Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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Zombie: RP
Items (162)
Hide names and death notice
Created by detectiveLosos
Script hides players names on your server. So nobody can see name and health % of his target. This also hides death notice in top right corner. Use console command "toggleHideNames" to turn on and off. Default is on....
Created by Heox
Players stuck in other Players?! No longer with this addon! ...
Created by Malboro
PermaProps 4.0 What is the PermaProps: The permaprops is a lightweight addon written to save entities on a map. This is very useful to improve servers and help builders. How use it: Saving: Aim a entity and press left mouse. Remove: Aim a entity and press ...
3D2D Textscreens
Created by James
Create 3D2D text anywhere in the world. This addon is now open source! Contribute to development of this addon on GitHub. All pull requests are welco...
[Official] Precision Tool
Created by [XTT] General Wrex
IF YOU GET GETINFONUM ERRORS, DO THIS IN YOUR CONSOLE precision_defaultrestore Formerly 'Easy Precision', this tool allows exact movement of objects for accurate building. Push/pull, rotate, and snap props together at specif...
Gmod Legs 3
Created by Valkyrie
Gmod Legs Works with most custom playermodels Actively maintained since 2012 Like this addon? Award it! and checkout my GmodRPG im working on This will allow you to see your legs in first person, just like in Left 4 Dead or any modern FPS Info: Hold you co...
Enhanced Damage Addon
Created by neosloth
This addon makes the damage system in gmod more 'realistic' If you get shot in the head the damage done is tripled. If you get shot in the arm the damage is significantly reduced and there is a chance of you dropping your weapon if you get shot in your han...
Third Person Flashlight
Created by Wheatley
This mod is no longer supported and/or improved by it's original author. No bug reports or suggestions will be accepted. Check out fixed version of this addon New flashlight rendering system. With this script you can see other player's flashlight. Players ...
Fading door tool
Created by Panthera Tigris
A tool that makes anything into a fadable door. Features - Can select material. - Can select sounds. - Wire support. - Can make NPC's, vehicles and props into a fadable door. Authors: Conna, Lexi and Panthera Tigris ID: 115753588...
The Sit Anywhere Script!
Created by Xerasin
This script allows you to sit on nearly every flat ledge or simply on the ground! Just press Alt (or the key you have 'Walk (Move Slowly)' bound to) + e (or the key you have 'Use' bound to) on the place you want to sit. Great for RP servers for that touch ...
M9K Specialties
FIGHT FOR NET NEURTALITY! This addon was not designed for TTT. DarkRP works with minor changes to settings, such as default clips, weapon stripping. See the description for info on how to adjust these settings to fit your needs. Included in this addon: Amm...
[LW] Quad Bikes
Created by Swiggly
[LW] Shared Textures
Created by Swiggly
Info If you dont have the LWCars SVN, You will need this to fix missing texture errors on any new cars. If you're reading this, Thank you for being smart enough to read the picture. Using a shared addon just makes it easier to update and will make missing ...
[LW] Wheel Props
Created by Swiggly
[LW] Hummer Pack
Created by Swiggly
Missing .WAV files for M9K
THIS WILL NOT HELP IF YOU ARE USING A CONTENT PACK FOR A GAME YOU DO NOT OWN! IF YOU HAVE A GAME CONTENT PACK, GET RID OF IT! This addon conatins the original .WAV sound files from the M9K weapons packs, from before I switched them over to MP3s to save spa...
Simple ThirdPerson - Sliders & Fixes!
Created by FailCake
Its just a simple client side ThirdPerson. WORKS WELL WITH PAC3 :D! Note, the playermodel is a PAC Wanna help out? Check If you Don't see yourself when in thirdperson, make sure the...
Russian Roulette Weapon
Created by tuxe
Has a 1/6 chance to blow your head off. If it doesn't the gun will drop to the floor and the chance to blow the next persons' brains out is raised by 1. you can use the console command roulette_secondary_resets 1 to allow players to right click and set the...
Damage Players in Seats
MAYBE OBSOLETE ADDON Intro By default players cannot be damaged when they are sitting on seats. This addon allows bullets (and only bullets) to damage the player when they hit the chair. I know no more efficient way to do the job. This addon does not work ...
[CW 2.0] PP-19 Bizon
Created by George Maalouf
Check out all my submissions: Here The PP-19 Bizon, on the Customizable Weaponry 2 Base. Keep it original, or turn it into a tactical killing machine. Requires Customizable Weaponry 2.0 by Spy: Attat...
PKM [CW 2.0]
Created by Taahnner
I noticed there aren't many LMG's for CW, so I made this. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! I will also be updating this swep as time goes on! **Requires Customizable Weaponry 2.0 to work properly!** To get the best experience, use these addons wi...
VJ Base
Created by DrVrej
VJ Base, short for Vrej Base, was established in 2012 with the aim of assisting in the development of various addons. It is popularly used to create scripted NPCs, thanks to its highly customizable and sophisticated artificial intelligence systems. For an ...
