The Tower on the Borderland

The Tower on the Borderland

tamkib1 6 Jun, 2024 @ 1:12am
Wanted to try the demo
But why is the camera constantly spinning ? is it ment to be like this ? is it a bug ? im very confused...
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
Dascu  [developer] 7 Jun, 2024 @ 12:12am 
Originally posted by tamkib1:
But why is the camera constantly spinning ? is it ment to be like this ? is it a bug ? im very confused...
Do you have any controllers plugged in? Or is it just mouse and keyboard?
tamkib1 8 Jun, 2024 @ 9:41pm 
Originally posted by Dascu:
Originally posted by tamkib1:
But why is the camera constantly spinning ? is it ment to be like this ? is it a bug ? im very confused...
Do you have any controllers plugged in? Or is it just mouse and keyboard?
Yea i do have a controller plugged in but when i tried to use it nothing happend so im not sure
Dascu  [developer] 9 Jun, 2024 @ 7:51am 
Originally posted by tamkib1:
Originally posted by Dascu:
Do you have any controllers plugged in? Or is it just mouse and keyboard?
Yea i do have a controller plugged in but when i tried to use it nothing happend so im not sure
OK - you could try to unplug it before starting, and then seeing if anything changes. Could you also let me know the type of controller?
tamkib1 12 Jun, 2024 @ 6:18am 
Originally posted by Dascu:
Originally posted by tamkib1:
Yea i do have a controller plugged in but when i tried to use it nothing happend so im not sure
OK - you could try to unplug it before starting, and then seeing if anything changes. Could you also let me know the type of controller?
Im using a PS4 controller and disconnecting it fixed the issue thank you for the help dev :)
Bulk Flummox 17 Jul, 2024 @ 12:43pm 
Same here. Would be nice if it was supported!
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