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Blobfish  [dév.] 22 oct. 2022 à 2h03
Item Suggestions
Feel free to post your ideas for items, characters, weapons or other content here and they might get added in future updates of Brotato :ezpotato:
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Affichage des commentaires 1 à 15 sur 339
xiaoxiaolav 22 oct. 2022 à 3h48 
Resin gun - makes trees explode with scattered wood stuff upon getting cut (reference to naruto rasengun training)

Bunker buster - does more damage the more health an enemy has

High velocity rounds - does more damage the farther the enemy is / or makes bullet velocity faster (should help with shurikens and other bouncers)

Scattershot - projectiles explode in a ring of mini projectiles (ala alien eyes) upon hit

Poison tipped - projectiles can inflict poison (does tick damage apart from burning)

Juggernaut - increases armor relative to speed at the cost of dodge

Stunner (can't think of a clever name) - add a chance to inflict stun

AT Field - adds a chance to reflect bullets (makes them faster and stronger)

Capoeira - does damage around the player everytime it dodges an attack (or make this an unarmed wep that focuses on aoe damage)

Sand bags/sticky floor - engineering item that slows down enemies around it

Snooze you lose - damages stunned/slowed enemies

Jousting lance - melee wep that gets stronger the faster you move
Short circuit - adds a chance to inflict bouncing lightning projectiles upon hit

Mysterious syringe - medical weapon, causes enemies to get faster but inflicts poison

Drones - less powerful but mobile engineering items, either follows the player or flies around randomly

Swamp feet - leaves a trail of poison inflicting fluid behind you

The 1% - weapon that fires materials (decreases your mats per shot) that has a chance to charm the enemy it hits

IRS 2000 - weapon that fires mats per shot with high damage (decent for saver)

Soul spear - spear wep that does more damage based on player hp

really hoping for interesting mechanics instead of just flat stat increases
Dernière modification de xiaoxiaolav; 22 oct. 2022 à 4h47
some content is hard to find,, "schreder "explosion damage,, its not showing for how many it explodes, and if elemental points or engenering points counts to that,

guns, when you take the sausage, its not showing how many burning, it do's
harvest being rather useless,could use some more utility, i'd recommend making harvest increase chance of trees spawning, maybe also increase amount of health gained from the cactus fruit. still wouldn't make it as usefull as all the other stats, but it would give it some use.
scaj a écrit :
harvest being rather useless,could use some more utility, i'd recommend making harvest increase chance of trees spawning, maybe also increase amount of health gained from the cactus fruit. still wouldn't make it as usefull as all the other stats, but it would give it some use.

gotta disagree with you there m8, harvest is good for most waves since it increases by 5% every wave, it has a great potential to snowball, had liek 780 on one of my runs and didn't really know what to buy anymore
Gonna just copy myself from past.

(october 5) Permanent rewards
If you win as ... danger 5:

Well-rounded - you gain +2% damage with lvl up (for Mutant only 1%, do not apply to Speedy, tatos with reduced damage in %)

Brawler - base +2 melee damage and +3% dodge (not apply brawler itself, pacifist, ranger, engineer, knight and gladiator)

Crazy - Blade-type weapons got +10% attack speed (not apply crazy itself, medic and one-armed)

Ranger -base +3% crit and +10 range (not apply to ranger itself and character with reduced % damage)

Mage - Elemental upgrade items got +1 elemental damage {not apply to mage itself and pacifist)

Chunky - Any hp-upgrade got +1 to hp (example - cake +3 => cake +4, acid +8 => acid +9, etc. Not apply to chuncky itself, demon and masochist)

Old - 5% less enemies (not apply to old itself and explorer)

Lucky - you gain +2 luck when lvl up (not apply to lucky itself, mutant and gladiator)

Mutant - you gain extra 10% exp from materials (not apply to mutant itself, lucky and farmer)

Generalist - having 3 melee and 3 ranger weapons you get +12% damage (1 melee + 1 range = 4% damage. Not apply to generalist itself, lucky, gladiator, medic and knight)

Loud - 5% more enemies, but they have 5% less hp (not apply to loud itself and pacifist)

