VanillaBeast: Retro Knock-Out!
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VanillaBeast: Retro Knock-Out!

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Celendrin 18 Jan, 2024 @ 3:39pm
Dev(s) - Regarding Nudity Warning and 'Marketing'

I finally found this game after scouring (literally) for days through my friends wishlists and libraries,

which rest assured, is a very painful experience (because there's so much trash on steam)..

Why was I doing that? Because I feel you never know what you will find, and there's always that '1 in a million' game that _ Totally _ is what you want even though you had to plow through hordes of garbage to find it.

So, ...

I finally found the 'Punch Out' remake I was looking for, thinking for years "why hasn't someone done a proper Punch-Out remake yet ????",

turns out it was here, at least for a while,

alright so point is, NOBODY is able to find your game, I regularly come on steam, and like stated often spend days looking at lists of my friends and seeing what games they have etc,
including boxing titles etc,

Anyways to get to the point - Do you feel it's appropriate that the game has some kind of 'nudity and s-xuality' warning on it?

If I didn't have that 'Adult' setting turned to 'On' I ______ NEVER ______ would have found the game,

If you factor in how impossible this game is to find to begin with, AND include the 'nudity' setting,

seriously it might as well not exist (on steam).

(and never mind the all-important point that your game is obviously _Not_ an 'adult' game, at least I don't think it is, compared to all the other obviously prnogrfik games out there on steam..)

The reason this is a big deal is as you can imagine (or any Punch-Out fan and lover),

this is one of the most important games anyone would need to play,

to this day (after tons of gaming experience, including all types of genres and systems) the 'Punch-Out' system of combat is easily one of the most fun, accessible and VASTLY unrecognized 'best' type of 'fighting' game there is,

Your game also has great graphics and style, which in of itself puts it above 98% of 'stylized' (read: no skill in anatomy or art) games out there.

Alright, so point is --- Would You Consider Doing a 'Remake' of This WITHOUT any of the 'Nudity' and 'S-xuality' to Negate the "Warnings" to -- ACTUALLY ALLOW THE PEOPLE THAT LOVE THIS TYPE OF GAME TO SEE IT --- !!??

Sorry about the caps but wanted to make that 'stand out' compared to the rest of the message.

Punch-Out was accessible in it's time to anyone of any age, and probably the vast majority of players were 10-16 at the time,

that crowd would literally not be able to see your game today.

It kills me these 'hidden gems' are so hard to find on steam,

I feel you should 'remake' the game (NOT to eliminate this version), but just to have another version to be 'seen' by all the players out there.

I have added 1200 games the last couple of days to my wishlist,

and of that your game (and maybe one or two others) are the _ Only _ games I look forward to buying and playing.

I really hope you do everything possible to 'spread' awareness of your game I think Punch-Out was one of the most fun and popular games ever made,

and it's shocking how few devs actually use that awesome 'formula' to make games..


I can't stress enough, I even have that 'Fight Club' game which is RIGHT up this type of game's 'alley',

meaning most of the people that love Fight Club would _Love_ this game (both the graphics, style and 'retro' connotations, etc)

Yet I _Never_ seen once this game 'suggested' to me, either in the storefront, Fight Club store page, etc

Steam can be a horrible cruel joke to developers (look at the effort put into this game, yet almost knows or hears about it,

Yet total trash has millions of sales cause everyone's seeing it 'suggested' to them all the time for seemingly no reason)

I really feel redoing this game for an 'any' audience would go along way to giving it the popularity it deserves.

(and to those wondering why I wishlist games even though I don't plan on playing or buying them, it's because I watch walkthroughs of them among other reasons to see if they have good music etc,
gaming is one of the few places to hear actual 'good' music without weird lyrics and agendas pushed on you nowadays)

(It's not uncommon for a game to be total garbage but have some amazing music, as probably many people have noticed soundtracks are becoming worth more and more popular than many games themselves nowadays.. )
Last edited by Celendrin; 18 Jan, 2024 @ 3:46pm
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
Vanilla Gaming Co.  [developer] 18 Jan, 2024 @ 4:22pm 
Thanks for the post.

Unfortunately, Valve labeled the game under this specific Maturity filter, not us, nothing we can do. You must be signed into Steam with a mature account and have the proper setting chosen to see us, just like any other game with this type of adult content. These are Valve's rules, not ours, and we must abide.

Hope you enjoy the game, thanks again for you post.
Celendrin 18 Jan, 2024 @ 6:12pm 
Maturity filter, not us, nothing we can do. "

-- sure I understand that,

not sure the gist of the message got through though,

I'm not saying I want you to 'change your game's tags' ,

I'm saying please consider remaking this game (with much more content, etc),

in a totally different 'style' that removes all the 'adult' stuff from it and by definition makes it accessible to all the audience now that will never see it with the 'adult' stuff put in.

Once all the adult stuff is removed you won't have any 'maturity' warnings put on it.

