Very Good Game - A Few Nitpicks
Game play is great so far. Really liking the combat. It feels good, and it is fun. That said, here are a few nitpicks:

Companions virtually REQUIRE mods to be good. That is not okay.

Gear upgrading: Just let us use gold and pay blacksmiths to do it. Stop forcing crafting. Not everyone likes it. And for those who don't, it is enough on its own to put them off this game. Crafting is a boring chore of a time sink in almost every game. And magically being able to upgrade your own gear while the blacksmith down the street cannot do it for you makes no sense. Think of world building and consistency when you design game mechanics.

Guards should not stand 50m from highwaymen and do nothing. That is just plain lazy. To a pathetic degree. Fix it.

Wands vs Pistols: Wands are just 'pistols but better.' Sure they lack the poise damage of pistols, but they have some small tracking, fire faster and work from about the same range. Pistols need slightly faster reload times.

Other than these relatively minor complaints, really enjoying my time so far. Going to get back to it!
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Don't forget how stiff pistols animations are
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