Easy Bodygroup Tool
Created by Rubat
An improved bodygroup tool, also supporting skins! And it works on effects too! Usage Right/Left click on an entity to select it. Reload to select yourself If the entity is highlighted with halo effect, then open context menu and make changes. Everything i...
4K Blood
Created by Ellie
Hello everyone, you probably don't know me but I'm a L4D2 modder that loves to play with material proxies (I manage to create new stuff for mods using texture programming, I managed to create a Random Texture System and other stuff) Back in summer, I did a...
Stacker STool
Created by maesles
==== END OF SUPPORT ==== I am no longer putting time into this addon. Feel free to pick up development on your own. Link to source: http:// /va1g ==== END OF SUPPORT ==== Fixed for GM13, with other minor tweaks, by me. Not originally my work. Fixes:...
Anonyme Command V4.2
Created by DeadRow
Anonymous command allows to speak / ano in that we can see the player's name . ...
Created by Fy-e
SprayMon allows players to see authors of sprays. Don't just press "subscribe", it won't work. This addon is for servers. See instructions at the bottom. "spraymon" console command will show you sprays of all players on server. Change "spraymon_nodelay" co...
Atmos - Day / Night and Weather Modification
Created by looter Atmos 2 Atmos 2 is now Open Source and a work in progress, community contributions are welcome. Once it's stable and more user friendly, this workshop addon will be updated and switched over. Update Notes / Changelog Patch No...
Roll Command
Created by DeadRow
: This addon is used to increase the level of your roleplay server. : Cette addon sert à augmenter le niveau de roleplay sur vos serveur. Changelogs : 11/09/2015 : Initial Version....
Microphone and Radio (for RP) Updated
Created by lillita
I have tested this addon and it now works, so feel free to use it as much as you like. I take no credit for the code, as for the fix I removed some non-essential code to fix it, and am looking for 1 or 2 lines to replace them. Barely any of the code is min...
Connect/Disconnect Messages
Created by LordiAnders
This script displays a simple message in the chat whenever a player connects/disconnects/loads, as well as the reason upon disconnect Now why would i be uploading this if "messages already show in the chat"? Some gamemodes and in some circumstances sandbox...
Zombie SNPCs
Created by DrVrej
Welcome to my Zombie SNPCs! *NOTICE* VJ Base is required for this addon to work! Link Update Changelogs are located in the Change Notes. FEATURES Check VJ Base's workshop page for full feature list! Adds 43 New SNPCs & Entities Mini Zombie Boss Zombie Boss...
Seats Network Optimizer
Optimizer for servers & multiplayer games This addon is designed to significantly reduce network usage when using numerous seats and prisoner pods. This addon is totally useless in a local game, but it can decrease the network usage related to prop_vehicle...
Destructible Doors for Gmod!
Created by Exho
Because opening doors is too mainstream. *** Info: This is a gameplay addon for people who would enjoy to break down doors but not use a Locker weapon. With this, you can simply walk up to most doors and shoot it down. You can check if a door is usable thr...
Created by Wolly
These are basic turrets/emplacements. They actually work as entities. Use them at your own discretion. Have fun. No longer requires GBombs. The 4 turrets are 7.62x39mm Turret - Fast rate of fire, good for crowd control. - Not very effective at long range. ...
NPC Weapon pack 2
Created by roguex100
Citizens, Metropolice, and Combines can use these guns. These NPC weapons can be found in the Npc Weapon Override list If you have any issues please refer to the troubleshooting section of the full description. _____________________________________________...
Modern Notifications
Created by UselessGhost
Little cosmetic update for default Sandbox notifications....
Fallout Fortifications
Created by Roach
This is a pack containing various props and ragdolls that were collected from previous addons that either have been removed or no longer exist anymore, most of the files came from sites like that are not up anymore. --DISCLAIMER None of the p...
Military Music Speakers 2
Created by Caldryk
Military Music Speakers Part 2 is OUT ! After some months, I've decided to upload more Military songs and that's it ! Here is the list of what is inside this pack: - Call Of Duty Moden Warfare 2 Ost-31 Assaulting The Submarine Base Launch - Moden Warfare 2...
No More Room In Hell SNPCs
Created by DrVrej
Welcome to my No More Room In Hell SNPCs! *NOTICE* VJ Base is required for this addon to work! Link Update Changelogs are located in the Change Notes. FEATURES Check VJ Base's workshop page for full feature list! Adds 13 New SNPCs & Entities Walking Male Z...
Spawnable Kevlar Armor
Created by Reidmaster
Spawnable Kevlar Armor Includes: ~ Light Armor (100, Left Vest) ~ Medium Armor (150, Middle Vest) ~ Heavy Armor (250, Right Vest) This pack is just like my other pack except new models. (I also included the other Combine Vest models too (Second Pic). Credi...
