Pastry Lovers is an adventure simulation game that sets in a fantastic Pastry Kingdom. Sakura, the main character, grows into a pastry master and gains romantic love.
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21. juli 2017

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Om dette spil

Pastry Lovers is a Visual Novel set in the fantastic world of Carseland Kingdom. Play as a young girl Sakura aspiring to be a famous pastry chef. Pass the entry exam and join the prestigious St. Patras College to learn from the professionals and develop your skills. Train, bake and study diligently to achieve your biggest dream!

Along your journey you'll make new friends and meet unique classmates - like prince William or a feisty boy Hannan Ye. Befriend fellow college students, find allies and work together to achieve your goal! Attend lectures and develop your skills by learning about the history of pastries or the elegant traditional ritual of making tea.

Play Pastry Lovers and visit the Carseland Kingdom and its inhabitants on a journey to become the famous pastry chef and to find a true love.

  • Discover different storylines with over 10 endings.
  • Meet Sakura's admirers with their unique stories.
  • Join the famous pastry academy and unlock recipes for the most delicious desserts in the Kingdom.
  • Help Sakura solve the mystery of her origins.
  • Develop your character's statistics - such as intelligence and taste - to pass every exam in the St. Patras College.
  • Befriend townspeople, build your relationship with them and receive special gifts.


    • Styresystem: Windows7
    • Processor: 1Ghz or faster processor
    • Hukommelse: 521 MB RAM
    • Grafik: 1GB VRAM
    • Diskplads: 1 GB tilgængelig plads

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