mbutton15 6 Aug, 2021 @ 7:01pm
Various feedback on Beta 0.2.0b1
Date format - standard UK format is day/month/year. Game is using month/day/year.

Loading screens - I don't like the white screen. Everything else is nice pastel colours. The white screen is a big contrast to the rest of the game !!

River texture - Maybe I've just never noticed before but there seems to be an 'outline' around the river. I think it's meant to show depth to the river as it looks sunken. Just never noticed it before. If it's old then just ignore. If a new feature, then (to me) it just doesn't look right.

Quest targets - Actually noticed this prior to loading the beta, but wanted to comment on it any way. I've noticed around the 40k mark that the tree quest targets suddenly start getting really big. I think I read elsewhere that targets are based on largest open area. Early game the tree targets are around 200 above current largest size. Around the 40k score this seems to change to 350-400 above current largest size. The targets for houses/fields seem to stay more constant throughout the life of the map. Can there be any tailoring of targets based on tiles left ?
Last edited by mbutton15; 6 Aug, 2021 @ 7:17pm
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Toukana_Dom 8 Aug, 2021 @ 2:21pm 
Regarding the date format, this might be due to the, well, americanization of the english language in international contexts. I am with you in the general dislike of that format, but I also dislike to 'more civilized', international standard of d/m/y. I am a proponent of ISO 8601, which writes dates as yyyy-mm-dd, but that's me being weird and working with computers lots. :P
Will definitely bring this stuff up with the team, though!
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