Created by dr mittens
rp_stalker S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Roleplay map made for Taco 'N' Banana by Dave Brown. Frequently used on our server, and a large area with different towns and settlements, allowing for several factions to set up their own bases. This map includes a very neat 'blo...
Created by The Commander
REMEMBER TO GIVE THIS MAP A THUMBS UP AND SUBSCRIBE, IT REALLY HELPS! Check out the map on the Official Underdone RPG Server. rp_pripyat_fixed Does not require CS:S or Episode 1/2. Some people are reporting that this crashes their Garr...
Basic Compass
Created by Silent λ *I am not the original creator of this addon you can find the link to the original post below. If the original creator would like me to take this item down than please contact me...
Brutal Deaths
Created by deadslop
(NOTE: Because some people are getting confused, these are just SOUNDS, no other addition or function. You can find how to make your death experience much more dramatic further in the description.) Ever felt the overwhelming realizaton of silliness on the ...
3D Stream Radio
Created by Grocel
The 3D Stream Radio is a toolgun spawnable scripted entity that allows you to play streams from the internet and local files as 3D world sound. You can spawn it with the toolgun and change its settings. FAQ (Read this before asking): FAQ (Read this for hel...
/roll command
Created by Diablos
A very simple script (10-15 lines lmao) but useful. Many server owners want to have a thing like this: if you are in a RP situation and you want to test if a certain thing will be did with success, type /roll then you will have a number between 1 and 100 t...
Local OOC Command
Created by DeadRow
: It is the Local OOC command. : Ce script permet de faire un /looc pour parler en /me mais en local. Changelogs : 12/09/2015 : Initial Version....
Russian Federation Army Infantry [CONTENT]
! THIS IS ONLY MATERIALS, YOU NEED TO SUBSCRIBE THE MAIN ONE ! ***NOTE*** I am not the original creator of the models. All I did was to make the models into Playermodels & NPCs. *Credit:*
Russian Federation Army Infantry [P.M. and NPCs]
! YOU NEED TO SUBSCRIBE THE CONTENT IN ORDER TO WORK ! ***NOTE*** I am not the original creator of the models. All I did was to make the models into Playermodels & NPCs. *Credit:* Simkas For the original models ✡Shawshank Jew✡For making NPCs and playermode...
Photon 1 (Old Version): Lighting Engine
Created by schmal
Photon 2, a complete rewrite and all new version of this addon (released December 31st, 2023), is available for download now. Photon Lighting Engine (v1) adds emergency vehicle functionality to standard cars....
[Photon] Mercedes Sprinter Box Trucks
Created by shadowzack
This is the files need to enable photon emergency lights and sirens for Lone Wolfies's Mercedes Sprinter. You will need LW's mercedes sprinter pack addon and Schmal's Photon: Emergency & Car Lighting Engine addon Photon LW Mercedes Sprinter The Mobile Comm...
[LW] Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Pack
Created by Swiggly
rp_forest_strike CONTENT
Created by Diomonder
Content for rp_forest_strike maps....
rp_forest_strike Day/Night
Created by Diomonder
This is the BSP's only! REQUIRES THE CONTENT PACK AND Counter Strike Source!!!! I tried like crazy to make it only one gma file but the compression just didnt want to accept it so rip..... THIS IS TWO DIFFERENT MAPS: rp_forest_strike_day rp_forest_strike_n...
Czech Civilians (PlayerModels and NPCs)
Created by Drem
15 PlayerModels and NPCs rip from the CoD Czech Resistance models. 6 Females and 9 Males models, with bodygroups . NPCs spawn with random skins & bodygroups. Beanies and Mouth fixed. T-poses fixed. No c_models. // Maps used for the screenshots : rp_termina...
Playermodel - Sapeur Pompier
Created by Avarox
Informations : This is french firefighter • Customizable body group • addon works without additional addons • If you do not see the addon unsubscribe and re-subscribe ----------------------------------------------------- - © Copyright, droit réservé...
Playermodel - SAMU
Created by Avarox
Informations : • No customizable body group • addon works without additional addons • If you do not see the addon unsubscribe and re-subscribe -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - © Copyright, droit réser...
[DRS] Prisoner Player Models
Created by Sal
Player Models skinned by Sal Made for Death-Row Servers
Dead Rising 2: Food Props
Now Before I say anything, no I did NOT make this, I am merely uploading it to the workshop because I love it so much, also no these are props, you canNOt eat them. Features: -14 food props ((Including but not restricted to: a burrito, brownie, onion rings...
Handies | Dab & More!
Created by leaf
A cool addon that adds sweps wich allows you to do some cool moves! At the moment the animations only look right when u stand still! SERVER OWNERS: I recently added a new command that lets players give themselves the sweps without having to enter the weapo...
The Prone Mod - wOS
Give those tired legs a break and go prone! Note: This version of the addon requires wOS - Base Extension and wOS - Prone Mod Extension to work. Note: This addon may cause some NPCs to glitch into prone animations at random times. Currently this issue is k...
