Preplaced tile does not spawn quest for reward unlock
So, this has now happened for the 2nd time in the exact same way. I still have rewards locked of course (3 at the time of this writing). And there was no other special quest (with a crown towards unlocking a challenge) active.

What happened is that I connected a preplaced tile AND with the same placement completed a normal quest. The normal quest completed OK and the preplaced tile gave a new normal quest but without the crown that denotes that it will unlock a new challenge on completion.

Maybe this is normal (in that not all preplaced tiles will give a quest to unlock a new challenge) but if not then it is a bug!
(This is on the latest beta 21102509)
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กำลังแสดง 1-1 จาก 1 ความเห็น
you can, indeed, get Pre-Placed Tiles that use special tiles you already have unlocked. AFAIK that should not be the case as long as you have locked Challenges, though.
I'll open a ticket internally so we can check that. :)
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กำลังแสดง 1-1 จาก 1 ความเห็น
ต่อหน้า: 1530 50