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JSRS SOUNDMOD - RHS AFRF Mod Pack Sound Support
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Mod Type: Sound
52.115 KB
12. Juni 2017 um 11:48
13. Feb. 2022 um 17:44
29 Änderungshinweise (anzeigen)

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JSRS SOUNDMOD - RHS AFRF Mod Pack Sound Support

JSRS Studios presents:

A sound mod for RHS AFRF Mod. My personal creation of a new audiovisual direction. With more than a few thousand new sound effects JSRS SOUNDMOD provides a powerful and new sound experience, from all weapons, vehicles, effects, maps and what not!

My JSRS compat files for other mods:

RHS Sound Supports for USAF, GREF and SAF:

Specialist Military Arms Sound Support:
SMA Support Sounds

CUP Weapons Sound Support:
CUP Weapons Support Sounds

CUP Vehicles Sound Support:
CUP Weapons Support Sounds

For those having problems with mod dependency: Whenever you load a saved game or want to edit a mission that was saved with an older version of JSRS and you end up with messages like "Missing Addon JSRS_SOUNDMOD_GLOCK17" or similar, now you can use this:
JSRS Soundmod Dependency Fixes

This is a CFG Bundle of JSRS Patches that were used in the past that are not available any longer. Download it, use it as a mod, load your mission/edited mission and save them again and the dependency is gone.

Here is a short Sound Example for JSRS Soundmod[]?

Making sounds in high quality that is requested these days, you have to invest money into libraries and equipment. This money is not given by companies or customers, it's a self-made investment. Any sort of support or donation is required to keep this product running with recent updates and further developments. So feel free to support this project on Patreon[] and be sure that your support is very welcome and appreciated! This money goes directly back into JSRS by getting new sound libraries, better quality material, hardware and equipment, and beer of course! :)

Copyright © 2019 by LordJarhead.
JSRS Soundmod and JSRS Soundmod Beta (this modification) by Dennis Kahl (LordJarhead) are licensed under ARMA PUBLIC LICENSE NO DERIVATIVES (APL-ND)
Read More under and beta

This work is copyrighted. This modification may not be distributed, edited, reproduced or used commercially. This modification is for private use only. If recordings and recordings of this modification are published, the mod must be mentioned and listed by name. This modification may not be re-uploaded by third parties to the Steam Workshop. All reuploads, whether individual components or the complete modification, in the Steam Workshop are explicitly prohibited and violate the Steam Subscription Agreement Section 6D! Reuploads will get deleted by DMCA warning and lead to penalties of uploaders!
Beliebte Diskussionen Alle anzeigen (2)
2. Mai 2021 um 21:28
The mod (and by extension the AiO support) is incompatible with the RPK-74M.
Kozak Volkov
19. Aug. 2019 um 4:52
mission in editor can't load after update
151 Kommentare
Bob's job 21. Aug. 2024 um 3:31 
yeah the AK sounds don't really sound that good
ratte88 30. Okt. 2022 um 17:27 
@Kelp don't cry
Mad Dog 23. Okt. 2022 um 10:47 
uninstall the mod
Price 30. Sep. 2022 um 10:14 
I think that vanilla RHS AK sounds are better. Can they be changed?
Bravo 0 29er 4. März 2022 um 12:41 
Mi-8s of all variants and all factions have no sound, both in pilot seat and from the ground. This also includes using the GREF support.
Apricot_ale 13. Feb. 2022 um 18:54 
Thanks for fix the RPK-74M bug!
Chad The D1ck Champ 17. Jan. 2022 um 8:33 
for gods sake fix the indoor gun firing, it no longer plays a more deafening realistic sound, just the same exact one that it is outside. really annoying, honestly everything else is fine but that is just shitty af.
hobbit_lv 8. Nov. 2021 um 12:01 
Is there any chance of getting more different sounds between AKM and AK-74? They sound terribly similar at the moment, however they fire very different cartridges and by the logic sounds should be more different between each other.
Or do they come directly from the RHS mod itself?
秋刀小鱼 20. Juli 2021 um 15:20 
The sound of AK74 and M4 sounded terrible, monotonous and unreal. Is this gunshot really recorded on-site? These two weapons are often used by people, the original version is even better, but the other sounds are really great. I hope you can do better and listen to other people’s suggestions. Thank you for your contribution.