Anyways, just saying,

might seem like a strange suggestion but if you put in all the effort to get to this point why not continue on and actually make a long, solid epic fighting game without the 'adult' angle and sell millions of copies,

doesn't sound like a bad idea to me, lol,

everyone wins
Vanilla Gaming Co.  [developer] 18 Jan, 2024 @ 8:08pm 
Originally posted by Celendrin:
Maturity filter, not us, nothing we can do. "

-- sure I understand that,

not sure the gist of the message got through though,

I'm not saying I want you to 'change your game's tags' ,

I'm saying please consider remaking this game (with much more content, etc),

in a totally different 'style' that removes all the 'adult' stuff from it and by definition makes it accessible to all the audience now that will never see it with the 'adult' stuff put in.

Once all the adult stuff is removed you won't have any 'maturity' warnings put on it.

Anyways, just saying,

might seem like a strange suggestion but if you put in all the effort to get to this point why not continue on and actually make a long, solid epic fighting game without the 'adult' angle and sell millions of copies,

doesn't sound like a bad idea to me, lol,

everyone wins
We added an option to choose censored or not censored. The censored version is totally acceptable to stream and has no nudity, but unfortunately that's not good enough to allow the game to be shown on Steam's normal non-mature parameters. You must also understand the funding, time, effort, manpower, etc.. that goes into this. We released in July of last year, team members that made this are on different projects now, we can't just simply "remake this", there's lots of planning that must take place to do it properly. We appreciate your comments, and we hope you enjoy this game in its current state. We don't know what the future will hold for Retro KO!, we never say never, but we're currently working on VanillaBeast: Mystery Kink.

Thanks again for your comments.
Celendrin 18 Jan, 2024 @ 8:45pm 
You must also understand the funding, time, effort, manpower, etc.. that goes into this. We released in July of last year, team members that made this are on different projects now, we can't just simply "remake this", "

--- actually I meant to come back and update my message sooner -

I read on your store page after writing the last part that your game is actually a 'prequel' -

in other words you guys already _have_ another sequel 'mapped out' and (supposedly?) ready to go in the books,

"VB Retro Knock-Out! is the first prequel chapter to VanillaBeast: Ace in the Hole. "

so there's a lot more going on than first meets the eye,

(and perhaps you can clarify that a bit cause that would seem to contradict what you're saying now about this game being 'in the past' now

(is 'Ace in the Hole' like another boxing game or will it be a different type of game but using the same main character? ),

Obviously if Mystery Kink is the planned sequel then okay, remember I'm new to the game so don't know exactly what's going on.

That said the fact you already did the assets and have a fair amount of game-making experience under your belts means you could at some point in the future take on future projects using existing assets to make it a lot easier on the team.

This is a topic to return to in the future because I think it would be very lucrative, after writing in the other threads another way to put this idea is to basically take the game you have now, remove the 'adult' stuff and structure it around the 'Karate Master 2: KDB' formula -

having a 'map', a leveling stat system, training scenarios (like you have already) and being able to 'choose your own path' in terms of basically who you fight next.

With some tweaks I think it would be somewhat easy for your team to pull off but obviously I'm not saying 'make it tomorrow' just keep it in mind,

I will check back in the future about that whole redesign thing but meanwhile if you could elaborate a bit what was the 'prequel' to the planned 'sequel' thing on the store page?

It seems like you guys do already have a sequel lined up for this game is that still going to happen etc?

cool thanks
Last edited by Celendrin; 18 Jan, 2024 @ 8:51pm
Vanilla Gaming Co.  [developer] 18 Jan, 2024 @ 8:52pm 
VanillaBeast is a "franchise" as shown on the store page. Retro KO! is the first game, Mystery Kink is the 2nd, REDACTED is the 3rd, then Ace in the hole is 4th. They span across Vanilla's life and mature adventures. You can check out our franchise page here and learn more:
Celendrin 18 Jan, 2024 @ 9:20pm 

okay well now I can see why BlueCorpse was saying he was confused about the whole Leisure Suite Larry thing,

Mystery Kink (first on the franchise page) is a LSL parody, so no wonder he got confused about this game, lol..

Alright okay so I see you have a theme and each game encapsulates a really cool 'fun' aspect of retro gaming,

with this second part being Punch-Out etc,

alright well that's cool it's starting to make more sense,

your company is a lot like Criansoft then taking a 'theme' and unraveling it through different games,

(I personally love Criansoft because he focuses a lot on 'Barbarians' and adds some mild 'adult' stuff (which I don't care for) but is part of his package).

If you guys are set on this type of thing you will find it harder to sell games (due to the conflicting understanding of how people 'view' your store pages),

but, (hopefully) in the long term you will find more loyal customers buying your games cause they look forward to and expect the solid quality and gameplay you are putting in them.

I'd like to add a note that might be helpful,

Criansoft added a 'patreon' page for his company,

and since I love the way he does his games and the themes etc (which are near impossible to find on steam or even anywhere else, the whole 'muscular Barbarians' thing),

I actually support him through Patreon,

I'd suggest your studio opens a patreon too because it looks like you guys love what you do and when people 'get it' they will want to support you,

a lot of mature gamers with 'high' standards (not sarcasm, people who don't like dumbed-down gameplay), who played older games and even might like the spice you put in (but aren't intersted in 'furry pr0n'),

would probably love to show support and give you a hand through Patreon.

One of the few redeeming factors of steam is finding these 'indie' devs that make games that they themselves love to play and have a library of consistent games that people know what to expect when they make them,

just a thought something to consider..
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