Please add this feature
The game already have a feature for highlighting which sides are perfect matches, but it doesn't show you which tiles are already non-perfect
I want to see which tiles are on track for being perfect vs which tiles have already failed perfect
It's very difficult to see at a glance which tiles are already failed because they're connected to a different type
I want to be able to see this easily so I know which sides of a tile I can mismatch without messing up a potential future perfect tile
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Showing 1-2 of 2 comments
toukana_frika  [developer] Feb 3 @ 2:29am 
Added it to our list with feature wishes. Thanks for your feedback! 🙏
Consul Feb 5 @ 1:44am 
Originally posted by toukana_frika:
Added it to our list with feature wishes. Thanks for your feedback! 🙏
Thanks :)
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