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Highways/Roadways Request
I was building a nice highway scene with a cloverleaf junction and the inability to connect roadways really makes it look bad. I used the large highways as a the main road (a bridge crossing a roadway) and then used the smaller roads as the exits/on ramps, but they end up sticking through the road or next to the road or whatever. A way to snap roadways together would really help with this.
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Agreed - the means of exiting off the main highway and the means of linking roads together would be good.
Shinu 9 Feb @ 11:04pm 
Yeah, the only way I kind of made the roads look good, was adding a building inbetween them and acting like it's a conjunction and have the road switch directions or coming/going into the main city. I'm sure Matt is slowly working on more stuff, let us hope things will come into fruition
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