Miltitasker - your tatos can hold +1 weapon (not apply to multitasker itself, one-armed, gladiator, knight, bull and lucky)

Wildling - primitive-type weapons get +3% lifesteal (not apply to wildling itself and one-armed)

Pacifist - 5% living enemy gave you 0.5 exp and material (not apply to pacifist itself, saver and farmer)

Gladiator - 4% attack speed for every unique weapons (not apply to gladiator, knight, medic and one-armed)

Saver - Enemy drops 2% more materials (not apply no saver itself, farmer and enterpreneur)

Sick - Every weapon have 2% lifesteal (not apply sick-itself, one-armed, knight and chunky)

Farmer - Every lvl gave you +4 material (loud got only +1. Not apply to saver, explorer and demon)

Ghost - Your tatos gain +2 evasion each lvl (not apply to ghost itself, brawler and knight, mutant got only 1)

Speedy - Your tatos gain +5% speed from start (not apply to chunky, explorer and knight)

Enterpreneur - Recycling items gave you +5% more materials (not apply to enterpreneur itself, farmer, saver, demon and explorer)

Engineer - Each engineer item gave you +1 more engineering (not apply to engineer itself, ranger, mage, gladiator, knight)

Explorer - Trees drops +2 material and have 50% to choopet in 1 hit. +10% map size (not apply to explorer itself, old and engineer)

Medic - Your health regeneration now each 4 seconds instead of 5 Regeneration items got +1 to regeneration stat (not apply to medic itself, chunky, bull, sick and masochist)

One-armed - Any % damage upgrade gave +3% more (not apply to one-armed itself, ghost, farmer, explorer and enterpreneur)

Bull - You have 15% to explode when get hit (100% of damage-type. Not apply to bull-itself, medic, chunky, ghost, speedy, loud and knight)

Soldier - While stand (STANDING HERE I REAAAAALIZE) you gain +5% damage, +5% attack speed and +1 armor (not apply to soldier itself, ranger, one-armed, pacifist and explorer)

Masochist - When enemy hit you they took 10% of you max hp as damage (not apply to masochist itself, chunky, speedy, bull and demon)

Knight - Every 8 melee or 4 ranged damage gave you +1 armor (not apply to knight itself because he cant use ranged weapons, on generalist each 12 melee and 6 ranged damage. Not apply to pacifist, medic, one-armed, ranger, demon, speedy, wildling and ghost)

Demon - all unlockable weapons have 10% discount (because they are very expensive. Not apply to saver and farmer)

(october 9) Challanges

Since we spent a lot of time trying to finish all tatos on danger 5 (got 7) i was thinking - what if, on lower danger 3, we can do some specific runs? For complete them we, maybe, can unlock even more items or more modifiers for our other runs.


- As Crazy use only stock knife. No ranged, no elemental

- As Ranger use only stock pistols

- As Mage use only magic wand (it... Can be ok, tier 4 deal a lot of damage. Plus them have knockback)

- As Chunky buy (not for lvl up), at least, hp for up to 150. Second - took 600 damage in single run (from enemy, bloodbag not counted)

- As Mutant Lvl up to 30+

- As Loud reduce enemy count from +50% to +25% or more

- As Multitasker have 12 same weapons and finish run

- As Gladiator increase attack speed to 120%

- As Sick have even more negative regeneration (to -115%)

- As Ghost increase your health by useing only ghost scepter up and over 100. Also that mean use only scepter

- As Speedy increase your speed to +60%

- As Engineer increase Engineering up to 50

- As Medic have at least 10 armor

- As Soldier use only rapid fire weapons (SMG and miniguns, flamethrower not included). Also can use elemental damage

- As Masocist make your % damage up to 0 before last wave

- As Knight have over 35 armor

- As Demon increase health up to 250

(october 3) Tips

Add tips for new players. Kinda like those.
Dernière modification de †MLS† KIRINAS ';,†,;' ;,,;; 22 oct. 2022 à 6h49
Character - Chef/ Gourmand:

- Enemies drop more consumables
- Eating X number of consumable buffs the character randomly but permanently (Hp/Melee damage/elemental damage/speed/etc).

