Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Kienata 18 Aug, 2020 @ 10:31am
Discussion Rules and Guidelines
Discussion Rules and Guidelines

Welcome to the Discussion section of Space Engineers. Our goal is to ensure that the Space Engineers community is a safe, inclusive, and constructive place. Please conduct yourself in a civilized manner at all times when participating in our community.

You are expected to adhere to the standard Steam Community Discussion Rules, which apply to this community. We strongly recommend you review these guidelines before making any post. Included below are additional guidelines that you should take into consideration.

Discussion Rules
  • Posts must be in the designated forum language. Posts in a language other than the designated language will be removed.

  • Piracy! All messages that include linking, mentioning or promoting of piracy will be deleted immediately! Your account will also receive an immediate ban ranging from 1 day to permanent.

  • Spamming and advertising are not permitted. Posts made for the purpose of promotion will be deleted immediately!

  • Any kind of violence, abuse, vulgarity, bad language, name-calling, bullying, hate speech, or pornography is not accepted and these messages will be deleted immediately. Your account will also receive an immediate ban ranging from 1 day to permanent.

  • You should not at any time openly argue with the forum moderators or administrators about imposing rules.

  • Necro- Please refrain from posting on old or out-of-date threads. Older threads may be obsolete or contain out-of-date information. These threads will be locked.

  • You may not attack Keen Software House or insult any Keen Software House employee.

  • You may not impersonate any Keen Software House employee or staff.

  • Respect other user's opinions. Don’t criticize or deride what other members believe about the game.

  • Try to keep all messages constructive and polite. For more information on Feedback and Constructive Criticism, please read below.

Feedback and Constructive Criticism

We invite you to post your feedback, either negative or positive. Without this, we won’t be able to improve the game and resolve any problems/bugs. Try to be as constructive as possible by providing reasons why you like or don’t like something in the game and what can be done to make it better.

Please contact us with your bugs, and feedback here:

Discussion Bans and User Generated Content.

A Ban on the Steam Discussions will also lock your ability to post ANY User Generated Content (UGC) this includes; Workshop Content, Screenshots, artwork, guides etc.

Please keep this in mind whilst spending time on the Discussions.
Last edited by Kienata; 8 May, 2022 @ 5:50am