of maps with a story. I hope to publish them just in time for the next Steam Sale.
thundervine  [Autor] 30. Juli 2018 um 7:13 
@C9 Thank you. This map is part of a collection, "Gunpoint Game Physics". Check out the other maps there.

Also, my latest (and probably last) map is called "Severed Silicate Symphony". It's either funny or annoying, depending on your noise tolerance. Check it out: :tranq:
JAGUAR 29. Juli 2018 um 21:57 
pls make another funny map
JAGUAR 29. Juli 2018 um 21:51 
thundervine  [Autor] 12. Nov. 2015 um 5:00 
Thanks! :)
Peterdas1 12. Nov. 2015 um 1:57 
Really Good!
Wooden Shoes 8. Nov. 2015 um 10:22 
fun and hard, just like my richard
thundervine  [Autor] 7. Nov. 2015 um 5:57 
Thanks! I'm glad you had fun with it.
gabgab01 7. Nov. 2015 um 5:51 
this level was really fun^^ a new way to play gunpoint: you really have to confront them and trick their line of sight. i died multiple times because i haven't paid attention to all guards, and it was definitely a challenge without upgrades. would like to see more levels that have some of these aspects build in, like a mixture between sneaking and confrontation.^^