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hellofriedemann  [developer] 8 Feb, 2024 @ 9:50am
Hey everyone, there seems to be a bug on some PCs where the game becomes a tiny square window when changing any of the settings. I'm working on a fix for this. In the meantime, you can press alt + enter to get the game to work again.

Thanks for your patience and supporting me! <3

EDIT: I've just pushed a potential hotfix for this onto the games secret beta branch on Steam. I can't verify if it fixes anything though because I don't have a setup where this bug happens. If you wanna try the beta version with the fix, go into your library -> rightclick on SUMMERHOUSE -> Properties -> Betas -> select beta branch from the dropdown menu.

Let me know if the fix works for anyone who's encountered this problem before!
Last edited by hellofriedemann; 9 Mar, 2024 @ 11:06am