Evil Democracy: 1932

Evil Democracy: 1932

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solamon77 12 Jun, 2020 @ 11:14pm
Why is this called "Evil" Democracy?
I have to admit, the name turned me off. I completely ignored the game for a long time. Am I missing something? Because this game looks like a really good political simulator and seems to have almost nothing to do with "evil".
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Showing 1-15 of 31 comments
hamstersprod  [developer] 13 Jun, 2020 @ 12:10am 
Originally posted by solamon77:
I have to admit, the name turned me off. I completely ignored the game for a long time. Am I missing something? Because this game looks like a really good political simulator and seems to have almost nothing to do with "evil".
In my opinion, democracy is not completely good. At least once, in 1932, democracy was evil (when nazi won and Hitler became leader). Yeah, it's the best thing mankind has come up with so far, but...
"Democracy can be evil if it's 1932." (that was our slogan)
Last edited by hamstersprod; 13 Jun, 2020 @ 2:09am
shadowmaster545 13 Jun, 2020 @ 1:58am 
The nazis won the election
kaori 13 Jun, 2020 @ 4:09am 
Originally posted by shadowmaster545:
The nazis won the election

yep :( These alt right conservative christians...
hamstersprod  [developer] 13 Jun, 2020 @ 8:42am 
Originally posted by kaori:
Originally posted by shadowmaster545:
The nazis won the election

yep :( These alt right conservative christians...
You know, I understand that people didn't vote for the holocaust and stuff. No one could have predicted what would happen next. I've been studying the issue for a long time and I think it's just a ridiculous tragedy of the German people, which then became a common tragedy.

This is a history lesson for humanity and it needs to be learned, not forgotten.
hamstersprod  [developer] 13 Jun, 2020 @ 10:18pm 
Originally posted by kaori:
Originally posted by hamstersprod:
You know, I understand that people didn't vote for the holocaust and stuff. No one could have predicted what would happen next. I've been studying the issue for a long time and I think it's just a ridiculous tragedy of the German people, which then became a common tragedy.

This is a history lesson for humanity and it needs to be learned, not forgotten.

As my joke was targeting both sides... america/trump and hitler. Considering vatican sided with hitler(since he always preached god in his rallies) and the majority was prety much alt right conservative christians of his followers, had nothing to do with socialism. They were prety much against "unions","socialism" and jews.. And when you look at america(GOP (r) and their nazi ways) cough cough when they are soo heavily against socialism, unions and other things, when you compare trump propaganda with hitlers, matches up all too well, and scary too boot.

I mean its prety predictable, nationalism and racism that goes along with religion quite well, once you read into it. And since you know christian want revenge for their jew god. As other countries with religion and nationalism did the same with their jews too. Most fundi's believe it was in gods plan so no harm there for them. While russia did suffer most in the millions and helped US win the war and they are still recovering to this day.... luckily.

While I won't troll too much into it.
You probably weren't playing a game. I added an interesting thing like "Dogmats." There was a lot of work done by a professor of political science to divide all the parties into currents and identify their postulates. So we can distinguish 5 main currents (extreme left, center-left, center-right, right, extreme right).
Republicans are classical conservatives (right) and they have nothing in common with the extreme right. They do not have a single dogma. The only current that has sometimes similar dogmats with nazi is the extreme left (Communists). In terms of control over a person's life.

Socialists include many directions. For example, social democrats are left-centrists, while classical socialists are left and very close to the extreme left. They are so close to the extreme left and have so many common tenets - that the professor did not distinguish them in a separate course. And do you know who else is the extreme left? Communists. Is communism a good thing? 20 million people who died from hunger and repression in the USSR would say "No".

In general, let's not have arguments in the group that are not related to the game. And you get a temporary ban for hate speech, religious discrimination and racism. How can you use your expression about the faith.. about the faith of more than 1 billion people? Are you sure you're against racism and discrimination?
Last edited by hamstersprod; 15 Jun, 2020 @ 1:27am
solamon77 13 Jun, 2020 @ 10:22pm 
Damn. It's a simple question. It doesn't have to get all prickly all the time.

Thanks devs for giving me a straight answer. I'm going to give this one a go once it comes out of early access.
0nry0 14 Jun, 2020 @ 9:16pm 
Originally posted by hamstersprod:
Originally posted by kaori:

As my joke was targeting both sides... america/trump and hitler. Considering vatican sided with hitler(since he always preached god in his rallies) and the majority was prety much alt right conservative christians of his followers, had nothing to do with socialism. They were prety much against "unions","socialism" and jews.. And when you look at america(GOP (r) and their nazi ways) cough cough when they are soo heavily against socialism, unions and other things, when you compare trump propaganda with hitlers, matches up all too well, and scary too boot.

I mean its prety predictable, nationalism and racism that goes along with religion quite well, once you read into it. And since you know christian want revenge for their jew god. As other countries with religion and nationalism did the same with their jews too. Most fundi's believe it was in gods plan so no harm there for them. While russia did suffer most in the millions and helped US win the war and they are still recovering to this day.... luckily.

While I won't troll too much into it.
You probably weren't playing a game. I added an interesting thing like "Dogmats." There was a lot of work done by a professor of political science to divide all the parties into currents and identify their postulates. So we can distinguish 5 main currents (extreme left, center-left, center-right, extreme right).
Republicans are classical conservatives (right) and they have nothing in common with the extreme right. They do not have a single dogma. The only current that has sometimes similar dogmats with nazi is the extreme left (Communists). In terms of control over a person's life.

Socialists include many directions. For example, social democrats are left-centrists, while classical socialists are left and very close to the extreme left. They are so close to the extreme left and have so many common tenets - that the professor did not distinguish them in a separate course. And do you know who else is the extreme left? Communists. Is communism a good thing? 20 million people who died from hunger and repression in the USSR would say "No".

In general, let's not have arguments in the group that are not related to the game. And you get a temporary ban for hate speech, religious discrimination and racism. How can you use your expression about the faith.. about the faith of more than 1 billion people? Are you sure you're against racism and discrimination?

very well said sir
Strategy Informer 8 Jul, 2020 @ 12:25am 
And all this time I thought it was cause you made Evil Bank Manager and was trying to keep a theme going similar to Amplitude and the Endless series of games.
toygeneral00 28 Aug, 2020 @ 7:02pm 
Because democracy is evil (if you disagree ask socrates)
I think i can come up with better name than this
Kruniac Zio 3 Sep, 2020 @ 6:28am 
Originally posted by kaori:
Originally posted by shadowmaster545:
The nazis won the election

yep :( These alt right conservative christians...

How about you keep modern politics out of a video game discussion forum.
Just for the developers insightful and respectable answers alone this goes on the wishlist and my interest raised
Spades 3 Oct, 2020 @ 2:23pm 
Originally posted by solamon77:
I have to admit, the name turned me off. I completely ignored the game for a long time. Am I missing something? Because this game looks like a really good political simulator and seems to have almost nothing to do with "evil".

The title is redundant for sure but my guess is because "Germans bad communists good"
solamon77 3 Oct, 2020 @ 11:38pm 
Originally posted by Spooky_Spades:
Originally posted by solamon77:
I have to admit, the name turned me off. I completely ignored the game for a long time. Am I missing something? Because this game looks like a really good political simulator and seems to have almost nothing to do with "evil".

The title is redundant for sure but my guess is because "Germans bad communists good"
Say what?
NuclearSnail 5 Oct, 2020 @ 11:20am 
Should.... should I report this game? Because like I don't know.... Kind of looks like communist lies and propaganda designed to undermine the free world to me.
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