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Feb 8 @ 12:50am
NARAKA: BLADEPOINT Banned Players List February 8th
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Showing 1-15 of 19 comments
Leva Feb 8 @ 12:54am 
Thanks for banning cheaters, bad actors and make this game user friendly ! :nekoheart: 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
PuffyTheMagicalDragon Feb 8 @ 3:56am 
Why do you have to ruin a compliment with political opinions? Any sexualizing of games is dumb, leave your opinions out of my gaming. Thanks.

Originally posted by ump45:
Thanks for banning cheaters, bad actors and make this game user friendly ! :nekoheart: 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
Originally posted by PuffyTheMagicalDragon:
Any sexualizing of games is dumb

This comment is strange knowing that the characters in the game are very sexualized just by their appearance.
n1kO Feb 8 @ 9:22pm 
this is the funniest thing ive never heard of a game shaming cheaters by posting the names i love it
Jacob Feb 9 @ 2:12am 
kill count
Leva Feb 9 @ 4:22am 
Originally posted by PuffyTheMagicalDragon:
Why do you have to ruin a compliment with political opinions? Any sexualizing of games is dumb, leave your opinions out of my gaming. Thanks.

Originally posted by ump45:
Thanks for banning cheaters, bad actors and make this game user friendly ! :nekoheart: 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
How is this related to my first reply?
Last edited by Leva; Feb 9 @ 4:22am
Originally posted by doll:
Originally posted by PuffyTheMagicalDragon:
Why do you have to ruin a compliment with political opinions? Any sexualizing of games is dumb, leave your opinions out of my gaming. Thanks.
How is this related to my first reply?

That's what I'm trying to figure out. I think the minute he saw your icons he went into ASSAULT mode. But in the end that person just unlocked the "I MADE MYSELF LOOK STUPID" Achievement.
Cain Feb 9 @ 11:55am 
do you think you could set up proper region locking that will stop people from playing on the european and american servers to abuse ping? i dont even care if it extended how long it took to find even blood bath matches by 10 to 20 minutes as well as also PLEASE remove the bots from all the non bot modes...... seriously its ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bad as ♥♥♥♥....
Dr.Coom Feb 9 @ 1:32pm 
Originally posted by PuffyTheMagicalDragon:
Why do you have to ruin a compliment with political opinions? Any sexualizing of games is dumb, leave your opinions out of my gaming. Thanks.

Originally posted by ump45:
Thanks for banning cheaters, bad actors and make this game user friendly ! :nekoheart: 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
6/10 Farm bait
aa12 Feb 9 @ 3:19pm 
Any chances to add any sort of LGBTQ+ update? As an transgender, this would increase the playerbase!
Originally posted by 7777777777777777777777777777:
Originally posted by PuffyTheMagicalDragon:
Why do you have to ruin a compliment with political opinions? Any sexualizing of games is dumb, leave your opinions out of my gaming. Thanks.
How is this related to my first reply?
He reacted to emotes at the end of reply. Because of his political opinion.
357640 Feb 9 @ 9:35pm 
垃圾垃圾 存垃圾 sb永杰误封申诉多少次都没用 sb永杰客服技术人员 🦙🦙🦙
Luna Feb 9 @ 9:51pm 
Originally posted by Trans Rights are Human Rights:
Any chances to add any sort of LGBTQ+ update? As an transgender, this would increase the playerbase!

Nah dude this is a game based on chinese folklore and legends their culture don't have that and 8% of US is chump change compare to the majority of players here are asians, mostly Chinese go back to your Concord and Sushi Squad KJL
Last edited by minamino0122; Feb 10 @ 12:04am
Negikun Feb 10 @ 5:48pm 
how many bans until game worth playing? cheaters ruin everything
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