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DaftMink 🐾 27 Jun, 2016 @ 10:21am
F.A.Q. (New Beta, Next Rebel Rush, Foreign Languages)
1. New Beta and Development
2. Explanation "Rebel Rushes" & when they happen
3. Forum Guideline - Foreign Languages

01. New Beta and Development - Recently a new Public Beta has been released that’s focusing on fixing Content Loading, Improving Workshop, and fixing outstand major Server Issue’s. It's probably closer to an alpha in terms of gameplay currently, but it's been getting some very frequent updates so that should change. Also the version syntax was updated so the next Synergy version will be checkable by typing version in console.

02. Explanation "Rebel Rushes" & when they happen - Synergy's popularity always dwindled and as Synergy updates became more spaced out the developers needed a way to test campaigns under heavy load so they added the Rebel Rush achievement for joining the active development server during bug testing so games like Half-Life 2, Episode 1, and Episode 2 could remain semi-playable with few developers having to be active. With the release of a new beta we'll surly see a Rebel Rush announcement when the update is ready.

03. Foreign Languages - As a forum mod I'd like to suggest to our non-English speaking friends writing in a different langauge to place a language tag ([RUS] [GER] [FRE]) in the thread title so the rest of us can follow along via translation software. As for everyone else please don't report posts just because they aren’t in English, spam and troll reports are very much appreciated though.
Last edited by DaftMink 🐾; 27 Jun, 2016 @ 10:59am