Miyako007 31 May, 2024 @ 2:15am
Sufficiency I seems bugged
I tried it, taking care that each individual field group is at least 10 fields large pre-closing.
I get a checkmark but the achievement isn't unlocked and the counter says 4/5.
Uploaded a screenrecording to YouTube in case my description isn't accurate enough.
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ForestOfArden 21 Jul, 2024 @ 5:26am 
This may be the same problem I am having with Self-Sufficiency III. I close a field group, but the counter doesn't increment. I made a separate post, but what you're describing sounds familiar. Hopefully they get back to us with some insight.
I have completed any other achievements and got around 300 hours in that game. All 3 of those achievements have not been working for me until today. I don´t know why and sadly cant find any solution about it.
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