10 Minutes Till Dawn

10 Minutes Till Dawn

Arakus 21 May, 2022 @ 11:27am
Share your favourite builds
I like shotgun + fusilade + fire rate tome + freeze + burn + lightning + any other fire rate buffs you find

It makes you spray a huge spread of super weak bullets that are constantly triggering the elemental effects, really fun to crave through hordes with imo

rubber bullets, fireball every fourth shot (I forget what it's called) and the freeze upgrades for 25% damage and explode on death are really good if you can find them
Last edited by Arakus; 21 May, 2022 @ 12:07pm
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Showing 1-11 of 11 comments
SeymourDemonica 21 May, 2022 @ 12:08pm 
Mine's pretty close to yours, actually! Scarlet (fire projectile every three shots) + shotgun + a bunch of fire buffs (including the fire AOE you get when upgrading the Haste skill).

Shotguns and fire are the two powers I love wielding most in video games.

I also like to sometimes keep it simple. Shana + revolver + a crapload of additional projectiles.
Masked Vermin 21 May, 2022 @ 12:52pm 
I tend to use Hina most of the time, I like that dodge. But other than that, my builds tend toward all of the extra projectiles no matter which weapon I'm using. Hina + Crossbow is probably my favorite, with the extra rounds one and all the spread/scatter shots, and of course Reaper Rounds.
Ryaman311 23 May, 2022 @ 10:55am 
I've been running a rapid fire build with lightning, holy shield with the 2nd upgrade for more lightning procs. I usually run with the first character for the rerolls and the pistol for the ammo amount. I haven't been able to beat it yet, I'll give the elemental shotgun a try
SeymourDemonica 23 May, 2022 @ 4:51pm 
Originally posted by Ryaman311:
I've been running a rapid fire build with lightning, holy shield with the 2nd upgrade for more lightning procs.

I'm gonna give this a try next time. Sounds fun!
jonnysturtevant93 23 May, 2022 @ 5:01pm 
Probably crossbow + Splinter + damage (big shot, reaper bullets) + Ice + Fire as the core them pick up whatever reload, movement, hp upgrades as you need them. I did just complete my first "no shoot" build where I never fired a single bullet- chose Hina and selected crossbow for highest bullet damage for the summons. Killed the first enemies with the shadow then focused on getting all the bullet damage and summons (and their upgrades) also got movement and hp as needed for kiting and surviving. Late game I did want to get the fire + ice combo but I didn't get to it before the 10 minutes ended.
fancho123 24 May, 2022 @ 1:19am 
Scarlet + shotgun/flame cannon + fire mage are my most broken builds for now! the fire mage tree is super broken if you've found out how the health regeneration works
76561198998911346 24 May, 2022 @ 11:20am 
I like diamond girl, pistol with fire and firerate buffs. Even if you take dmg then you just heal up instantly. For endgame just go into freeze build with the corpse bullet explosion perk thing, freeze is just an easy win rn for endgame.
Moon Presence 25 May, 2022 @ 6:46pm 
Diamond with the crossbow can be crazy. Fusilade + reaper rounds + splinter is all you really need.
checkerbaal 26 May, 2022 @ 11:29am 
Scarlet + Flamethrower + Splinter + Reaper Rounds + all Fire Mage upgrades + Kill Clip + Run and Gun + Rubber Bullets + Tome of Rage
If you don't want to die, don't worry. You won't.
Fringehunter7719 27 May, 2022 @ 8:23am 
Splinter+Shatter for the chain reactions.
Ryaman311 27 May, 2022 @ 10:02am 
The first time i beat it was earlier today, I used Diamond with flame cannon, went fire mage and splinter with bouncy bullets. For the book the evil reindeer drops i picked the option with more damage and bigger bullets. During the reindeer fight i had one heart left, then i got a level and had the chance to heal when setting things on fire trait. My health went up so fast! It seems a little overpowered to be honest lol.

Ice seems pretty good too as long as you take splinter. Out of all of them lightning seems the weakest, it starts strong but falls off later.

I've been trying different builds, I'm going to try a summoner/lightning build next, i want to see if the lightning bug stacks with the 50% summoner damage. The only problem I see is the other summon's damage goes off of bullet damage, which makes the crossbow the best, which isn't that great for lightning.
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