[wOS] Animation Extension - Prone Mod
Created by King David™
YOU NEED THE wOS ANIMATION EXTENSION BASE FOR THIS TO WORK!! Here it is! The official Prone Mod extension to the wiltOS Animation Base, for use with Prone Mod All credit goes to Stiffy and the people at Valve for making the HL2 prone layers and prone base ...
[wOS] Animation Extension - Base (Full Version)
Created by King David™
[LW] Dodge Ram 1500 Outdoorsman
Created by Swiggly
Post-Apocalyptic Insurgent Coalition Bandits!
Created by Arden
These models came from the game CSO2 and are also in NPC format. Please do not decompile this addon because I took a lot of time to make the NPCs, playermodels and viewmodels for this pack! Thanks!...
STALKER Artifacts, Detectors & Props
Created by Kally
IF YOU'RE GOING TO READ ANYTHING READ THIS BIT: These are props. Sorry. I'm no coder and i don't know anyone who could make these into entities or sweps even if i wanted them to. If you enjoy them as props, then i'm glad. If you're immensely unhappy that t...
Improved flashlight texture
Created by Wheatley
New flashlight texture. Third Person Flashlight script: Update 1.1: Flashlight now more brighter....
Variety of Food Pack
Created by Veilance
A selection of different food and food related props. They will show up under "browse/addons/griim_foodpack" All models have been created entirely by myself. ------------------------------------- Currently Included: --FOOD & DRINK-- Bacon Egg Muffin Sausag...
Infantry First Aid Kit
Created by Othereum
IFAK from FA:S 2.0 Misc. Good for RP servers. It's STANDALONE addon that NOT requiring FA:S 2.0 Base or Misc. Well, you can use both if you want. Credits to spy....
Improved Stacker
Created by Thomas
Improved Stacker Tool The Improved Stacker tool is a complete rewrite of the original Stacker tool and includes many bug fixes and new features that both clients and server owners can benefit from. Unlike the other versions of the tool, the Improved Stacke...
Metro 2033 Ranger Armor Player Model
Created by Shadows
Ranger Armor Player Model From Metro 2033. Includes NPC But Is Not Working. Not Made By Me. Enjoy!....
Metro 2033/STALKER Guitar SWEP
Created by ♥ Di ♥
---------------------------------------------------------- I DO NOT WORK WITH GMOD ANYMORE ---------------------------------------------------------- This is a modified version of Playable Guitar SWEP. CREDITS GO TO: Annoying Rooster - original addon Spy -...
Bus Pénitentiaire - POLICE NATIONALE
Created by Azok30 En France, la Police nationale est une police d'État. Elle est rattachée au ministère de l'Intérieur. Les policiers titulaires et stagiaires qui la composent s...
Scientists { Playermodel & NPC }
Created by [CZ] Colonel Clanny
If you require help with something, feel free to join my Addon Group. Next and probably the last release of Underhell models, this is now a Scientist Playermodel and NPC Addon, you can spawn those...
Scientist Playermodel
Created by Konnie
Scientist model from : Takedown: Red Sabre Simple scientist model made by me around 4 months ago which I never really cared out nor used. Found it today and thought about releasing it as servers mainly use a default model for jobs similar to this one. Eith...
Wolfenstein Radio
Created by Bepsi
This is for and their new RP coming out soon. Credits : Black Mesa: Model Bishop:Jukebox Code _FR_Starfox64 - Original Addon Flux: Remaking/Remixing...
Model Manipulator
Created by Armanello
Allows you to change any props and NPC model to any other. You can also change your own model. Tool is in 'Construction' category. Using: Right-Click to get model from NPC/ragdoll/prop Left-Click to set model to NPC/ragdoll/prop Reload to set your own play...
Day of Infamy Melee Pack
Created by Полковник
Shovels and knife bayonet from Day of Infamy (DoI, originally mod for Insurgency), included: British Entrenching Tool German Entrenching Tool American Entrenching Tool Marine Bayonet Made by me P.S. f...
Created by CyVex
Thanks for all the support from version 1, Here's a new, and improved version of rp_stalker! Things to note. I am working on a fully generated .Nav Mesh i know most of you that download this either host Zombie RP, or if your like me and host Day-Z. Its tak...
NPC Tools
Created by Silverlan
SPECIAL THANKS to Cpt. Hazama for fixing the addon! ----------------------------------- I'm done with gmod and I don't take requests, so please stop spamming the comment section. There won't be any updates or new packs. If you want to check out my new proj...
Chuck's Weaponry 2.0
Created by sрy
Check out 'Intravenous', a stealth/action game that I'm working on! Click here to open the base documentation. Features: - Dynamic recoil and accuracy - Custom viewmodel movement - Surface ricochet and penetration - Firemodes - Weapon holstering on weapon ...
Rinic's CW 2.0! Reuploaded!
Created by "R"
Wow that took me a while.. -- Hey guys! It's Rinic here with my first pack! In case you're wondering why it's reuploaded.. well, I did a major booboo some months ago when uploader was being a little piece of crap, so in hopes that maybe deleteing and reupl...
