Star Trek: Resurgence

Star Trek: Resurgence

23 mag 2024, ore 7:30
Disengage docking clamps. Engage thrusters on my mark...
And we're live! PLUS - register your game to claim an Elite Federation Starter Pack for Star Trek Online!

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Visualizzazione di 1-15 commenti su 37
This looks amazing! I am trying to buy the Captain’s Edition but it does not appear to allow me to buy it with the base game bundled. The Captain’s Edition only shows the soundtrack. How can I purchase the Captain’s Edition? Thanks!
Why does this look like it has the graphics of a cheap pornographic game
It's been a long time, but my time is finally here! (Will always upvote Where my heart will take me )
live long and prosper
we need achievements
Achievments please!
loving the game!! Eager to see more content and games from you
Got the game today. Engage
Are there any plans to support ultrawide resolutions in the future without black boxes/bars?
Are there any plans for achievements cards or steam deck support?
Enjoying the game!
I ended up playing this all day. Combat sections were a bit janky, but I was fully entertained. A better Star Trek story than what we get out of a lot of 10 hour seasons nowadays. Hope you get the chance to tell more stories
Loving the game so far. Feeling like I'm part of the crew, as an XO or as a Lower Decker. I'm holding myself from finishing the game, because im enjoying every moment and dont want it to stop quickly. Very happy to see that the spirit of Tell Tale still lives. And hopping for the game open ways to other games in this universe, with better graphics but maintaining the quality of the story.
I loved you Telltales games, I love this one ! It's not flawless BUT as you say, there is so much passion in it! It's like a good Star Trek episode, characters are good, (not easy to be an as**ole in Federation :) but I try with both main characters ) -
Just one thing I didn't understand is how to play with keybord /mouse when you have to make a choice ? Can'tclick on 1-2 or 3 nor type it on keyboard. Music is a little bit loud (even on 10-20% in parameters settings it 's still loud to me ) - I like graphics, and effects even there are some time cheap... I really like them. I sincerly hope a season 2 one day !
Great! Now put the achievements back that are available on Playstation.
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