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10 Feb @ 11:36pm
NARAKA: BLADEPOINT Banned Players List February 11st
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
Will never be on this list #Blessed
苏神 11 Feb @ 4:43am 
So you're banned for not playing a game in months?
C4C , bless
.RvN. 12 Feb @ 6:56am 
banning ppl and protecting their user name, what rights do they have? and on top of that you let them make a new account and continue disrupting the small community of what? 40 player a day? maybe 100 on the weekend? terrible administration.
Aselon 13 Feb @ 9:54am 
Originally posted by .RvN.:
banning ppl and protecting their user name, what rights do they have? and on top of that you let them make a new account and continue disrupting the small community of what? 40 player a day? maybe 100 on the weekend? terrible administration.

You are so clueless brother it hurts my brain.
白芍 18 Feb @ 10:12am 
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