[CW 2.0] SVD Dragunov
Created by Kindred Flame You need Knife Kitty's HK416 pack for the fancy scopes, there is a link below. The model is from Game Banana submitted by IIopn ===Requirements=== You need this to make stuff work
FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs
Created by sрy
Check out the game I've released on Steam! This is the official FA:S 2.0 SWEPs pack that I worked along with the developers of the mod, to make sure that it matches their tastes. The base is written completely from scratch. In case you're interested, get t...
FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs - Misc
Created by sрy
Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) This is an optional SWEP pack that adds various miscellaneous weapons to the official FA:S 2.0 SWEPs pack that I worked alon...
FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPS - Pistols
Created by sрy
Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) This is an optional SWEP pack that adds more pistols to the official FA:S 2.0 SWEPs pack that I worked along with the develo...
FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs - Rifles
Created by sрy
Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) This is an optional SWEP pack that adds more rifles to the official FA:S 2.0 SWEPs pack that I worked along with the develop...
FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs - Shotguns
Created by sрy
Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) This is an optional SWEP pack that adds more shotguns to the official FA:S 2.0 SWEPs pack that I worked along with the devel...
FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs - SMGs
Created by sрy
Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) This is an optional SWEP pack that adds more sub-machine guns to the official FA:S 2.0 SWEPs pack that I worked along with t...
FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs - U. Rifles
Created by sрy
Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) This is an optional SWEP pack that adds a few unofficial rifles to the official FA:S 2.0 SWEPs pack that I worked on with Ta...
Weapon Holsters with editor
Created by Othereum
This add-on is currently out of support. If you have a problem or want to add a feature, modify it yourself and feel free to upload it. Don't worry about copyright. Enhanced Weapon Holsters Unsubscribe other laggy, buggy weapon holsters addons now. It has ...
Fallout New Vegas Model Pack
Created by Sythen
NPCs and Playermodels from Fallout New Vegas, Some have a Half Life 2 Spin....
NPC Spawn Platforms v3
Created by Lexi
A highly customisable STool that allows the wielder to create a SEnt that will continuously spawn the specified NPC with the specified weapons until stopped, allowing them to stage huge NPC battles, either against themselves, or against rival NPC factions....
DarkRP Radio System
Created by Trench
Like my work? why not checkout my standalone game Hyperwaste It's about surviving the wasteland of a long collapsed cyberpunk world. *ADDON NO LONGER SUPPORTED BY CREATOR* IMPORTANT: This only works in the official DarkRP ga...
rp_v_torrington CONTENT
Created by Dremekeks
A cinematic roleplay map, specifically for zombie roleplay. YOU NEED THE SECOND ADDON FOR THIS MAP OR IT WILL ERROR OUT: This is due to the constraints of the workshop, the maximum filesize is...
Wolfenstein Soldat NPCs and Playermodels
Created by CakeZ
This is an NPC and Playermodel pack of Soldats from Wolfenstein: The New Order. It includes hostile and friendly NPC variants of all models enclosed. The original ports were done by this fellow for CSS at the link below.
General Deatshead Personal Playermodel
Created by W00KI
|RUS| Аддон добавляет playermodel Генерала Черепа из игры Wolfenstein The New Order |ENG| Addon adds the General Deatshead playermodel from the game Wolfenstein The New Order Special for ©Wooki 2017...
Created by CapsAdm¡n
ABOUT: Gives you the ability to personalize your player model's look by placing objects and effects on yourself. You can go from putting just a hat on your head to creating an entire new player model. PAC can also work on vehicles or props. You can wear yo...
Metro: Last Light - Hansa Soldier - Playermodel and Ragdoll
Created by Ninya
This model was requested by Mr. Pyrous and French Toast, it was rigged by Devoc (L4D2 Workshop), originally hexed by gashelmet, and then turned into a playermodel by me. I did rework the textures and unfucck the bumpmaps, however, and also set up a new set...
F.E.A.R. 2: Keira Stokes Playermodel
Created by Nararana
This model is incompatible with the original addon. If you have the original addon installed, please unsubscribe/uninstall it. The original addon is listed in the credits. ------------- FULLY TESTED IN SINGLEPLAYER AND MULTIPLAYER (local and public)! This ...
CSO2 Helga playermodel/NPC UNCENSORED + Fixed edition
Created by Huche'er
Helga from Counter Strike Online 2, and all her original big booby spetsnaz glory. Now, you may be asking: Wait this is already a player model on the workshop! Well the other guy removed all of the spetsnaz symbols and Russian flags. Then did the unforgiva...
Stalker playermodels (factions)
Created by ♥ Di ♥
------------------------------------------------------------------------- I DO NOT WORK WITH GMOD ANYMORE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALL CREDITS GO TO DAVE BROWN FOR HIS MARVELOUS WORK ON THE STALKER MODELS. I...
