Fort Solis

Fort Solis

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FAQ (frequently asked questions)

Fort Solis is a condensed narrative thriller set on Mars, with exploration, nerve-racking set pieces, and a deep plot to discover.

Fort Solis is told across four chapters, each roughly an hour in length. Like a Netflix series, Fort Solis can be binged in one intense session or played chapter by chapter like an episodic TV show.

The vision of Fallen Leaf, an indie team of games industry veterans, was to create a hybrid piece of media, emphasizing narration and immersion.

When will Fort Solis be available?

Fort Solis launches on August 22, 2023.

You can find the global release time map here!

Is this an AAA game?

Fort Solis is an indie game with AAA production values, made by a team of over 20 industry veterans. Utilizing the power of Unreal Engine 5.2, full motion capture performances, veteran actors (including Troy Baker and Red Dead Redemption 2 star Roger Clark), 4K presentation, and haptic feedback for the PS5’s Dualsense controller, Fort Solis will look and sound as good as any big budget behemoth.

What kind of genre will this game be?

Fort Solis is a sci-fi psychological thriller. Set on a mysteriously deserted mining facility on Mars, Fort Solis will contain some light puzzles to solve, but ultimately it’s a very narrative-focused experience that aims to tell a character-driven story through an interactive medium.

Is it a walking simulator?

This depends on your definition of “walking simulator”, but it’s closer to that than any other traditional genre. Fort Solis features puzzles and elements of exploration, but it doesn’t contain any traditional combat or stealth mechanics.

Why are there no traditional gameplay in Fort Solis?

Fort Solis was designed first and foremost to be a deep, immersive experience that tells a story. We felt that more traditional gameplay mechanics would get in the way of the narrative, themes, tone, and pacing that we worked so hard to preserve.

Who’s making Fort Solis?

Fort Solis is developed by Fallen Leaf, an independent games developer veterans based in Liverpool and Warsaw, in partnership with Dear Villagers and Black Drakkar Games.

What games does Fort Solis take inspiration from?

Fort Solis is something of a spiritual successor to titles like Firewatch and the works of Supermassive Games (Until Dawn, The Quarry, The Dark Pictures Anthology).

How long is Fort Solis?

This depends on how thoroughly you explore and take in the game’s sights, but we expect most players to finish the game in about 4-6 hours. Fort Solis is divided into four chapters, each being roughly an hour in length. Think of it like a Netflix series; it’s suitably bingeable, but also has a deliberate episodic structure. Our goal was to create a title that provides a moving, thoughtful experience that feels epic, while also respecting the player’s time.

What platforms will Fort Solis be on?

Fort Solis will be available on Steam PC, and Mac will be available on October 26.

What will be the price of Fort Solis?

Fort Solis will be available at 24.99$ 20.99£ & 24.99€.

Any other version?

Yes, of course, we offer The Terra Edition and it Includes:

- Fort Solis the game
- Fort Solis Artbook
- Fort Solis OST

Which languages are supported?

Fort Solis was recorded in English. Subtitles support will be available for the following languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Chinese simplified and traditional Chinese, Russian, Portuguese, Polish, and Japanese (will be unlocked from September 7th).

What are the PC specs for Fort Solis?

Check out the PC specs on the or in the updated F.A.Q. Steam News!

Thank you very much for your support.

See you soon at Fort Solis!
Last edited by Terry_Dear Villagers (Com Dev); 21 Aug, 2023 @ 6:10am
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Showing 1-15 of 33 comments
DJ_Cas 2 Jul, 2023 @ 9:41pm 
Thanks for FAQ. Now I decided not to proceed with the purchase
Gi 3 Jul, 2023 @ 10:14am 
Excited for this, always open to games that try to break the conventional and walk this kind of path.
mark1971 4 Jul, 2023 @ 3:03am 
Thank you very much for those details.
Thank you for all your support for Fort Solis!
vitto971 4 Jul, 2023 @ 4:03pm 
Originally posted by Terry_Dear Villagers (Com Dev):
Thank you for all your support for Fort Solis!
No Italian subtitles at all? 😥
jcottril 6 Jul, 2023 @ 10:36pm 
4 - 6 hours? That's rather disappointing..
76561199412091927 12 Jul, 2023 @ 7:03am 
Originally posted by vitto1920:
Originally posted by Terry_Dear Villagers (Com Dev):
Thank you for all your support for Fort Solis!
No Italian subtitles at all? 😥

Hey! As mentioned in the FAQ, we don't have Italian subtitles. It also depends on the
deal and the demand, as soon as we have information about the new localisation, we will update the FAQ and the store page regarding the languages!

Thank you for your support! :steamhappy:
UltraPuta 18 Jul, 2023 @ 1:51pm 
Originally posted by jcottril:
4 - 6 hours? That's rather disappointing..
too short imao. we ll see
folmelow 20 Jul, 2023 @ 8:32am 
this game will be so mid and forgotten in a week with like 4 players playing
Zorkind 2 Aug, 2023 @ 5:49am 
Funny, I think this game looks a lot like Delivery Us The Moon.... it basically is what I expected Deliver Us Mars would be, but IMO that game flopped.

Anyway, I watched RAPTOR playing the demo and I am excited as hecc to play it!

Good work devs !!!!
DR GOO 2 Aug, 2023 @ 1:06pm 
I absolutely LOVE these types of games. Added to wishlist
DR GOO 2 Aug, 2023 @ 1:10pm 
Willow doing a run through of chapter one, WOW impressive cast, unreal5 this will be an instabuy.
peppergomez 2 Aug, 2023 @ 6:27pm 
First person I hope? Far more immersive IMO
Nice, i'm fine with the shorter length. If the story and production value are on par, i'd rather spent 35€ for an intense 6h experience than 60€ for an 200h open world rpg filled with senseless fetch quests ;)
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