 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Hey there!
In order to keep the Forums, well, ordered we'd like to ask you to post in the appropriate subforums, and quickly check if someone else already posted a similar topic you could reply to instead of starting a new topic. We have also seen an influx in people replying to suggestion topics with replies like "I'd also like [unrelated feature] for [reason]", doing that almost guarantees we'll miss your suggestions! Post them as their own threads, please.
That also helps us to get through your Bug Reports, Suggestions, and Feedback in a more streamlined way and, in return, we might be able to get back to you faster.

For Feedback and Suggestions, use

Want to report a bug?

Want to talk about our current Beta?

Came across a bug in the Beta?

For general discussions and other topics not covered by the subforums above, feel free to use the General discussions subforum, which this Topic is located in. :)

Thank you for your understanding and support <3