Resident Evil 4 Hunk Playermodel
Created by 76561198121568138
The notorious Hunk from Resident Evil as a Playermodel. Credits: Model Pack Created: Orrie, resident evil 4 Model Pack Uploader: Donnie Azoff Creator of Playermodel: Jordan Belfort Contains: Hunk Playermodel ( RE4 Umbrella) Hunks Arms. Almost nothing is kn...
Resident Evil 4 Model Collection
Created by Donnie Azoff
This model collection contains most models from Resident Evil 4 . Credits: Orignal Author: Orrie, resident evil 4 The models contained in this collection include a majority of the weapons in the game as well as...
Friday the 13th - Tiffany Cox (PM+NPC)
Created by Konnie
Tiffany Cox model from Friday the 13th The Game. Features: Finger-posing Viewmodel hands Faceposing Not doing requests currently, have a lot more LOTR models to come, don't bother requesting them, thank you! If you want me to continue making models as I am...
R6S: Thatcher P.M. and Ragdoll
Created by jolly ol' chap
Today's upload i'm bringing you a model of a SAS operative from R6S. Comes as a playermodel as well, bodygrouped with his trench helmet cosmetic. Port, previews by me. Thanks to TwilightSparkle for rigging. Also big thanks to Luxox18 for extacting the mode...
Call of Duty MW2 Playermodels
Created by Zackyo
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Russia and Rangers for Garry's Mod. These troopers are working playermodels that uses Valve's skeleton, which will let you be the either Russian Soldier or a Ranger as a Playermodel. I'm uploading this because I dont see this...
3D escape- Content
Created by hugo
Sudden Attack 2 Miya playermodel & NPC
Created by Huche'er
Miya from Sudden Attack 2 AKA that game that got shut down because no one wanted to play it after they removed all female characters. Model converted from L4D2.Link here Features: +Jigglebones + Better textures and materials, improving from the L4D2 addon ...
Steampunk Plague Doctor
Created by Half-Dead
Something quick I did overnight. Made mostly of Killing Floor stuff with CoD heads. Bodygroups, skingroups, faceposing, nude pics of Ninja_Nub, seperate props and playermodels included. Credits to Tripwire Interactive and Infinity Ward. Feel free to make n...
Dying Light | Jade Aldemir | NPC + Playermodel
Created by Sneglen I have made this ragdoll model there already exist in Garry's mod to a Playermodel. I have made it for a friend. NOTE: There will not be made more Dying light models from me! __________________________________________________...
MGS4 - Meryl - Playermodel + Ragdoll
Created by Lt_C
Meryl Silverburgh - Metal Gear Solid 4 Included in this pack is Meryl, from MGS4. Two versions actually; the standard Rat Team edition with full bodygroups and also a bonus Army servicedress uniform version that is more or less an accurate-sh recreation of...
MKX Cassie Cage Npc/Playermodel
Created by True
Cassandra Cain From Mortal Kombat X I mean Cassandra Cage My main in MKX, really wanted to do her Hugely customizable Dont forget to thumbs up and follow me Features: -Playermodel -Many Bodygroups: --Headset --Glasses --Baton --Guns+Hoster --Radar --Grenad...
Esmeralda Torres - The Evil Within 2 - [Ragdoll/NPC/PM]
Created by CassiusGarland
This is Esmeralda Torres, Mobius agent and demolition specialist from Bethesda's The Evil Within 2 This addon includes: - Ragdoll - NPC - Playermodel - Posable eyes, fingers and face. (Faceposing is kinda horrible, will fix it soon.) - Vest, knife and leg ...
R6S: Enhanced Ela P.M. and Ragdoll
Created by Lenoax
Borealis: Last Man Standing You! yes you programmers, mappers, designers, writers and all kind of modders who want to help ups to become this idea to an amazing mod that transport us to unexplored narratives left by Valve, we hope to this could bring to th...
Halo Reach - MP/Off-Duty Playermodels
Created by Ishi
UNSC Marine MP or Off-Duty character models depending on how you decide to use them. They again use the same heads as the rest of the Halo Reach models I made, these are however not straight up ported from the Halo games but a custom creation depicting how...
Halo Reach - Face Materials
Created by Ishi
Face textures used accross all of my Halo Reach character models....
Halo Reach - Armor Materials
Created by Ishi
Armor textures used accross all of my Halo Reach character models....
Aucun son derriere le mur / No sound behind the wall
Created by Maxouuuuu
French : Cette addon permet que derrière un mur aucune personne ne vous entend English : This addon allows that behind a wall no one can hear you ! Avertissements ! Toute re-publication est strictement interdite. Toute modification est strictement interdit...
AutoCloak in Noclip
Created by Rocks_Gab
autocloak in noclip for your administrator...
Customizable Looting System
Created by Merdeus
A simple Addon, which gives you a tool for spawning lootable entities. With your Use Key, usually “E”, you can loot them. The lootings for each entity can be configured in the tools menu. The loot can be a weapon or an entity. Notice: -Don´t use the perma ...
