Max Payne 3

Max Payne 3

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Game is way buggier now?
Idk if it's a driver update thing or something, but I'm replaying MP3 again and it's way buggier than I remember. For example, the TV screen Max is looking at in the swamp level is just black, but it's supposed to be showing a video feed. Tons of little graphical glitches. Anyone else?
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Did you play on PS3 originally? I did. First time playing on PC now. Definitely seems like it was a rough port.
Ryan a écrit :
Did you play on PS3 originally? I did. First time playing on PC now. Definitely seems like it was a rough port.

I originally played on the 360, but I've been playing the PC version for years but didn't notice until now.
Replayed the game couple days ago and didnt have any issues apart city being invisible for 15 seconds in one of Da Silva curscenes. Everything ran as perfect as it was on release.
Though my PC is not newest.
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