Knights in Tight Spaces

Knights in Tight Spaces

Fight Start Bug
If restarting a fight I have noticed that sometimes the enemies will not turn towards the characters and this causes a soft lock unless fight is restarted again. I would need to test more but this might be because I turned the camera before they got to move and this bugged the enemies. my other guess is it could still think after the restart that it is my or the enemies turn and can't prompt the next action the enemy would have taken. If people could test this and other actions with fight restarts so we can replicate and report the bug that would be great. If anyone else knows of soft lock bugs causing you to reset fights do drop a comment as well.
TLDR: restarting fights causes soft lock. more testing needed to check for why
Geplaatst op: 22 feb om 22:05
Aantal berichten: 0