Extended Spawnmenu
Created by Rubat
A small script that extends abilities of your spawnmenu: * Allows you to browse through Garry's Mod 12 / Legacy addon models * Allows you to browse through Game, Addon, Legacy Addon materials and sounds * Gives you detailed information on installed Worksho...
The Prone Mod
Give those tired legs a break and go prone! Note: This addon may cause some NPCs to glitch into prone animations at random times. Currently this issue is known but will not be addressed until a proper solution is found. How do I install this? Make sure you...
EGM Animation SWEPs
Created by [EGM] Mattzi
With this Addon you receive some SWEPs that have nice animations: -You can cross your arms behind your back with! -You can use your Comlink! -You can use your Hololink! -You can high five -You can surrender -You can point How to get it: Q-> Weapons-> EGM A...
[DarkRP] Keep pocket contents when disconnecting
This addon is for the DarkRP gamemode only! BIG UPDATE May 2017: works well with anything now, also will save pocket contents in database by default. This addon will save your pocket contents when you disconnect so your pocket is restored when you connect ...
RP Good Reads: Books and Signs (Outdated)
Created by Stabby Con Carne
Version 2: RP Good Reads is developed in hopes to add readable stuff to rp servers. DarkRP's notes were ... decent, but I wanted something better. This is the first version. I plan to add mo...
[DarkRP] OOC/Advert/Ano Revamped
Created by ThuGapy
Hi, i decided to create an addon to revamp the ooc, the advert (that was replaced by billboards in darkrp 2.7.*) and to add the ano (anonymous) to create a better roleplay experience and the get back the old and good advert, you can disable the ooc, the ad...
MKX Cassie Cage Endurance NPC/playermodel
Created by True
Cassie Cage Endurance form Mortal Kombat X Dont forget to thumbs up and follow me Features: -Playermodel -Some bodygroups -Npc ________________ If you like this or any of my others, keep those positive rating rolling so i can make more! Feel free to follow...
Wunderwaffe DG-2 SWEP
Created by mcdonals
Hey everybody, today I bring you another amazing swep, the Wunderwaffe from Call of Duty zombies! This swep works in first, and third person meaning that it will be fun for you and your friends to play with! Another thing this swep has is sounds, C model h...
Drivable Farcry Humvee
Created by Іñaki²
Check my Dev Blog Suscribe to my YouTube Channel SHOW ME YOUR LOVE The Farcry 1 Humvee. Lights, passengers and other features will be added at later date when VC mod comes out. ...
Titanfall 2 - IMC Grunts [PM, Ragdolls]
Created by jolly ol' chap
No profit were made, EA don't sue plez, we only want this for artworks Anyway, bad dudes from T2. Due to not having any files except for regular grunt i've made a bunch of custom ones basing them off your average IMC grunt. The visuals aren't canon to the ...
R6S: Ash P.M. and Ragdoll
Created by Lenoax
Huge thanks to Luxox_18 on FacePunch for extracting the model and converting it to OBJ. Here is one model more from Rainbow Six Siege. Why you don't do my request of the model from R6S? You want one model more from this game? Don't request nothing from thi...
TDM's Prop Pack
Created by TDM
What is this? This is a pack with a bunch of props in it. You can use these props to build your own emergency vehicles or something else. Features This pack comes with a spawnlist for easy access to the props. Props have been categorized into groups depend...
TDMCars - Hummer
Created by TDM
This is the Hummer manufacture pack with all the Hummer vehicles found on the SVN. If you have the SVN, please do not subscribe to this addon! The pack currently contains: Hummer H1 Hummer H1 (open top) The following is required if you want this to work pr...
[Photon] Hummer - National Guard
Created by ItsRob
Description Hey! This is a photonised version of tdms closed top hummer. The following addon is a national guard hummer with police lights and another vehicle with warning lights. Skin 1 = Urban Camo Skin 2 = Woodland Camo Skin 3 = Desert Camo ...
Fallout 4 Armor/Clothing Archive
Created by robert
this addon is dead, along with all of my other gmod addons. im not providing any more support or updates for it. it has been four years lol ...
Titan Fall: IMC Grunts P.M.
Created by Lenoax
So after a lot of fight with these lads, they are finally finished... Interestellar Manufacturing Company grunts for you guys! Both Anti-Titan and Battle Rifle grunts are in one model with bodygroups for they torso gear, backpacks, kneepads, radios and hol...
Equipment Pack
Created by Pingu
This addon adds loose equipment props. Nothing is required to download. This addon does not add any characters or ragdolls. This is not Bonemerge props. You are free to put them anywhere you want. You can use these props for customizing your characters for...
Fallout 4 - Vendor Stand Props
Created by dickmosi Six Vendor Stands from Fallout 4, Including seperate sign props! Adds Six different types of Vendor Stalls/Markets/Shops from Fallout 4 that are perfectly designed for posing in mind, as shown in the 7th screenshot. There's e...
