State of Decay

State of Decay

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Undead Sanya 20 Sep, 2013 @ 11:30am
Multiplayer/Persistent World/K&M Update
Welcome, new friends :)

TLDR: This is a single player game, and if desire alone could change that, it would. But it can't. Discussion of this topic is open on our home forum, although this single player game still cannot become a multiplayer game. We need to focus this forum here on the game that exists (the single player game) for the people who have paid for it and deserve to be heard. Thank you for your understanding and your time.

Whole story:

We love multiplayer games. Most of us at the Lab have made them for our entire careers, and indeed, this game was originally conceived as having multiplayer. But we had to decide in July to not add it.

The whole explanation was posted on July 3 by Jeff Strain (our fearless leader):

Hola fellow survivors,

There's been a flood of good news about State of Decay lately, and it's been both exhilarating and humbling to share it with you. It's always easy to share good news; but it's much harder to share disappointing news, and unfortunately that is what I must do today.

Over the past few weeks we've been working with Microsoft to lay plans for the future of State of Decay, including future Title Updates, DLC, and possible sequels. As part of that process we've also been thoroughly evaluating the possibility of adding co-op multiplayer to State of Decay. While there are great things in store for State of Decay, unfortunately multiplayer is not one of them.

As many of you know, we had originally planned to offer co-op multiplayer in State of Decay. However, we had to make the decision to cut it during development, which we announced in our forums one year ago. The reasons were mostly technical, as we were up to our eyeballs trying to retrofit our game engine to support an open-world sandbox game rather than the FPS style games it had been designed for. That retrofitting would have extended to the multiplayer support as well, and we estimated it could have delayed release of the game by as much as half a year. It was a painful decision, but a necessary one given the realities of our team size and project budget.

It's no secret the game has done well, so we now have the opportunity to realize some of our hopes — and your hopes — for how we reinvest in the game and make it even better. We know co-op is the most requested addition to State of Decay, and we've also continued to hope it might be a possibility after release. Unfortunately, after reevaluating it over the past few weeks, we believe our original estimate of six months was optimistic; the actual time is probably closer to nine months.

We could "check the box" and shoehorn multiplayer in sooner than that, but it wouldn't be a great experience, and certainly not one we'd be proud of. It's not simply a matter of adding the technology, but also redesigning core game systems to support multiple players, and then adding new content designed for people to play together. It's easy to imagine how all that would come together — as many have said, the game is practically begging for it — but retrofitting the game to add that experience would take the rest of this year, and well into the next. Worse, it would preclude our ability to offer any other kind of support for the game, including Title Updates and DLC.

We want to see a multiplayer State of Decay as badly as you do, but it’s not feasible to retrofit it into the existing game. That said, I can say definitively that multiplayer will be the absolute heart of any future State of Decay games. As many of you know, we've always had ambitious plans for the future of State of Decay, and those plans have not changed.

From the entire team at Undead Labs, I want to express our gratitude and appreciation to each of you for being here on the forums and giving us your thoughts, hopes, and opinions on the game every day. I'm not just talking to those of you who give us support and encouragement — although you give us the rocket fuel we need to keep going every day — but also those of you who provide constructive criticism and help "keep it real.”

Stay tuned for announcements on what we are going to do with State of Decay. We're just getting started.



So, since this is a dead horse, and I would rather we keep the forum for discussing stuff we can actually do... I'm going to close the multiplayer threads. You can always go to our main forum, where the multiplayer thread is still open.
Last edited by Undead Sanya; 15 Oct, 2013 @ 7:36am
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Undead Sanya 30 Sep, 2013 @ 12:38pm 
[Adding this by community recommendation]

(Persistent World) is not going to change. There will not be a developer-created option to turn it off. To do so would suck out a large part of what gives this game its impetus. Even if we were willing from a design point of view... because the persistent world aspect is the core of the game, "just adding the option" would be a tremendously time consuming thing. Let's put it this way. The amount of time it would take is equivalent to what it would take to add multiplayer, so even IF we had the time, we wouldn't spend it on gutting the game - we'd spend it on the thing we dreamed about doing.

We have, however, designed it so you do not need to play every day. We started with the assumption that our players were adults, like us, and WE don't have time to play every day. Many of us do our personal gaming on a weekly basis, if we're lucky.

The difference between "gone for two days" and "gone for a week" is minor, and the difference between "gone for a week" and "gone for a year" is barely visible to the human eye.

No one can die when you're offline unless that survivor was suicidal and you ignored multiple warnings.

No one will go missing when you're offline unless you left an infestation so near your base that it scared people.

Here is the FAQ:

I totally understand and respect that this game (one we never expected to go mass market, between the permadeath, the persistent world, and the nature of the experience) is not for everyone. I appreciate the time everyone spends reading about it and trying it, and if you decide it's not your thing, I hope we'll see you on a future game.
Undead Sanya 15 Oct, 2013 @ 7:36am 
Adding this by request, 10/15/13:

I posted two screenshots to the forum. They're from Chris, the programmer we hired specifically to devote all of his time to you.

Zip's project, the mouse, is harder to screenshot, but it's apparently leaps and bounds ahead of where it was.

We are aiming for the end of this week for you to have it. I'll know more in a couple days.
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