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Community Made Maps/Mission Packs
I'm planning to play with mods for the first time, starting from Quake Combat+. The thing is, I don't want to play it with official map & mission packs because I want to keep those vanilla and I'm saving other mission-packs that I haven't play for first time experience. I know someone told me to go to Quaddicted, what I need is the name of the maps/mission packs. I don't want to pick random maps yet and wanted to see what community maps/mission packs most players downloads, whether it's recent or old.
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Here recommendations for some vanilla maps

- Deathmatch dimensions is pretty fun
- Maps-Center's Retrojam 1 and 2

These are recommendations to play with Copper mod, but works with any other

- Backsteingotik (bakstein) by sock
- Februus Depth (februus) by czg
- Ripe with Decay (sm175_scampie) by scampie
- Antediluvian (ant) by metlslime
- The Horde of Zendar (zendar1d) by sock
- Bad Dark Cistern (dm456sp) by negke

And in the combat+ homepage from moddb you can find these other recommended

- Cimmerian Nights
- Dopa
- Empire of Disorder v2.2
- orlmaps
- qBlack
- Beyond Belief
- Coldlight
- Contract Revoked
- Deathmatch Classics Vol. 1
- Deathmatch Classics Vol. 2
- Deathmatch Classics Vol. 3
- Squire of Time
- Orlmap Series 2: The first half
- Area51
- City2000
- Realm of Tiddles
- Digs04
- Prodigy_se (warning! extremely hard)
- Reload
- Ravisod

These maps jams look compatible too

- Retrojam1..7
- Quake 25th Anniversary Limits Jam
- Qump (Quake Upstart Mapping Project)
- dm4Jam
- Func Map Jam 1, 2 and 6
- unusedJam
- RMX Pack
- Quake Turtlemap 2
- Coagula Contest 3
- Quake Condensed (RPGSMSE)
Origineel geplaatst door Yellow King VII:
Here recommendations for some vanilla maps

- Deathmatch dimensions is pretty fun
- Maps-Center's Retrojam 1 and 2

These are recommendations to play with Copper mod, but works with any other

- Backsteingotik (bakstein) by sock
- Februus Depth (februus) by czg
- Ripe with Decay (sm175_scampie) by scampie
- Antediluvian (ant) by metlslime
- The Horde of Zendar (zendar1d) by sock
- Bad Dark Cistern (dm456sp) by negke

And in the combat+ homepage from moddb you can find these other recommended

- Cimmerian Nights
- Dopa
- Empire of Disorder v2.2
- orlmaps
- qBlack
- Beyond Belief
- Coldlight
- Contract Revoked
- Deathmatch Classics Vol. 1
- Deathmatch Classics Vol. 2
- Deathmatch Classics Vol. 3
- Squire of Time
- Orlmap Series 2: The first half
- Area51
- City2000
- Realm of Tiddles
- Digs04
- Prodigy_se (warning! extremely hard)
- Reload
- Ravisod

These maps jams look compatible too

- Retrojam1..7
- Quake 25th Anniversary Limits Jam
- Qump (Quake Upstart Mapping Project)
- dm4Jam
- Func Map Jam 1, 2 and 6
- unusedJam
- RMX Pack
- Quake Turtlemap 2
- Coagula Contest 3
- Quake Condensed (RPGSMSE)

Whoa that's a massive list, Thanks a lot! really appreciate it
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