Fallout 76 - Workstation Props
Created by dickmosi Fourteen Workstations (mostly) from Fallout 4 in Prop form, now includes Tinker's Workstation from 76! This addon adds Fourteen Props: Armor Workbench Chemistry Station (L Shape) Chemistry Station (Boiler) Cooking Station (St...
Created by Guillaume
Information This handcuffs are compatible with all gamemode in Garry's Mod. They are adapted for DarkRP gamemode. They are fully functional. Note This addon is available on GitHub. License This addon is created by Guillaume under license GNU AFFERO GENERAL...
Explosion Effect
Created by EP45
Not made by me. Just reuploading origianl maker : The Vman original post : To see the effect, Both Serverside and Clientside must have this stuff....
Extra Chuck's Weaponry 2.0
Created by sрy
Wishlist my new game and buy it when it comes out if you're into stealth/action games. REQUIRES CUSTOMIZABLE WEAPONRY 2.0. Currently it includes: - FN SCAR-H - M14 EBR - H&K UMP .45 - M3 Super 90 - M4 Super 90 - Saiga-12K - H&K G36C - M1911 - Walther P99 -...
Fallout 4 - Dogmeat [Player Model]
Created by Sara Jean
Be sure to rate this addon, it helps others find it! This is a fully functional (yet still could use improvement) playermodel of Dogmeat from Fallout 4. We used the following ragdoll for the playermodel, it can be found here.
Gmod Better and Realistic Water
Created by Azebal
This addon comes with water ripple and realistic splash effect. The water can be used for machinamas, and gameplay It can make you LAG when you shoot the water! Want better graphics in Gmod?Click Here for easy learning on how to make your gmod look better....
Magic Force for Gravity Gun
Created by ficool2
Telekinesis powers, i guess Replaces the Half Life 2 Gravity Gun. Includes c_arms support, thirdperson model support and particle (orb/bolt) support. This is a client side mod, which means you can use it on multiplayer servers! If the mod is broken, unsubs...
RPW - Binoculars Pack
Created by Arctic
In Greek myth, Prometheus stole fire from the Gods and gave it to Man. This has nothing to do with that. This is binoculars. Join the OFFICIAL Discord server here: Please read the FAQ and description before asking in the comments...
Pet SWep
Created by Alaska
Something I made for my DarkRP server, but decided to make public so nobody else has to struggle in finding a functioning pet/dog SWep. It's as you would expect: M1 to growl and bite people. M2 to bark the dog days away! Nothing more than a simple script t...
Extended Citizens v4 [ADDON]
Created by zelpa
THIS ADDON REQUIRES THE BASE PACK. DOWNLOAD IT FROM HERE: This is an addon for my main Enhanced Citizens v4 pack, it adds a few new things like jackets, but I'll keep this one more up to date....
Enhanced Citizens v4
Created by zelpa
THIS PACK IS NOT BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE WITH ENHANCED CITIZENS V3, PLEASE UNINSTALL THAT VERSION BEFORE INSTALLING THIS. Overview After about a year I've finally got around to remastering my Enhanced Citizens v3 model pack, and it's pretty fucking good now. ...
Umbrella Corps - G.R.U Redux [Playermodels]
Created by I am Klaus
Hello guys and welcome to what I persoanly think is one of my best models I have done yet. Essentialy, these are just Bloocobalt's RE6 BSAA models but with less bodygroups and new textures. I have also edited stuff like the headset for example to remove ce...
Spec Ops:The Line-The Damned 33rd Infantry Battalion [P.M. and NPCs]
***NOTE***I am not the original creator of the models. All I did was to make the models into Playermodels & NPCs. I have already asked permission from Ninja Nub to publish this, but if he wants me to take it down... I'll take it down. There are few models ...
Fallout 4 Synth gen2 player model,NPC + nick suit ignore icon
Created by Mewtwo
gen2 synth models that i have put on garrys mod . was planning on developing a synth gen1 however it failed. as you know the creators of this model is Bethesda . the creators of fallout give me creditc for making it MEWTWO and yes this model comes with a f...
1950's Playermodel lua
Created by Hez
If it wasn't made completely obvious the first time and you have less than the average IQ of 100, please take note: These are not mine, I simply fixed a few simple things so I could use them on my now, non-existent server and uploaded them to the workshop ...
Female Mafia PM
Created by Nararana
A playermodel of Deus ex Nihilo's original upload! It features a female mafia. It's my very first playermodel conversion of a ragdoll, so there are some very clear bugs such as her hands being stretchy and not being rigged to an IK Rig. I tried my best to ...
Fallout 4 Generation 1 Synth NPC & Player Model
Created by Ronald
Another settlement needs your help! Fallout 4 Generation 1 Synth NPC & Player Model, multiple bodygroups, and accurate hitboxes. Notes: This model is designed to work with Clockwork, no official support for any other gamemode is offered. It may work with N...