Fistful of Frags
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
!^  [developer] 18 Dec, 2014 @ 2:52am
Statement regarding hacks, cheating, etc
If you find a hacker, and manage to record its hacking activities, post it here along a the hacker's steam account and their account will be banned

How to record a demo: open console, write "record demo_name"
How to check someone's steam id: open console and write "status"

Note that this isn't a discussion focused area, just report.
Last edited by !^; 13 Mar, 2019 @ 1:25pm
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Showing 346-360 of 369 comments
Gramps 8 Jul, 2020 @ 9:13pm 
Originally posted by Lucca ЯG:
Oh good, you managed to get the guy I didn't have time to cap
MrJAG 13 Jul, 2020 @ 6:14pm 
More Deadeye on a different profile than earlier this week.

Steam ID from console Status:

Info from steamidfinder:

Steam Profile URL:

Youtube Video (With Status Comman in Console)
Mazer 24 Jul, 2020 @ 5:38am 
Originally posted by Meh:
Need supporting evidence.
Gramps 29 Jul, 2020 @ 5:00pm 
Another day, another Deadeye alt account cheating in FOF

(Aimbot, Possible Wallhack, and script spam)

Last edited by Gramps; 29 Jul, 2020 @ 5:01pm
Gramps 2 Aug, 2020 @ 2:11am 
And once again, another jerkoff feels like ruining the fun with cheats

Long Live Kekistan

Aimbot(pretty obvious snapping), possible wallhack(able to tell enemy's location way before they are visible)
craZy_y0™ 20 Aug, 2020 @ 4:37pm 
Based off the assumption that they have been banned on the previously mentioned SteamIDs thanks to Gramps & co. it seems like Deadeye and Sharpshooter are continuing to cheat on new accounts in order to circumvent their previous bans. Hopefully ban evasion counts as an acceptable offence towards banning their new/throwaway accounts.

I unfortunately have no footage because I didn't have OBS open and I joined late game. However if anyone does have footage please come forward. We need to catch up with them and we should be at least one step ahead of them, otherwise they're just going to continue to make throwaway accounts to cheat on. I do have proof however that they are using new accounts from what was previously reported here.



Hopefully this gets sorted for good because we don't like cheaters, if anything it's partially what's killing the playerbase. I don't really understand why you'd want to cheat on a game that gets like 200-300 unique players a week...

EDIT: It seems like Deadeye may have been making threats to dox another player, I don't know the whole story about this but I did hear a little about "address dropping" and a bit of it was even mentioned in my screenshot.
Last edited by craZy_y0™; 20 Aug, 2020 @ 4:39pm
craZy_y0™ 3 Sep, 2020 @ 9:13am 
I have a new case, this time behold Lak3!


All other information is available in the recording to prove that this is the real player. This guy was seen on BEST WESTERN #9 just under an hour ago, aimbotting with the Smith. The first person to call him out was YAYOI, Lak3 later denies the allegations but instead starts to accuse me of cheating which I wasn't and I've never cheated in FoF - the only reason being because I thought YAYOI was talking about me so I got myself caught in a sticky situation. The chat log is also present towards the end of the recording including me entering the status command in console.

Basically speaking, I had been on the server for about an hour prior just contesting against Fisherman, trying out a new loadout. Lak3 came in all of a sudden aimbotting and after the hackusations, I thought he started ragehacking because both me and Fisherman were playing on the server but it turned out he just came on with the sole purpose to cheat.

Keep in mind that this guy was already banned on the Novosibirsk servers and he has seemingly cheated in other games too, as he has a game ban on record from just over 3 months ago. Hopefully this gets resolved :)
Gramps 11 Sep, 2020 @ 11:53pm 
Another day, another jerkoff ruining someone's fun with aimbots. This guy's snap was so obvious you could see it even in the first example where he was point blank. I was trying to record more footage, but for whatever reason that got corrupted, this is all I got before he jumped out

Gramps 16 Sep, 2020 @ 2:22pm 
And here comes another level 0 bottom feeder jerkoff
Unfortunately I didn't manage to get the footage of when he was directly playing against me.
It's pretty clear he has aimbots and wallhacks, including the ability to shoot through completely solid walls without having a visual of me, and I do mean actually solid objects like that windowless section of cripple creek's red chest room, the one that has a slope that leads up to it.
On the topic of aimbots, this jackass also would headshot from hundreds of feet away the very nanosecond you leave cover and if spectator footage is anything to go by, he's also seeing positions of other players by tracking them through solid walls.
The footage I have of him didn't have him using cheats as egregiously, probably because I made it clear how obvious his cheats are.

Gramps 29 Sep, 2020 @ 5:24pm 
Here we have another one. He was killing with headshots about 90-95% of the time and when I decided to record it, some of the snaps were kinda obvious. I slowed down the footage at certain parts to make it clear

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