- Not eating a consumable in X seconds makes the character start taking damage like “Sick” (maybe even more aggressive)
- Cannot heal with regen or life steal (- 100 to both stats)
- -10% speed

Starts with Chopper, hand, fist or cooking related weapons.

Defibrillator: Weapon (Medical/Elemental) melee weapon, high knockback and sets the enemies on fire.

Potato masher: Weapon (Blunt), higher chance of enemies dropping consumables.

Pan: Weapon (Blunt/elemental), slow melee weapon that sets the enemies on fire, decent knockback.

Mall ninja training manual: item (Red quality) projectiles that crit have a chance to bounce.

Dracula fangs: item (Red quality) crit hits have a small chance to heal the player OR crit kills have a high chance of healing the player.
Wavy 22 oct. 2022 à 11h19 
Character- The massive

Pros: More attack and More health And can carry 2 more weapons

♥♥♥♥: A lot more slower and lower attack speed and more enemies

Starts with melee weapons
Balance change for the game

You could also nerf the difficulty of danger 0 as it is the first difficulty but gets really hard after wave 16-20
Dernière modification de Wavy; 22 oct. 2022 à 11h23
/Wiki inside the game:
List and description of items
List and description of enemies, bosses

/New rarity of yellow objects - "legendary"
/Change the picture of the potato item to a photo of potatoes from real life and make that item legendary:repenny:

/ Make some weapons and items appear in the store only at a high level of difficulty:csgostar:
Occult Relic: All Ethereal weapons share their kill stacks with each other
Murders Manifesto: Whenever you gain max HP in combat, explode
Combine: Whenever healing-fruit is picked up, temporarily gain increased pickup range and movement speed
Banana Peel: Gain speed, lose dodge
Out of Bounds: Enemies can be knocked out of the map, enemies knocked out of the map are killed
Baby Food: (only available on difficulty 0) increases attack speed, move speed and health

Bonus damage depending on how far away the enemy is,
gain temporary Attack speed & speed boost after killing in 1 shot
+ 50 Range
+ Range Scaling (33%?)
+ 5 or 10 Ranged Damage
- 50% Attack Speed
- 10% Speed
- 10 armor


Sniper Rifle
Does high damage with a low rate of fire and high piercing

Riot Shield
Does 1 damage but has a high knockback


Sniper Training Manual
+25 Range
+2 Ranged Damage
-3% Speed

They just keep on comin'!
+10% Enemies
+1 additional material for killing two or more enemies with one shot
Dernière modification de Erikson von Abschlachtus; 23 oct. 2022 à 9h10
It hasn't been suggested in this thread, but I don't think I'm the first one with this Idea: An endless Mode after winning would be nice!
It's always sad to "lose" your build when you want to see how far you could have taken it.
Maybe with double the bosses (2 on I to IV, 4 on V) on level 40, three times on level 60 etc.
think "Leon the Professional" or the Sniper from TF2 ("professionals have standards")

+ 20% Chance to Crit
+ Critical Hits deal 50% more damage
(values can be changed according to Balance)

- Normal hits deal no damage

Item on beating the game as him:


+Critical Hits deal 25% more damage
-15% attackspeed
I think it would be sick to cast big Lightning Bolts like in the game Noita. big bolts of electricity that also explode on impact. great flavor weapon for a mage imo

- Starts out with three free rerolls each round, but +50% inflation (Or 35% and rerolls just are significantly more expensive)
- starting weapons could include the cleaver, hand, taser, potato cannon, and knife.
- much less likely to find food from bushes but the base level food provides +7 health
(basically its a picky eater, it wouldn't be too different from the regular character, but would be interesting because it would allow the player to find more specific items, albeit for a higher cost)


Garden Glove
Deals 1 damage with low knockback
for every 5 health get 1 point of armor per glove you have
-25 dodge per glove


Anhedonic pendant
(-1) health per second
+ 20 dodge
attacks give slow effect
-At the start can pick any heavy weapon
-Can only equip heavy weapons
-Has -50% speed
-Speed modifiers are reduced by 25%(maybe more)
-Starts with Power Generator
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