The Tower on the Borderland

The Tower on the Borderland

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Dascu  [developer] 9 Oct, 2023 @ 9:08am
Feedback - bugs & glitches
Please leave any comments regarding bugs or glitches that you may have experienced.

If possible, it would be great to include a screenshot or indication where the issue occurred as well as any details on your PC set-up that might have influenced or played a role in the problem. Please also note whether you are playing the full release or the Demo.

I'll try to patch as soon as possible, or otherwise address them in future updates and releases.

Known issues:
- When entering or exiting an elevator, the camera can (rarely) get stuck and you won't be able to leave the elevator.
- The lock-on camera can sometimes act weird when the view is obscured by the environment.
Last edited by Dascu; 20 May, 2024 @ 11:17am
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Showing 1-15 of 24 comments
realnoyb 15 Oct, 2023 @ 3:20am 
Demo Version: 081023.1
OS: Windows 10

I like the atmosphere so far!

The mechanic where enemies teleport back if you pull them too far from their spawn feels like the radius is a bit aggressive. I triggered it frequently mid-fight, especially against the moths (while forced into hit-and-run attacks before getting ammo upgrades), the part where you're ambushed by two spiders near an upgrade, and the part where there's a sleeping enemy, a patrolling one, and a bigger armored one all just outside an elevator in the area before the statue garden.

I found the lock-on is a little hard to readjust when there are multiple enemies, and sometimes for locking on and hitting the sleeping zombies. Is it intentional that you need to shoot the little floor grubs?

I don't know Valve's policies, but you might need a nudity warning in the store page for all the, uh, pantless beastmen going ♥♥♥♥ out...

Bug: I fell off the very end of the road during the second phase of the boss. I respawned back in the boss arena, but the boss wasn't there. I was able to throw myself off the road enough times to respawn back at the bonfire, and beat the boss on the next attempt.
Last edited by realnoyb; 15 Oct, 2023 @ 3:22am
Element_Foxx 15 Oct, 2023 @ 9:48am 
Hi, firstly I want to tell you that this demo represents an amazing starting point, the mood and the aesthetic are on point, man and the gameplay is pretty smooth and satisfying, and true to the controls of the PSX era that I think you are trying to mimic!
Now some of my issues:
- the sensitivity, even set on High, is pretty slow for a third person game in my opinion. Sure, you can increase the dpi on your mouse, but it would be pretty annoying having to change them once you go play another game. A slider would be much better in my opinion (of course I'm not a developer and I have no idea if it's an easy thing to do or not)
- the audio of the old stereo that you use as a save point doesn't quite track the model properly. I know that you can use the radio for tracking interest points such the saving station, but I think it would be much more handy and immersive if you could just reliably follow the sound of it.
- lastly, when you reach an elevator the camera locks towards it; this is a nice touch and points your attention to it but since in more than one occasion you have to kill some enemies near the elevator to use it, this camera mechanic becomes a bit annoying in combat, not allowing you to proper track the enemy movements and attacks risulting in taking some unfair hits.
English is not my first language so I hope that my issues were all clear to understand and I apologive in advance if they aren't and for any typing error.
Again, I loved this demo and i can't wait for the full release :)
I was interested in the concept, but the camera moves too slowly horizontally even when set at maximum sensitivity with pretty high mouse DPI, while it moves too quickly vertically (since the view angle is incredibly limited). It's extremely awkward and makes the demo unplayable for me. There's no need for bizarre camera controls like this.
Dascu  [developer] 19 Oct, 2023 @ 4:45am 
Thanks for the feedback! I will definitely be working on the control options and customization, including the camera behaviours and speed.
I just noticed I had the demo around, so decided to give it a go, but it seems people already did say everything I was going to. The things that annoyed me the most was not having full-screen and the mouse not locking inside the game, camera was pretty slow too. I didn't go to far, so can't say much about the rest such as the combat and so.

The game looks great already, so wish you luck!
LineKernel 6 Feb, 2024 @ 10:23am 
hi , i ve just started the game , and other noticed it but i can put in fullscreen but it reverts back after a few seconds , also can you frame lock , the game is running at 200-300fps .
I died and got a black screen with the music running and nothing responding , i pressed win key to get out and close the game . as other noticed there is a different sensibility on X and Y axis on the mouse . also the Y travel is short to my personal taste . i started the game with my controller plugged in and the camera was orbiting the character until i unplugged it .

also in the map , the buttons A and D are doing "orbit" .
let s go for another run , i ll try not to die so quick :)
LineKernel 6 Feb, 2024 @ 10:25am 
oh yeah , also i tried to access discussion from the game overlay but it points to the store page , same for guides
LineKernel 6 Feb, 2024 @ 10:28am 
when i start the game and change Y axis inversion to OFF , it doesnt save when i quite and come back
LineKernel 6 Feb, 2024 @ 10:31am 
again blackscreen on death
LineKernel 6 Feb, 2024 @ 10:33am 
all my posts are about version 28012024.1
Dascu  [developer] 8 Feb, 2024 @ 8:03am 
Have uploaded a new build which should address some of this. The demo still does not save (in order to not have any issues with new builds or the full game), so settings will revert upon restart. But, I have changed it to Fullscreen by default, once you go in-game.
LineKernel 8 Feb, 2024 @ 2:10pm 
thanks , will test soon
LineKernel 8 Feb, 2024 @ 3:22pm 
tab map AD referes to PAN , if you relaod you loose all unused bullets (if i reload while i have 5bullets in mag , and 12 aside , i get 12 bullets in mag and 0 aside) . i cant get the grub under the butterfly near Fleming . i tried killing the butterfly first , without success
LineKernel 8 Feb, 2024 @ 3:35pm 
nvm i found many many more grubs that dont give spirits , i found the climbing equipment and an extra heath pack but no indication how to use them yet , continue playing
LineKernel 8 Feb, 2024 @ 4:04pm 
The butterfly/moth have a animation that make them move slowly downward and into the floor .
I m stuck , i dont know how to use the climbing equipment , idk if hat is what makes me stuck but i cant find the wolf soldier or the 3rd grub/spirit . i went back to the absolute begining , and i couldnt find anything
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