Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

StormFox - Environment mod
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Nak  [utvikler] 14. okt. 2017 kl. 16.53
SF Map support and interactions
What entities do StormFox require?
For full support, SF requires these entities to be to be present on the map:
  • light_environment - Controls the map-light and supports smooth light transition.
  • env_fog_controller - Controls the fog on the map.
  • env_tonemap_controller - Controls the light-bloom on the map.
  • shadow_control - Controls the shadows on the map
  • AI nodegraphs - Used for better environment awareness and water puddles.

light_environment will delete itself by default
To stop the engine from deleting this useful entity, you need to set its targetname to something.
StormFox doesn’t mind what you set it to, but the community generally use “lightenv”.

FYI: This will make the map take longer to compile.

List of names for light_spot’s that SF will turn on/off doing night/day:
  • <Unnamed>
  • “1”
  • “*night*”
  • “*day*”
If you don't want SF to interact with the light, you have to name it something that isn't on the list.

Logic Relays
SF also supports logic-relays with specific names, allowing the map-creator to trigger map-effects doing night and day.
  • 'day_events' or 'dawn' will be triggered in the day-time
  • 'night_events' or 'dusk' will be triggered in the night or doing dark weather-conditions.
You can read more about logic-relays here:

Comment section
This comment section is dedicated to map-creators who might have questions or suggestions on map-interactions.
Sist redigert av Nak; 19. des. 2018 kl. 18.33
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Viser 115 av 32 kommentarer
Ron Thunderr 30. nov. 2017 kl. 11.57 
Is there a Recommended Lightning? Is Dark or Bright better?
Nak  [utvikler] 30. nov. 2017 kl. 12.38 
Recommended lightning would be between dark and bright.
interloper 11. mars 2018 kl. 0.52 
there is any big map that has full support? like any version of bigcity or else?
Nak  [utvikler] 18. mars 2018 kl. 19.47 
Opprinnelig skrevet av guigadj:
there is any big map that has full support? like any version of bigcity or else?
This thread is for map-creators and questions relating to the creation maps.
ScottishBeverage62 26. mars 2018 kl. 6.09 
Is there a defined height a skybox should be for weather effects?
Oitnemood 13. juli 2018 kl. 21.41 

Soporte e interacciones de SF Map
¿Qué entidades requiere StormFox?
Para obtener soporte completo, SF requiere que estas entidades estén presentes en el mapa:
light_environment: controla la luz del mapa y admite una transición de luz uniforme.
env_fog_controller - Controla la niebla en el mapa.
env_tonemap_controller - Controla la luz-floración en el mapa.
shadow_control - Controla las sombras en el mapa

Lámparas / luces
Según el mapa actual, "oscurecimiento", SF activará / desactivará todos los light_spot sin nombre, aquellos con "1" o si tienen "noche" o "día" en su nombre.

Como creador de mapas, necesitarías nombrar todos los light_spot que deberían permanecer en algo que no sea "1" y no tenga "day" o "night" en su nombre.

Relés lógicos
SF también admite relés lógicos con nombres específicos, lo que permite que el creador del mapa active los efectos del mapa durante la noche y el día.
- 'day_events' o 'amanecer' se activarán durante el día
- 'night_events' o 'dusk' se activarán por la noche o en condiciones climáticas oscuras.
Puede leer más sobre los relés lógicos aquí:

Sección de comentarios
Esta sección de comentarios está dedicada a creadores de mapas que pueden tener preguntas o sugerencias sobre interacciones de mapas.
TheAntagonist 7. nov. 2018 kl. 10.58 
Opprinnelig skrevet av TOTTALLY NOT WEEB:
there is any big map that has full support? like any version of bigcity or else?
gm_bigcity_improved might.
TheAntagonist 7. nov. 2018 kl. 10.59 
Can you add an option where it follows Sattelite time?
Samdaman 20. jan. 2019 kl. 13.32 
isn't ph_resortmadness supposed to fully support this?
Fungle the Bungle 31. jan. 2019 kl. 8.15 
What must be done for custom textures to change into snow versions?
Sist redigert av Fungle the Bungle; 31. jan. 2019 kl. 8.16
Nak  [utvikler] 1. feb. 2019 kl. 9.40 
Opprinnelig skrevet av Fungle the Bungle:
What must be done for custom textures to change into snow versions?
Currently there are no way for mappers to interact with the texture system.

However working on a huge overhaul in v1.6(56% done). It will have a few entities that would allow mappers to make their own texture-settings, among a few other things.

Stay updated as v1.6 would be out the end of the weekend, if I'm lucky.
ForgedDragon_ 25. mars 2019 kl. 15.13 
light_environment entities do not have an option for giving a name, how do I give it one?
(SSC) shadow night 9. apr. 2019 kl. 17.37

here it shows the rain particles hitting the window and other certain things like the ground, the walls, etc and i dont know how to activate it or change it to do that can someone or Nak help me with this. and i do want to know the name of the map you were on in the video so i can test it out
Sist redigert av (SSC) shadow night; 10. apr. 2019 kl. 15.13
KiwontaTv 13. mai 2019 kl. 10.26 
Hey. My map supports all mapentitys except the .ain nodes. Ingame the most is fun. But there are no rain effects etc. Any ideas?
(SSC) shadow night 13. mai 2019 kl. 12.16 
it could be because you could have turn off the effects and other stuff or you set it to the lowest or it could that theres a error with the map so the effects show it has it but it doesnt or i just dont know
Sist redigert av (SSC) shadow night; 13. mai 2019 kl. 12.16
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