Jurassic World Evolution 2

Jurassic World Evolution 2

Zobacz statystyki:
i like the game, but give us entire islands / procedural generation please.
theres nothing i hate more about sandboxes (especially if their predecessors did it) that dont allow you to use the ENTIRE gaming space to your own will. back in JPOG, you had the ENTIRE island to work around and with, and the borders were off in the sea somewhere. but in THIS game, and the last one? your allotted a plot, and thats it. see this giant valley of Yosemite? yeah you get a flat plain, you dont get to use any of the actually interesting terrain surrounding it. we use to get an ENTIRE, ISLAND. but now we get plots. like come on guy! give us what we had in the past!

"the plots are pretty big"

sure, but the islands were way bigger, and way more interesting, and didnt rely on you using the ingame environment editor. if you want interesting terrain you gotta make it yourself instead of working your park around the mountains and using the rivers to create nice scenery.

"but player system restraints"

thats our problem then! and frankly that goes for any game if someone plays it without minimum specs. okay then we'll just, generate our islands / whatever to be smaller then. problem solved. you know, kind of like what JPOG did. bigger or smaller islands. and besides im pretty sure most people who play this game can handle it just fine.

"they dont know how to code procedural generation"

first off, thats insulting. and second, if any basement dweller can hop onto unity, watch a few procedural generation tutorials and get one working, im pretty sure frontier can figure it out.

"their not using unity their using cobra"
and im SURE they can still figure it out

look all im saying, is that i personally think, and feel, it would be a good addition. especially for us OG park builders from way back when. i would love to have an entire island of whatever climate to build a park on again.

or its just me, i just HATE this feeling of seeing game space that could be playable space and i CANT touch it or use it in anyway. and how modern games put restrictions on a sandbox. atleast sea of thieves, for example, literally lets you go, ANYWHERE, as long as you can sail, run or cannon out to it. and the borders are empty seas of nothing, so you have no reason to go out there . . . you know, like the JPOG islands